Barnaby Festival Public Meeting held at St Michael’s church on 13th July 2017
Attendees: David Gooda (Chair of trustees), Peter Robinson, Sarah Miles, Alec Johnston, Paul Simms, Dawn Devine, Nick Ridehalgh, Olga Bileski, Mike Thorpe, David Mayers, Beverley Moore, Camilla Crockett, Judi Goodwin, Dilani Gooda, JenniDuggen, Donald Heywood, Lorna Green, Kalvin Kent, BecciPeart, Peter Breen, Molly Morris, Nicola Waterworth, Marc Jackson (part), Deirdre Groombridge (minutes)
Apologies: Karl Wallace
- Welcome and introduction
David welcomed everyone to the meeting which will be a mixture of an update on the 2018 festival preparation and time for exploring ideas.
- Update
David gave an update – see separate presentation - on what has been going on since the last festival. This included information on the Research and Development (R&D) projects, the work of the Community Engagement Officer - particularly the work being done with schools, and the pop-up performances that have taken place.
The outline of the 2018 festival was also included in the presentation.
Application forms for ‘Open Call Submissions’ for Barnaby 2018 were distributed. These need to be submitted by Friday 25th August.
(NB –this deadline was subsequently extended to 29 September 2017)
- Ideas
The meeting split into small groups to come up with ideas that could fit into the plan outlined above. Feedback given:
-local artists exhibiting works of art based on the ROOTS theme (portraits)
-Is there space for supporting people to form collaborations?
-Youth - getting young people to run some events/projects - Graffiti art - Zine workshops - Skate areas
-Involve Macc college - fashion upcycling, textiles, link with local charity shops, involve M&S (M&S known to be advocates of upcycling projects
-Paradise Mill - link to suffragettes - anniversary of women’s right to vote - is there a Macc link? Local history/links. Funding available. Molly recommendation for a local (M’cr) artist who specialises in textiles and works at People’s History Museum
-Roots - food/foraging/dining- dinner clubs and allotment growers
-Roots and link with town-based orienteering
-Signage - navigating round town was difficult in 2016. Molly happy to discuss with anyone interested - take people out of their normal ‘ways’
-Information point re routes?
-Huge globe/maps for people to mark where their family is from or where roots are
-Roots - plants - schools to be given seeds to pant 6 months before and then bring to MBF for judging
-Bake-off - schools? use vegetables in season (courgette, strawberries, beetroot, gooseberries, carrots )
-Sourdough starter
-Musical roots - Use MMC - different era/styles of music e.g. Early Music
-A cycle route/ride
-PanAm (comedian) (routes)
-Food - move between restaurants for different courses
-Mystery plays
-Radio 4: Ramblings
-Storytelling in bandstands in parks for children out of town
-Use aviaries in parks
-Associate artists can make their own application to Arts Council
-PM (radio 4) is running a piece about the silk road from China - link to Macs?
-DVD of festival to be made and then sold and proceeds fed back into the pot
- Meeting closure
Before the meeting closed, Beverley asked for people to subscribe online to the Barnaby mailing lists - one for information and one for volunteers.
David closed the meeting and encouraged everyone to attend future meetings and to bring a friend.