Homework Policy


The aims of our HomeworkPolicy are:

  • To ensure consistency of approach throughout the school
  • To ensure progression
  • To share learning with parents/carers
  • To improve attainment by consolidating learning through reinforcement and revision
  • To provide opportunities for families to work together to enjoy learning experiences
  • To improve the quality of the learning experiences offered to pupils
  • To enable children to take responsibility for their own learning, to become independent learners and to develop perseverance

Homework can be a useful way of consolidating and extending learning

Homework is a way that the school can inform parents/carers of the learning experiences that their child has at school. Learning can be revised and consolidated as homework to help raise attainment.


  • Reading to be completed every night
  • Exploring spelling patterns
  • Numeracy and maths, including mental maths skills
  • Up-levelling a story using VCOP strategies (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation)
  • Drawing or designing
  • Consolidation work, eg, ‘show me what you know about…’
  • Research activities
  • Reciting a poem
  • Information handling tasks, for example, tallying cars
  • Personal projects or talks that may include ICT presentations



Children have the responsibility to complete homework neatly, with pride and to the best of their ability. Children should remember to come to school prepared with their homework jotter, reading book and reading records/homework diary.


The school has the responsibility to ensure that the tasks set are appropriate to the needs of the children. Teachers will acknowledge completed homework by marking it with a sticker and or commentso that children and parents can see that we value the effort that is put in at home. Teachers also have the responsibility to ensure that homework is given out weekly and that the 7 Principles of Curriculum Design are taken into account. For more information on the Principles of Curriculum Design, please follow:


Parents are responsible for supporting their children and the school in achieving the aims of theHomework Policy, encouraging the children and praising their efforts. Parents should take an active interest in their child’s homework and offer support when needed. Parents should remember to sign homework when completed and to keep in touch through the Home/School Diary. Parents should ensure that their child has a quiet, comfortable setting to complete their homework. Children may need a lot of support from parents in the early years to complete their homework, however as the children progress through the school, less support should be given to ensure that the children are taking more responsibility for their learning.

Examples of homework

The homework that is sent home for spelling may have the following layout. Reading should be completed daily.aths and other homework, for example topic homework will also be sent home regularly.

Spelling homework example P1-P4

  • Look, cover, write and check each of your given spelling words three times.
  • Choose one of the activities below to complete for spelling homework.
  • Write the activity number that you have decided to do in your jotter and colour in the appropriate place on the grid.
  • You must complete a different activity each week.

Spelling Bee
Spell your words out loud to a parent. / 2*
Three Times
Write words 3 times. You can write in pencil, pen or crayon. / 3*
Connect the Dots
Write your spelling words in dots, connect the dots with a coloured pencil. / 4*
Other Handed Words
Write your words using your other hand.
3D Words
Make/sculpt your words from clay/playdough. / 6*
Type ‘Em
Type your spelling words on the computer. Make your words have a different font. / 7*
Story, Story
Write a short story using all your spelling words. Underline your words. / 8*
Write the definitions of your words in your spelling jotter.

Spelling homework example P5-P7

  • Look, cover, write and check each of your given spelling words three times.
  • Choose one of the activities below to complete. Each activity is worth a specific number of points. Your homework activities must add up to at least 15 points every week.
  • Write the activity number that you decide to do in your jotter and colour the appropriate place on the grid.
  • You must complete all of the activities over the term.

5 points
Play hangman with a partner using your words. / 5 points
Order them
Write words, then write them in alphabetical order. / 5 points
Act it out
Play charades. / 5 points
Type them
Type your spelling
words on the
computer. Make
each word have a
different font.
10 points
Write in your spelling jotter the meanings of your words.
(Can specify if you want pupils to use a dictionary.) / 10 points
Word Search
Write your spelling words in a grid, fill the empty squares with letters. Get a partner to find your words in your word search. / 10 points
Words within words
Write each spelling word and then write at least two words made from the same letters that are hidden inside the word.
e.g. slide – side, lie, led / 10 points
Adding my words
Each letter has a value. Consonants are worth 10, vowels worth 5. Find out word totals. E.g. said: 10+5+5+10=30
15 points
Make some Music
Write a song or rap that uses your words / 15 points
Secret agent words
Number the alphabet from 1-26. Convert words into a number code. / 15 points
Write a TV commercial using words. You can then record the advert if you want. / 15 points
Code Words
Make up a symbol for each letter of the alphabet. Write your words using your code.


Homework will be handed out on a weekly basis, however, flexibility may be expected at very busy times of year /at the end of term. Topic or research homework may be given a longer timeframe to complete.

If a child has been unable to complete their homework tasks then please let the teacher know by communicating through the Home/School Diary.

Details of homework expectations will be written in the Homework jotter or the Home/School Diary. This will include:

  • The details of the task
  • The timeframe

Failure to complete homework

In the event of homework not being completed or handed in without prior agreement with the teacher, on a regular basis, the parents will be informed with a view to fostering a positive attitude to homework and its completion. Please contact the class teacher if you are having difficulties with homework to see how the school can support families.


Gordon Primary School is an inclusive school. We aim to make children feel included in all activities. We have systems in place to identify barriers to learning and participation so that children can engage in learning at their own pace. We acknowledge the need for high expectations and suitable targets for all children as well as setting challenges. We strive to make our homework enjoyable, however, learning by rote, ie, spelling rules and times tables is an invaluable way to learn.

Please approach the school if you would like to discuss homework or if you have any concerns.

Appendix 1

Homework Reminder

______has not handed in his/her homework on a couple of occasions this term. Please ensure that homework is handed in this ______? If you have any concerns or difficulties with homework, please get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Appendix 2

GordonPrimary School

Castle Street



AB54 4SE


Dear Parent/Carers,

Unfortunately, ______has not completed/handed in homework on 5 occasions this term. At Gordon Primary we believe that homework can help raise attainment, develop perseverance and promote independent learning.

You can support the school and your child by providing a quiet area for them to complete their homework, signing it when it has been completed and also reminding your child to come to school prepared every morning.

If for any reason your child is unable to complete their homework, please let the class teacher know.

Thank you for your support,

Yours sincerely,