NOVEMBER 10, 2015


The Board of Aldermen of the City of Elsberry met on the evening of the above date at Elsberry City Hall, 6:30 pm. Mayor Steve Wilch presided over the meeting. Present were Aldermen Rusty Kinion, Aldermen Brent Rockwell, Alderman Tony Steele, Aldermen Mike Talbot, Aldermen Terry Harper, Aldermen Matt Hartley, City Clerk Sharon Kakouris, City Collector Rachel Reed, City Treasurer Tammy Sharpe and Chief Brian Jeffries. Also present were Marshall Suddarth and Tony Sneed of Alliance Water Resources, Brian Martin of MECO Engineering, City Attorney Rob Guinness, and PBP Committee Chairman Aprile Taylor was absent.

Mayor Wilch called the meeting to order and led in the pledge to the flag. Roll call deemed a quorum present.

A motion was made to change the agenda to include grants for the Emergency Services and Old Glory Jubilee fundraisers to new business. Motion was made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Kinion, with the following vote:

AYES-Harper, Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion,


ABSENT-None Motion carried 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.

Minutes of the previous meetings were approved as written upon motion by Aldermen Kinion and seconded by Aldermen Harper. Vote was as follows:

AYES-Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.

Unpaid bills were presented for the Board’s consideration. Motion to approve said bills was made by Aldermen Kinion, seconded by Aldermen Harper, with the following vote:

AYES-Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Harper, Hartley, Kinion


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent.


Chad Eagan with Boonslick Regional Planning stated that the Demo Project is in Jefferson City for approval. Once we hear from them we will be ready to start the project.

Mr. Eagen stated that there are working on Utility Mapping GPS for water and sewer lines, fire hydrants and gas line. It will be in a digital format. He will send proposals to Mayor Wilch for the council to consider.

Brian Martin with MECO Engineering stated that the advertising for bids is out. The bids will be open on December 2nd at 1:00 PM. He has nothing to report on the lagoon project.


Major Wilch asked the Board about the Bond Issue for the wastewater. Rob Guinness will have an ordinance to be approved on the December agenda.


Mayor Wilch stated that Rachel Reed would like to extend the deadline for late payments due to the problems with the Elsberry Post Office and the bills being lost.

A motion was made to extend the water payments due date to the 20th of November, a motion was made by Aldermen Rockwell and Alderman Talbot, with the following vote:

AYES- Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper, Hartley


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Lauren Holland would the Boards approval for Christmas Decorating contest for the first and second weeks of December with judging on December 11th. The winners would be given a traveling trophy. In January since the pizza sales were such a success they would like to again have the pizza sales for Super Bowl weekend. In February or March have a Bunco night for 2 or 3 hours, when it can be arranged with the American Legion.

A motion to allow the Old Glory Jubilee committed to have the 3 fundraiser was made by Aldermen Rockwell and seconded by Aldermen Hartley, with the following vote:

AYES- Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper, Hartley, Rockwell


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0

Brian Jeffries would like to be able to apply for grants, and not wait for the Boards approval. Some of the grants that are being applied for are free and have short deadlines. He is asking for approval from the Mayor if they are free grants and get council approval if they are a matching grant. He has one grant that has to be submitted by November 30th for 9 handheld radios and 3 car radios. The radios are free.

A motion was made to allow Chief Jeffries to apply for a grant from Motorola for 9 handheld radios and 3 car radios; motion was made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Harper, with the following vote:

AYES- Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper, Hartley, Rockwell


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0

Bill #2015-011-01, “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ELSBERRY, MISSOURI, CALLING FOR A MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON APRIL 5, 2016” was presented to the Board for their consideration. Motion to read Bill #2015-011-01 two times by title only was made by Alderman Kinion, seconded by Alderman Rockwell with the following vote:

AYES- Talbot, Kinion, Harper, Hartley, Rockwell, Steele


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Bill #2015-011-01 was read two times by title only. Motion to adopt Bill #2015-011-01 was made by Alderman Hartley, seconded by Alderman Talbot with the following vote:

AYES- Kinion, Harper, Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent


Library-Mayor Wilch stated that the Library had 1735 visitors and had $510 for Memorials. They will be holding their spring event on April 2nd which consists of a dinner, band and silent auction.

Cemetery/Parks – Rita McCartel’s concerns over the burial of the cremation remains of Etta Hubbard. They had requested her remains to be buried at the head of Emma Jeffries, her mother, grave and instead the remains had to be buried at the foot of her mother’s grave. The committee voted to recommend to the Board refunding $150.00 to Rita McCartell, a motion was made by Aldermen Talbot, seconded by Aldermen Rockwell, with the following vote:

AYES- Harper, Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Infrastructure-Nothing to report.

Emergency Services-Nothing to report.

Page Branch Park – Nothing to report.

Old Glory Jubilee – Nothing to report.

Tree Board- Aldermen Talbot stated that he had received word that the grant was approved for $10,000.00, he then received and email stating it was approved for $8,846.00. We have not received any paperwork at this time. Once we do he will get a hold of Davey’s Tree Service and see what can be done.


Mayor Wilch – Thanked all the Veterans for their service. Stated that Terry Harper is working with John Clark at Ameren on lights for the cemetery. He stated that Mayor Terry Martin is in the hospital in Room 44 at big Barnes Hospital.

Aldermen Kinion – Thought that a budget workshop needed to be scheduled for the 2016 Budget. The meeting has been scheduled for November 24th at 6:30 PM. The Infrastructure committee meeting was set up for November 18th at 5:30 PM.

Aldermen Rockwell – nothing to report.

Aldermen Hartley – nothing to report.

Aldermen Talbot – nothing to report

Aldermen Harper – John Clark is going to draw up 2 different plans for the lighting at the cemetery.

Aldermen Steele- Would also like to thank the Veterans that served our country. He also asked for an update on the fence on 3rd street. Mayor Wilch stated that he has 2 members that are going to resigned from the board and needs to fill those position to have a quorum. If anyone has any suggestions for people who might serve, please let him know.


Rob Guinness- Attorney – nothing to report.

Marshall Suddarth- Stated that they are working on the Christmas decorations and need to order 1000 bulbs at a cost of approximately $300.00. A motion was to purchase 1000 bulbs at approximately $300.00, motion made by Aldermen Rockwell, seconded by Aldermen Talbot, with the vote as follows:

AYES-Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Marshall stated that there is 1 meter left and he has about 20 that have quit. They cost about $185.00 a piece. A motion was made to purchase 4 cases of meters at $185.00 each; motion was made by Aldermen Kinion, seconded by Aldermen Talbot, with the vote as follows:

AYES-Hartley, Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Marshall stated that they laid oil on Hillcrest Drive.

Brian Jeffries-Chief of Police – Nothing to report.

Paul Mueller-Emergency Management Director – Was not present.

Tammy Sharpe- Treasurer- nothing to report.

Rachel Reed- Collector- nothing to report.

Sharon Kakouris – City Clerk – nothing to report.

Motion was made by Alderman Rockwell, seconded by Alderman Talbot, to adjourn, with the vote as follows:

AYES- Rockwell, Steele, Talbot, Kinion, Harper, Hartley


ABSENT-None Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon K. Kakouris

City Clerk