General Secretary SNEA (I)
“SNEA-Bhavan”, B-11/ 1&2, Ramesh Nagar–New Delhi-110015. {011-25934899 /25191276}
Earlier Reference: (1) SNEA/Guj/CHQ/ 05b14 Dated 15/05/2014.
(2) SNEA/Guj/CHQ/ 08b14 Dated 26/08/2014.
(3) SNEA/Guj/CHQ/ 02c15 Dated 26/02/2015.
(4) SNEA/Guj/CHQ/ 09a15 Dated 28/09/2015.
Letter No: SNEA/Guj/CHQ/ 07e16 Dated 02/07/2016.
Subject: Submissions of HR-Cadre issues & pending welfare claims.
Dear Comrade,
In connection of our above cited subject & reference letters, we have time & again discussed, highlighted and repeatedly submitted various mass affecting issues to CHQ-SNEA (I) at the time of CWCs, AIC, or sent by emails along with mentioning reference of formal correspondence from Gujarat Circle to BSNL-HQ. Hence once again these are taken up are as under for further consistent follow up please.
Once again we are submitting these Pending Issues as under for N/A please.
(1) Full Pension provision in EPF scheme: During all CWC and informal discussion with CHQ, we have highlighted that full pension scheme is available in EPFO. Even SNEA (I) also pursued with management in year 2011 or so. But since last 4 years this issue affecting most important and vital retirement benefit of Employees recruited by BSNL is not being attended so far, is to be constantly persuade, for allowing BSNL Recruited TTAs, JTOs, JAOs, etc who is EPF beneficiaries to exercise option of “pension benefit”: as per option is available in EPFO.It is worth to mention here that the pension amount to BSNL recruited Employees can become all most equal to the amount drawn to the DoT recruited Employees, without any financial implication to BSNL.
(2) Pension from Consolidated fund of Govt. Of India under Rule 37: As per presidential order issued DoT to Non Executives and Executives who all opted BSNL, their pension is payable as per Rule 37 A. Recently, DoT has issued notification for absorption of ITS Gr A officers and are offered pension under Rule 37. This is also to be made equally applicable by DoT / BSNL to different group of Executives/ Employees who are absorbed with same spirit.
(3) Injustice in TBP to JTO 1993 batch Recruitment: This issue is already seized by CHQ but it is to be constantly persuaded, As per BSNL letter No BSNL /7-5/SR / 2014 dated 18/11/2014 management stated various clauses of TBP policy.
On the contrary in case of NEPP the 1st T.B. Promotion is given to the entire NE cadre on completion of 4 years. This disparity in ETBP & NETBP has created the disparity and discrepancy which resulted in a monetary loss as well as loss will be in pensioner benefit too. Hence at par with NEPP all these effective JTOs / JAOs are to be given benefit.
(4)Fixation of offtg. JTOs as per FR (22) I (a) I: This issue is already seized by CHQ but it is to be constantly persuaded & we sent list of Gujrat to CHQ also. Thus looking to the genuineness of the case at least fixation benefit as per FR (22) I (a) I is to be extend to
(4a) Entire JTOs Officiating pending group which is yet to get benefited due reason one or another by generalizing the verdict,
(4b) As well as to those JTOs who are all ready regular promoted from TTAs under same scheme
(5) Exclusive recruitment drive for TTAs & conducting regular recruitment of JTOs through LICE for redressal of heavy shortage of executive & prevent tenure transfers liabilities: e.g. in case of Gujrat Circle at present the overall shortage of various executives on and above JTOs is more then 50%, which is more then even “Hard tenure Circles” this is case of many more circles.
This is one of the reasons for obstacle in growth & maintaining quality services in such circles, on and above the reason for generating the undue liabilities of tenure transfers as well as inconvenience to our executives. To overcome these multiple issues we suggest that,
(5a) Exclusive recruitment drive for TTAs for such highly shortage & hard tenure Circles is to be permitted immediately over and above the regular recruitment.
(5b) JTOs recruitment through 35% LICE Quota by eligible TTAs is to be conducted every year by allowing DR.TTA for LICE after completion of 5 years of service instead of present 7 years.
(6)Pay anomaly of SDEs. A settled case with the concurrence of Circle IFA was sent to BSNL-HQ. In turn BSNL Establishment asked Gujarat Circle to withdraw settled pay anomaly cases of Executive. Ultimately our members have challenged the instruction in Hon’ble CAT-Ahmedabad, in Nov-2014 in which stay is granted & hearing is in progress. Now ultimately case is handled by BSNL-HQ, hence we request CHQ to keep close watch as it is high time for taking up the case on Top Priority as it is affecting entire SDEs cadre who under gone pay anomaly.
(7)Amendment in transfer policy (Target, during long stay & promotion). It is genuine requirement of field unit for change in cut-Off date in transfer policy, as it is adversely affecting to target activity of field. It was taken up by SNEA (I)-Gujarat in turn by O/o CGMT Gujarat. The case was taken up with BSNL-HQ for necessary modification in Nov-2009, June-2010, and April-2011 now roll of our CHQ is essential to ensure this amendment.
(7a) As per corporate office letter No: 19-27/2002-L&A (Pt.) dated 1st July 2004, while posting officers on officiating promotion / regular promotion, if vacancies are not available in the SSA, junior most officers are posted outside that SSA.
In many cases it is happening that, the junior most officers who have recently or before less than two years joined the SSA, are once again posted to other SSA on promotion due to above reference guide line.
In this case, officer is also feeling injustice and hardship, as he is transferred every now and than due to the fact that he is junior most. More over officer was given Transfer Allowance before few months and again he will be paid transfer allowance. This is defiantly causing financial loss to the company also.
In such case we request your good self that the clause No: 11(B) of transfer policy i.e. “Minimum period of three years at a location shall be maintained as far as possible in order to avoid hardship to employees”, if officer is found to be junior in officiating promotion but has not completed three years of service, he should be retained in the SSA/Circle.
(7b) as per transfer policy, officer is not transferred out of the SSA if he / she are to complete 57 years in the respective financial year. We request your good self that same should be applicable during posting on officiating / regular promotion also.
(9) Arbitrary issue of Deputation Order of JTOs by BSNL-HQ, ignoring the Circle wait list. Since many years and particularly during last 2 years, it is observed that BSNL-HQ is issuing deputation orders of JTOs from Gujarat Circle to their choice Circles on direct application of JTOs who has joined just before 2 to 3 years, and their application are not submitted through proper channel.
This is creating gross injustice to those who are already working since long & in Rule-8 wait list maintained by respective Circles. Hence these JTOs are feeling deprived from their right, It is not affordable such shortage Circles. Hence intervention of CHQ-is essential to ensure that no deputation orders are issued by BSNL h/q without receiving application through proper channel.
(10) Incurring huge expenditure & incontinence to executives by way of illogical & Duplication of transfers while promotions & observed discrimination in considering cases of spouse & Immunity to the office bearers, it is too irrespective of % of shortage prevailing in circles.
It is worth to mention that looking to the highly shortage circle additional JTOs & SDEs on higher promotion to SDEs and DEs are posted to Gujrat circles from MP, MH and KTK. On other hand JTOs on promotion to SDEs from Gujrat circle are posted to other/tenure circle.
It is visibly looking illogical & Duplication of transfers it is too against the interest of BSNL and inconveniences to more individuals.
Whenever roll of Association is concern, for bringing more transparency it is to be ensure
(10a) regular publication of Wait list along with date of joining & date of Application & accordingly consideration of pending own cost request transfers. Cases of SDEs & DEs forwarded by Gujarat are attached H/W, for consideration & issuance of orders.
(10b) regular publications of stay particular list of top 50 long stay Executives of all the cadres.
(10c) adopt the criteria of % of shortage status of each circles for justify the work load, excluding genuine cases irrespective of Circles.
(11) Welfare claim{Pertain to SNEA(I)}: submitted fresh (i) Late Shri R.S.Chaudhary (SDE-Surat) And cases submitted since AIC 2015 but pending (ii) Late Shri N.N.Sheth (SDE- Jamnagar) (iii) Late Shri Satyen G. Ranparia,(SDE-Rajkot) (iv) Late Shri K.A. Suthar,(JTO-HimmatNagar) (iv) Late Shri J.J.Dhru,(SDE-Rajkot) (vi) Late Shri B.M.Patel,(SDE-WTR-Mehsana) once again to settle welfare claims as they were bonofied members of our Association.
(12) Priority is to be given to ensure regular promotions on seniority cum fitness for JTO to SDE and promoted thereof in time bound manners before expiry of VCs, with covering all the vacant posts. Along with resolving the issue of discrimination of “APAR” for regular & LDCE candidates.
(13) For the LTC / Home town LTC benefit to BSNL opted Employee / Executives at par with ITS-Gr-A, who are on deputation as per the BSNL-HQ Letter no: 15-01/2012-PAT(BSNL) Dated 17/07/2013. This is very important issue for ensuring equal benefit is to be offered to the staff working in BSNL either on Deputation or Absorbed when ever utilization of fund of BSNL is concerned. Hence this is to be taken up and persuade by our CHQ for justified decision in interest of BSNL & Individuals.
(14) Revision of Pay and Pension of erstwhile DoT and later on Absorbed Employees to BSNL: On acceptance of pay commission recommendations. Pay of Central Govt. Employee and pensioners is revised without any further approval of any Ministry. Large number of Employees (In Gr A, B, C and D Cadre) presently absorbed in BSNL is recruited by DoT also should get that benefit on acceptance of report of pay revision committee. This is logical because we are getting pension benefits from DoT and PPO also is given by DoT to us. We should co ordinate with other Unions and Associations and take up the issue on Joint Forum to resolve the matter.
(15) Parent care leave to Employees: As we all are aware that after attaining age more than 70 years parents also behave like child and their day to day medical care is to be taken very care fully. In order to facilitate Govt. Employees, Parent care leave should also be considered for those employees, who live as joint family with parents aged more than 70 years.
We hope that our CHQ will seize the issues with “will and zeal” to maintain the faith of our thousand and thousands of comrades and there by motivate them for cause of our great BSNL.
Yours comradely,
(B.G.Patel)Circle Secretary SNEA (I), Gujarat BSNL.
Copy To:
(1) Com.G.L.Jogi, Chairman SNEA (I)-CHQ for information & N/A please.
(2) Com. A.A.Khan, President SNEA (I)-CHQ for information & N/A please.