Cornell Ballroom Dance Club, Executive Committee Meeting

Minutes for Monday, March 8, 2004

Appel Commons, Lounge


Present: Bernice Lee

Veronica Chen

Yu Zhang

André Allavena

Absent: Eric Lief

Brian Tarricone

Date of Next Meeting: TBD

Accomplished Tasks

1.  Freshman Orientation Event

Event description and $25 fee were submitted on Monday, March 8 to Lynn Delles in WSH. Tentative room reservation was made for Helen Newman Hall (dance studio) for Tuesday, August 24, 2004 from 7:30-9pm. If Appel’s Mulitpurpose Room is available (we won’t know until early April), we might take that space instead because it’s nicer. The event will include a free lesson, a social dance, and an opportunity for freshmen to learn about the Club.

2.  Martin Goethche’s Social Workshops on March 6-7

See Appendix

3.  Final Club Ballroom Schedule

March 13 “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights”

April 10 Sensual Tango Night

April 24 Swingers! (Swing Night)

May 1 Tropical Night

May 8 Year-End Bash

Some events conflict with competitions (Yale on April 10, Rutgers on April 24), but the committee felt there should still be a dance event offered to non-competitive dancers who’ll be on campus. Also, some committee members who are also on Team will not be attending the comps can run the CBs.

Bernice asked what the committee thought about advertising CB to the general Cornell public. Committee decided to keep it exclusive to Ballroom Club members.

4.  Club Ballroom: “Swingers!” Night

David Fang inquired about bringing in Cindy () to teach West Coast Swing, but her only available date this term is April 24, which conflicts with Rutgers’ competition. She charges $100 per hour (negotiable). Attendance may be low that night, so the committee decided to postpone spending the money until a weekend in the fall when Team members can also benefit from her expertise.

5.  Spring Social, 2004

Set for April 9 in WSH, Memorial Room. It will conflict with the Yale competition, but no other space or time is available in WSH that month, and Yu could not switch times with other groups because they have already booked their speakers. The alternative is to cancel the Ball, but that would not serve non-competitive Club Members well.

Future Tasks

Deadline / Responsible Individual(s) / Task
ASAP / Yu, André
Rachel / Check availability & cost for using Biotech, Appel, & St. Paul’s Church (André for the Cornell pre-comp social on October 22nd. Send info to Team Com and cc Club Com.
Has list of possible comp venues she’ll give to Team Com.
ASAP / Yu / Send a fun e-mail announcement to Ballroom Club about the “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights” Saturday Night theme party (key points: fun dance contest with prizes, hot music, dress up in 50’s beachwear or something sexy, free lesson in cha-cha, bring a friend)
March 11 / Bernice, André, Eric (if he can), Veronica (will be absent) / GPSAFC Budget Meeting (5-6pm, G10 Biotech), pickup budget packets for 2004-5
March 11 / Team (Alex)
André / Make reservations at Courtside for all April workshops
Edit ads for Martin’s April workshops, get files to André
Get posters done before end-of-business-day on Friday so we can get approval for dorm distribution ASAP
March 13 / Bernice
André, Yu or Leonard
Veronica / Set up
Close up
Find a teacher for cha-cha; burn 2 “Havana Nights” CDs
March 15-18 / Bernice
CBDC Com & Team / 1st advertising round for Martin’s workshops
Post flyers
March 29-Apr. 2 / Bernice
CBDC Com & Team / 2nd advertising round for Martin’s workshops
Post flyers
March 29-Apr. 2 / Bernice
CBDC Com & Team / 1st advertising round for Spring Social
By Apr. 2 / Yu / Spring Social paperwork, A-board meeting, organize volunteers for set-up, door duty and clean-up. (DJ already booked)
Apr. 2 / Bernice / Finalize Frosh Orientation Venue (Appel?), reply to Lynn Delles
Apr. 5-9 / Bernice
CBDC Com & Team / 2nd advertising round for Spring Social
Apr. 7-9 / Bernice, André & volunteers
Brian / Set up, get food & drinks (10 bottles pop, 200 cups, pens, etc.)
Pay DJ

Other Things to Do/Things in Progress (not as urgent)

Spring Social: How to teach the free lesson so we don’t alienate newbies? (# of dances? Figures? Etc.)

Club Ballroom: André to ask about lindy hop instructor; André to find Club logo on computer file

Club Ballroom: Decide content of free lessons & find teachers; ideas for prizes & fun mixers

Frosh Orientation: Find teacher and people who can do some recruiting

Webpage: Brian, can you do this, please?

On-line Calendar: Brian & Alex

Succession planning:

Think About & Keep in Mind

October 29 Hallowe’en Ball, WSH, Memorial Room

November 20 Fall Social Ball, WSH, Memorial Room

February 12, 2005 Valentine’s Ball, WSH, Memorial Room

Report: Martin Goethche’s Workshops (April 6-7, 2004)

Courtside Racquet & Fitness

Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Cha-Cha

1:30-2:20pm Waltz

Saturday 12:30-1:20pm Quickstep

1:30-2:20pm Rumba

Our goal (to break even): $400 for the weekend (~$100 per workshop)

Actual earnings: $680 for the weekend (~$170 per workshop)


Total # of attending students: 35

# of pre-registered individuals: 38

# of pre-reg's who actually came: 32(16% no-shows)

# of drop-in's (% attendees) 3(9%)

Avg. # of workshops individuals took: 2

#(%) people taking 1 class: 17(48%)

#(%) people taking 2 classes: 11(31%)

#(%) people taking 3 classes: 3(8%)

#(%) people taking 4 classes: 4(11%)


1. Waltz 19 students

2. Cha cha 17 students

3. Quickstep 13 students

4. Rumba 12 students

Recommend not teaching quickstep. Students had some difficulty catching on, and it isn't well-known enough in the popular mindset to attract people. This might have contributed to the drop-off in attendance on Sunday; that is, a less popular workshop could be a disincentive to people attending the other one, especially if it's on a Sunday.
