Frequently asked questions

Project: BHV042 – Increasing recycling through local communications projects fund

Q1. Is this fund open to projects anywhere in the UK?
No, projects must take place in England with the exception of London.Resource London, a partnership of LWARB and WRAP, will be refreshing the Recycle for London campaign later this year and will be developing a forward plan and appropriate support for communications projects in London.

For further information on this call: 07827 896150.

Q2. How much money can I apply for?
We are expecting applications to be somewhere between £30,000 and £50,000. Applications involving more than one local authority working with an external party can apply for more than £50,000 if they are able to demonstratevalue for money, over 50% match funding and additional potential tonnage impact.

Q3. Can I apply for less than £30,000?
Yes you can but we won’t be able to fund lots of low value projects as we don’t currently have the resource to manage all of these.

Q4. Do I have to have a partner in place in order to apply for funding?
Yes you do, one of the criteria for applications is that you have to be working with a partner, such as a local authority working with a retailer, brand, estate agent, housing developer or charity.

Q5. Can WRAP help put me in touch with an appropriate partner?
If you don’t currently have a partner in place, please email: and let us know who you would ideally like to work with.

Q6. What is the minimum target area for communications?
30,000 households. Applications with a target area of less than this won’t be considered.

Q7. Does this fund only apply to kerbside household collections?
Yes, it does but if bring sites are the only option for the key materials, for example glass, or communal facilities cover a small part of the campaign area, these will be considered as long as the kerbside service forms the large part of the campaign and tonnage data can be gathered. Business waste collection schemes and ‘recyling on the go’ or only ‘bring bank’/communal schemes are out of scope for this fund.

Q8. Is there a maximum recycling rate that the local authority’s recycling rate must fall below?
Yes, it must fall below the median (42.8%) based on the Ex NI192 recycling rate calculation. This is in order to ensure that we fund projects that are able to show potential increase in recycling rates following communications interventions. If you have a higher recycling rate than this but can demonstrate in your application that you will be targetting areas which fall below this, then we will consider your application.

Q9. Is there a specific type of dry recycling service which local authorities must be running?
Yes, the household kerbside collection service must be compliant with the separate collections regulations 2

Q10. Do I have to include communciations about a food waste collection in my application?
No, if you just want to focus a project on dry recycling then that’s fine.

Q11. If I do put in an application for food waste communications, are there any additional criteria that the local authority needs to meet?
Yes, if you are including communications around food waste in your application then the local authority must collect this separately; not with garden waste.

Q12. Does any match funding need to be secured in order to apply for the fund?
Yes, there is a minimum stipulation of 50% match funding for any project. This can take the form of monetary or in-kind (ie. staff resource) match funding and must be clearly demonstrated.

Q13. If we receive funding, can we just use our own communications materials to communicate with householders?
No, you must be in a position to use the refreshed Recycle Now template materials in all communications channels although localisation is permitted, and you must get sign off from WRAP prior to production. Refreshed template materials are currently being developed for communications around food waste and will be available in the autumn.

Q14.Does a project have to provide any monitoring and evaluation following completion of the project?
Yes, applicants will need to provide evidence in their application that they can provide data from the campaign area for evaluation purposes. They must be able to monitor the impact of their communications campaign and report back to WRAP 4 months after the end date of the campaign.They will be required to complete a template spreadsheet to capture data. Failure to provide data could results in grant money being withdrawn.

Q15. When is the deadline for applications?
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 31 July 2015.

Q16. What will applications be assessed on?
Applications will be reviewed by WRAP staff to ensure that all projects are in scope and compliant, and will then be assessed against the following evaluation criteria:

  • Working with partners
  • Project approach and impact
  • Funding and match-funding
  • Ability to deliver the project

Q17. When will applicants be notified if they are successful or not?
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of WRAP’s assessment week commencing 10 August 2015.

Q18. Is there a restriction on the kind of communications activities which will be funded?
Yes, the following activities are in scope for potential funding:

  • New or extensions to existing communication activities that use Recycle Now’s new template materials – including printing, distribution, signage, and application of vehicle livery
  • Radio adverts, local press coverage, social media, video production
  • Posters and bus backs
  • Roadshow events
  • Additional staff resourcesassociated with delivery of the funded activities.
  • For retailer/brand partnerships who wish to create their own materials utilising the messaging and Recycle Now brand we will allow some flexibility to adapt these to their own branding. This should be covered by match funding.
  • Funding must be spent by March 2016 although campaigns focusing on glass and metal can continue into 2016 in line with the platform timings as long as the budget for the delivery of activities is spent before March 2016.
  • Communications that complement service changes or increase tonnage from existing schemes

The following activities are out of scope for potential funding:

  • Costs or overheads for existing staff for Business as Usual activities (BAU)
  • Projects that are targeting areas with significant numbers of flats
  • Capital expenditure
  • Day-to-day running costs (for example, utility bills, council tax, rent, insurance,)
  • Items or services paid for prior to a signed grant agreement being in place
  • Activities that are already planned and budget allocated including staff resources
  • Projects outside England and in London
  • Projects that will be delivered after 31 March 2016 with the exception of glass and metal
  • Projects not able to provide the specified monitoring data for evaluation

Q19. How do I submit my application?
Please send your application to by 5pm Friday 31 July 2015.

Q20. What should I do if I have further questions?
Please email:

Q21. Do I have to run communications activities around the quarterly platforms?
Yes, we would ideally like you to tie into at least one of the quarterly platforms in order to be eligible for the fund.

Q22.Can I carry out a campaign focussing on all materials that my service collects, not just the materials in the quarterly platforms?
You must run a campaign which focusses on one or all of the quarterly platform materials for the majority of the campaign, with the exception of food which can be run at any time.

Q.23 Can I join in with one dry recycling theme or do I have to cover all of them?
You can just focus on one if you want to or you can cover them all at different times during the year to tie in with our quarterly platforms.

Q24. As the lead am I responsible for all the other partner activities?
Yes you are. You will act as liaison between all partners but we will support you with this.

Q25. The current range of communications materials is not wide enough for my campaign ideas – will you be developing more? You don’t have all the individual CGI items that we will need for our project.
We are in the process of developing additional individual CGI images such as margarine tubs, food trays, collection sacks etc. If we don’t currently have what you need then please tell us and we will try to develop these for you. These will be available on the website.

Q26. Can I use my corporate branding?
Yes you can, as long as it complies with Recycle Now guidelines for the refreshed template materials

Q27. Can I target hard to reach/low performing areas?
The target for these communications is people who are already engaged with recycling but could do a little bit more and could be more effective recyclers. These communications are not focussed on hard to reach/low performing areas.

Q.28Can I promote re-use/waste prevention/home composting?
These areas are not in scope unless they are part of a bigger campaign targetting the key materials we are trying to capture (plastics, paper and glass, metal and glass and food).

2 From 1 January 2015, public and private waste collectors are required to collect at least paper, plastic, metals and glass separately for recycling. Regulation 13 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011, as amended in 2012, also requires waste collection authorities, when making arrangements to collect such waste, to ensure this involves separate collection. These requirements apply where separate collection is necessary to aid or to improve recovery (the ‘necessity’ test) and is ‘technically, environmentally and economically practicable’ (TEEP). Collectors must review their collection practices and consider carefully if and how GUIDANCE DOCUMENT 2 they comply with the separate collection regulations. They must keep records to provide an audit trail to support their decisions and to demonstrate their compliance. The regulations allow co-mingled collection of dry recyclables if it can be demonstrated that separate collection is not necessary to achieve good quality recyclables or is not TEEP.