20% of people ALWAYS buy!
20% of people will never buy!
60% depends on YOU!
60% Depends on the Following:
A. 3 Keys to Making a Sale
1) Prospects (MAC’s) not Suspects
a. Married vs. Single
b. Homeowner vs. Apartments
c. 30-60 yrs. Vs. Young adult & Retirees
a. $ Selecting the Best Option (the Close) Page
b. $ Recommendations Page
c. $ Phone Approach Page
3) A.F.T.O. (Ask for the Order)
B. Confidence & Enthusiasm
· If you EXPECT people to buy, they can tell.
· Be CONFIDENT and expect a SALE
· Remember, you are the EXPERT.
C. Presenting Investment Options & Handling Concerns
After ASKING FOR THE ORDER the customer will either say:
“I’ll Take It” or “It’s too much money”
Respond With:
“No problem, (Name) thank you for helping me out and letting me practice on you. Can I ask you a few questions to see how I did on my presentation?”
Pre Drop Down Questions:
“How did you like CUTCO?” (wait for answer)
“What do you like about it?” (agree and confirm answers)
“If this set were free, would you use it?” (smile and agree)
“Ok so is the money the main thing keeping you from getting it?
Present Options:
“I hope I didn’t give you had to pay for it all today. What a lot of people like to do is use of our NO-INTEREST investment options, can I show you what it looks like?” (write out numbers on paper)
2-Pay $______3-Pay $______***5-Pay*** $______
“Our 2-PAY investment plan is only ______today and ______in one month.”
“Our 3-PAY investment plan is only ______today and the same amount will be billed every 30 days after that. So your next payment won’t be until ______.”
“You could even break it up on a 5-PAY plan on your credit card, which is only about ______a month. This is our most poplar choice.”
Set & Price / 2-Pay / 3-Pay / 5-PayUltimate Set ($2699)
Signature Set ($1919)
Homemaker+8 ($1295)
Basic Homemaker ($1039)
Galley +6 ($945)
Basic Galley ($729)
Essentials +5 ($719)
Basic Essentials ($539)
Studio +4 ($570)
Basic Studio ($429)
Space Saver ($595)
All Knife Set ($529)
Kitchenette ($445)
Gourmet Set ($839)
How to use bonus points for better results
*Effective use of bonus points is a big key to making a lot sales
*Using bonus points properly will accomplish 3 goals:
1) Customer will get a great deal on Cutco (some for free!)
2) Turn potential no sales into a sale
3) Increase your average sale, thus income
Use this chart when determining how much free Cutco a customer can get.
(25 Point per $100 of Cutco based on Line 1 –the Cash Sale Price)
$100-$200 / 25 pts$200-$300 / 50 pts
$300-$400 / 75 pts
$400-$500 / 100 pts
$500-$600 / 125 pts
$600-$700+ / 150 pts
***These are general guidelines***
Example: Homemaker +8 (1295)= 300 points available (12 x 25 pts)
You don’t have to use all your bonus points each time. The key is effective use of them. You can give customers exactly what they want, provided you follow the guidelines.
Great things to offer for free:
Table Knives (25pts)
Peeler (25pts)
Ice Cream Scoop (30pts)
Paring/Trimmer/Spatula (40pts)
Pocket Knives (40pts)
Fisherman’s Solution (70pts)
Super Shears (85pts)
Kitchen Tool Set (110pts)
Order much be over 100 in Line 1 (Cash Sale Price)
Bonus Points are only allowed on the first visit (1st Call)
**Remember a sale today is better than a promise for later, even 1 knife is better.**
Example 1
Items / Price / CPO / Points (only for Free itemsTrimmer
Line 1 / Total CPO / Total Pts
Total CPO _____ minus Points given away for free _____= CPO Paid ON_____
Total Points / CPOExample 2 (Building Up)
Items / Price / CPO / Points (only for Free itemsTrimmer
Line 1 / Total CPO / Total Pts
Total CPO _____ minus Points given away for free _____= CPO Paid ON_____
Total Points / CPOExample 3 (first call special/urgency)
Items / Price / CPO / Points (only for Free items8 Table Knives
Petite Carver
Line 1 / Total CPO / Total Pts
Total CPO _____ minus Points given away for free _____= CPO Paid ON_____
Total Points / CPOExample 4 (dropping down)
Items / Price / CPO / Points (only for Free items6 Table Knives
2 Table knives
Line 1 / Total CPO / Total Pts
Total CPO _____ minus Points given away for free _____= CPO Paid ON_____
The Trade in Special
Our secret weapon is the trade in special. It is a program where a customer can get a tremendous discount by trading in some of their old knives. Use the trade in special when the customer:
1) Feels the price is too high
2) Already has some knives that they believe are “good enough”
3) If in doubt, use the trade in special anywayJ
Respond with:
“Mr./Mrs. ______, do you have a couple of old knives you don’t like? We have a special program that we are offering called the Trade in Special.
(Now I can’t give you those Kitchen Tools/Shear for free)
But what I can do it take off $256 if you trade in a couple old knives, so that would actually make this Homemaker Set that you like go for ONLY $1039 instead of $1295! And you can still use the investments options for this set, the 5-pay option for Homemaker +8 set would only be $220. How does that sound?”
How to write it up:
Homemaker +8 Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $1295 1 2001-B (C/W) Ext. Block Homemaker
Trade-in Price $1039 8 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 994 minus Points Given for Free (200 pts) = CPO paid ON 794CPO
Points: 200 CPO: 794
Galley +6 Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $945 1 2007-B (C/W) Ext. Block Galley
Trade-in Price $729 6 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 689 minus Points Given for Free (150 pts) = CPO paid ON 539CPO
Points: 150 CPO: 539
Essentials +5 Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $719 1 1845-B (C/W) Ext. Block Essentials
Trade-in Price $539 5 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 507 minus Points Given for Free (125 pts) = CPO paid ON 382CPO
Points: 125 CPO: 382
Studio +4 Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $570 1 1809-B (C/W) Ext. Block Studio
Trade-in Price $429 4 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 399 minus Points Given for Free (100 pts) = CPO paid ON 299CPO
Points: 100 CPO: 299
Ultimate Set Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $2699 1 1813-B (C/W) Ext. Block Ultimate
Trade-in Price $2355 12 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 2307 minus Points Given for Free (300 pts) = CPO paid ON 2007CPO
Points: 300 CPO: 2007
Signature Set Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $1919 1 1814-B (C/W) Ext. Block Homemaker
Trade-in Price $1615 10 1759 (C/W) Table Knives (FREE)
CPO 1570 minus Points Given for Free (250 pts) = CPO paid ON 1320CPO
Points: 250 CPO: 744
Gourmet Set Qty Item# Description
Normal Price $839 1 1-1749 Gourmet Block, 1 1737 Cleaver,
Trade-in Price $657 1- 1738 Hardy Slicer, 1-1735 Veg. Knife
SAVINGS $182 1- 1766 Santoku-FREE, C. Board-FREE 1-Boning Knife-FREE
CPO 625 minus Points Given for Free (165 pts) = CPO paid ON 460CPO
Points: 165 CPO: 460
Shifting Gears:
1st Gear: People you know really well
2nd Gear: People you know
3rd Gear: People you’ve met but don’t know too well (chicken list)
4th Gear: Recommendations
Reasons to call your chicken list
1) More Practice
2) More and better referrals (new circle)
3) Perfect intermediate step
4) More Sale
5) Expand your comfort zone and more confidence
Thought Joggers
Your initial list of people to show CUTCO to is one of the most important aspects of your success with Vector. It is an axiom in the selling field that success comes to the people who show their products the most. More presentations means more references, more sales and more importantly while you are new, more practice. The average new person can show CUTCO to at least 100 friends, relatives and acquaintances before ever doing a presentation for a total stranger. If you develop a list of 200, 300, 400 names, or more, and follow up on the entire list, your success will be assured.
Review the list below and add to your potential prospects
on a continuing basis:
- Relatives, in-laws, second cousins -high school yearbook
- people who graduated before/after you -parents of people you go to school with
- teachers from high school or college -friends of friends you have met
- co-workers from previous jobs you have had -who do you know who likes nice things
- who do you know that is engaged -people from past weddings
- the family doctor, dentist, mechanic -insurance agent, pharmacist, lawyer
- everyone in your neighborhood -people from your old neighborhood
- people from church or clubs -people from sports teams
- most successful person you know -people that own their own business
- most successful sales person you know -nurses, doctors, teachers
- airline employees, bank employees -go over your Christmas card list
- go through your address book, cell phone -people you used to date
- local government officials -FACEBOOK list, email list
Use these THOUGHT joggers to add to your list make it as long as you can!
1) Your original list of names may be the single greatest asset you have. Make sure you stay on, increase and expand your initial list.
2) Follow the approach word for word. Regardless of outcome, always ask for reco’s.
3) Let the customer write as long as possible. Then compliment them after the second reco. Don’t rush them. Stay an extra few minutes if necessary.
4) Assume that you are going to get references. Always ask for more than you expect to get. Speak with a clear strong voice and with positive expectation. Ask them to use their address book or cell to think of more.
5) Help the customer think of more names. When the customer returns the reco sheet to you ask, “Who do you know that I can see during the day or that lives in (area of the city)?”
6) Handle the basic objections. The customer is probably unsure of what you are going to do with them. Getting names is easy if you are prepared.
7) Qualify your leads. This makes your job easier and more fun. “Just so I know a little more about these people ….”
a. Are they all married?
b. Are they all over 30?
c. How do you know them?
d. When is the best time to call?
e. Area of the city
As you know Mrs. Jones, I get paid to show CUTCO, but I hit my goals faster when people get stuff. So if you were me, who would you see first?
***Put a STAR beside the best people***
Important Points
1) Set a GOAL before you get on the phone
a. Example: Set 3 for tomorrow and 2 for the next day
2) Follow up with all customers seen within the last 2 weeks
3) Get a planner and write in your scheduled follow-ups
4) Plan a few minutes each day for follow-up
5) Contact all YES people ASAP, ideally within 24 hours
6) Three “No’s” in a row- STOP AND CALL FOR HELP!!!!
The Phone Must Do’s
1) Follow the Approach WORD FOR WORD
2) SMILE when you dial- people can tell the differenceJ
3) Always office a choice of TWO times. Set DEFINITE times.
4) Block off appointments times in your schedule BEFORE you start calling.
5) Be enthusiastic! It is HOW you say something that matters most.
6) Stress the reference –“______really thought you would love it”
7) Make calls in the OFFICE, it’s more fun and you get help.
8) Consistent phone TIME= Consistently bigger PAY CHEQUES.
The Phone Must Not’s
1) Don’t setup appointments more than THREE days in advance
2) Don’t be afraid to ask for an IMMEDIATE appointment
3) Avoid words like selling, marketing, demonstration, etc.
4) Don’t use WIMP/JELLY FISH words (would you, could you, maybe)
Acquaintance/Chicken List
Church Directory
Calling Friends Parents
School/Sports Directory
Seeing Neighbors (Face-to-Face)
Facebook Approach
Leap Frog Approach
Acquaintance Approach
(people you sort of know)
Hi (name), this is (Your name) How are you? I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m (neighbor, child’s friend, other relation). The reason I was calling was that I just started a great new job, and as part of my training I need to do some training appointments.
You see, I just got this great new job for the (Summer/Semester) where I can gain some valuable business experience and earn a scholarship. The company actually pays me to show the product to people in the area. I’m still fairly new, and I’m not quite prepared to see people I don’t know, so right now I’m practicing with people that (the relation) said would be nice to me and maybe listen. Now, (name) please understand that you don’t have to buy anything; I’m just doing it for the practice. Plus, the presentation is a lot of fun and will not take too much of your time.
The only thing, (name) is that I have to SQUEEEEZE in (#) appointments by (day). So can you SQUEEEEEZE me in on (day) at (time) or would (time) be better for you? (Choice of two times)
GREAT! Thanks sooooo much, (name). This really helps me out! I’m looking forward to seeing you again on (day) at (time). Thanks again, (name). Have a good day/evening!