Prayer Requests

Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. (John 4:35)

1.  Worship

·  Speakers, Worship Leaders, Singspiration Leader, Ushers

·  Chinese Choir

2.  Outreach

·  Children’s fellowship every Saturday evening.

·  Next Baptismal Candidates: Jakey Chan, Andy Jen, and Ivy Liu.

·  St. John’s University campus ministry

·  Support group for parents with problem kids

3.  Relationship

·  Health of Arthur Eng, Sister Yu, Gee Thong Ng

·  Summer conference: Rev. John Sun, weather, staff, unbelivers, Small group leaders, and 134 people who have registered.

4.  Discipleship

·  The children Sunday school & the need for more co-worker and teacher

·  God will use the church website to reach the world for Christ

·  God will use the prayer meeting to revive His church

5.  Stewardship

·  Approval of C.O. application

·  Good relationship with the Korean Baptist Church and the barber shop

ATtendance of last WEEK / offerings of last WEEK
Eng/Chi. / English/Chinese
Worship / 129 /
/ $5,480.00
Sunday School / 37 /
/ $1,140.00
Children Worship / -- /
Building Fund
/ $800.00
Baby / 2 /
Summer Conf.
/ $300.00
Prayer Meeting / 9 / Flower / $250.00
Small Group / 33 / Total : / $7,970.00

Great Commission Bible Church

English Service

May 16, 2010 #295

Vision statement of the church: To love God by obeying

all of Christ’s W.O.R.D.S in the power of the Holy Spirit

one choice at a time.

“This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3)

9:30 AM English Worship Service

11:30 AM Chinese Worship Service (Mandarin/Cantonese)

80-22 164th Street, Jamaica, NY 11432

(718) 380-0110

Pastor: Rev. Dean DeCastro

Worship Service

Prelude / Pianist
& Worship / #49 O God, Our Help in Ages Past
#14 God of Gods, We Sound His Praises
Hymn #12 How Great Thou Art! / Congregation
Prayer / Rev. Dean DeCastro
Written Word / Rev. 6: 1—17 / Bill Kane
Offertory Prayer / Bill Kane
Spoken Word / The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Rev. 6: 1—17 / Rev. Milton Eng
Song of Response / Hymn #277 My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less / Congregation
Communion / Rev. Dean DeCastro
Doxology / Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Amen / Congregation
Benediction / Rev. Dean DeCastro
Amen / Silent Prayer / Congregation
Announcements / Bill Kane
Postlude / Pianist
This Sunday / Next Sunday
Singspiration / Sophia Giraldo / Pastor Dean
Worship Leader / Bill Kane / Henry Jia
Pianist / Sabrina Su / Sabrina Su
Audio/Video / Samuel Chen / Samuel Chen
Usher / Melanie Rivera / Shu Hui Kane
Flowers / Yan Er Tao / Amy Au
Cleaning / Group 3 (Jan Chen) / Group 4 (Sister Wei)
Communion / Henry Ye and Henry Jia / ---


1.  Let us prepare our hearts for the communion service as we remember together the death and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also welcome our first-time guests; please fill out the “Newcomers” form.

2.  We welcome and extend our thanks to our guest speaker Rev. Milton Eng. May God richly bless his ministry.

3.  The 13rd baptismal service will be held on May 23rd in Chinese Service. The 3 baptismal candidates are Jakey Chen, Ivy Liu, Andy Zen.

4.  Please join the English small group as we study “ Raising Positive Kids in the Negative world”. Group 5 (Pastor Dean/Stephen Giraldo) Sunday 1:45pm in the Church. Please register with Stephen.

5.  The 10th Annual Summer Conference will be held during Memorial Day Weekend May 29 to 31 (Sat. to Mon.) at Eddy Farm Retreat Center. The topic is “Reaping The Harvest” and speaker is Rev. John Sun. Please see registration form for details & reserve this weekend & pray for the conference. Today (May 16th) is the last day for registration. Please submit registration form to Henry Ye. To date, we have 134 registered.

No Sunday service on May 30 due to Summer Conference.

6.  If you are interested in purchasing the10th Anniversary DVD, please submit an order form to sister Jan Chen, each DVD costs $5.00.

7.  Let us continue praying for the deficits of our church’s building project. We need to raise $750,000 (including the renovation expenses of $150,000). Last week, we received $800.00 for the building fund (total $700,860.08). Please prayerfully consider your commitment to this project.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Rev. 6:1—17 Rev. Milton Eng
