Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Department of Management
in cooperation with the Slovak Society of Industrial Chemistry
at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology SUT
under the patronage of the Rector of the SUT prof. Ing. Vladimír Báleš, DrSc.
invites You to the
15th International Scientific Conference
8th – 9th September 2005
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Second announcement
The objective of the conference is to present and exchange information of economic and corporate management after the integration of the Slovak Republic into the EU. Additionally, to look for optimal solutions in the case of negative tendencies in a firm and to establish as well as to extend contacts with home and foreign educational and research institutions and practice.
- Corporate management after the entry of the Slovak Republic into the EU
- Financial management of a firm – present perspectives and status
- Utilization of the financial - economic analysis and controlling in the management of a firm
- Marketing and business
- Quality management and environmental management
- Logistics and production management
- Development of the small - and medium businesses – the present perspectives and status
Chair:Baran, Dušan, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D., Slovak University of Technology, FCHFT Bratislava
Alexy, Július, Prof. Ph.D. Economic University, NHF Bratislava
Bajzíková, Ľubica. Assoc.Prof. Ph.D. Comenius University, FM Bratislava
Cisko, Štefan, Prof. Ph.D. University of Žilina, FPEDAS Žilina
Ďaďo, Jaroslav, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D. Matej Bel University, EF Banská Bystrica
Gros, Ivan, Prof., Ph.D. University of Chem. Technology, Prague, Czech rep.
Hittmár, Štefan, Prof. Ph.D. University of Žilina, FIR Žilina
Ivanička, Koloman, Prof. Ph.D. Slovak Univesity of Technology, SvF Bratislava
Liberko, Igor, Prof., Ph.D. Technical University, SjF Košice,
Lošťáková, Hana, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D. University of Pardubice, FCHT, Czech rep.
Mačerinskiene, Irena, Assoc.Prof. Dr.Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University, Lituania
Nemeček, Petr, Prof., Dr.Sc. Brno University of Technology, FBM Brno
Pálffy, Alexander, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D.Borsodchem, MCHZ Ostrava, Czech rep.
Rajangu, Vaino, Prof. Dr. Talin University, Faculty of Humanities, Estonia
Sáblik, Jozef, Prof., Ph.D. Slovak Univesity of Technology, MtF Trnava
Šubertová, Elena, Assoc.Prof. Ph.D. Economic University, FPM Bratislava
Specht, Gűnter, Prof., Dr., Dr.h.c. Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Wiktor, Ján W., Prof., Dr.habl. Economic University Krakow, Poland
Organizing Committee:
Chair: Plchová, Jana, Ing.
Members: Špirko, Dušan, Doc. PhDr. PhD.
Zatrochová, Monika, Ing.
Kajanová, Jana, Ing, PhD.
Kuperová, Martina, Ing.
Némethová, Michaela, Ing.
Macušková, Katarína
Address of the Organizing Committee and Contact Persons:
Department of Management
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology SUT
Radlinského 9
812 37 Bratislava
Ing. Jana Plchová (tel.: 00421-2-59325 335, e-mail: )
Katarina Macušková (tel.: 00421-2-52495246, e-mail: )
Date of the conference:September 8th and 9th, 2005.
Place of the conference:FCHFT SUT, Radlinského 9, Bratislava
Working language: Slovak, Czech, English, Russian
Conference fee: 38,- EUR, (1 500,- Sk)
Conference fee includes:- expenses connected with the organization of the Conference
-expenses connected with the publication of the Proceedings on CD
-refreshment during the Conference, lunch inclusive
The deadline for sending payment for registration (remittance advice) is 30 June 2005.
Please submit the registration fee to the account:
BIC-SWIFT: GIBASKBX IBAN: SK62 0900 0000 0000 1146 6033
Variable symbol: 240Identification number of the organization: 17336309
Please be so kind and identify your receipt of payment with the name of participant who is attending!
Schedule of the Conference:
8. 9. 2005: 9.00 –10.00: Presentation of participants
10.00 –12.00: Plenary session
12.00 –13.00: Lunch Break
13.00 –15.00: Presentation of papers
15.00 –15.15: Coffe Break
15.15 –17.30: Presentation of papers
18.00: Community meeting
9. 9. 2005 9.00 –11.30: Presentation of papers
11.30 –11.40: Coffee Break
11.40 –13.00: Closing of plenary session
Programme of the Conference:
The detailed programme will be compiled on the basis of the received contributions. All Conference attendants will be informed about it in advance.
Organizational comittee can ensure a reservation of accomodation in the Youth Hostels of SUT in Bratislava between the dates of 7 - 9 September 2005.
(In case of interest please mark it in the binding application)
The accommodation will be paid by each participant individually.
The accomodations of hotels in Bratislava will be ensured by each participant individually.
Contact addresses of Hotels in Bratislava:
Prievozská 14/A, 821 09 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 58 238 111
Fax: +421 2 53 413 526
Hotel Kyjev,
Rajská 2, 814 48 Bratislava
Tel: +421 2 59 641 111,
Fax: +421 2 52 961 082
June 30, 2005:Submision of the application form and conference fee payment
July 15, 2005:Submision of payment
September 7, 2005:Submision of full papers (the last deadline of the registration is
September 8, 2005)
September 8 – 9, 2005:Conference
Application Form
For 15th International Scientific Conference
Modern approaches to corporate management
Name, surname, degrees:……………………………………………………………………….…….
Firm, institution: ………………………………………………………………………………….……..
Employer´s address: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone: …………………………………… E-mail: …………………………………………….
I am interested (delete where inapplicable) in reading the paper:yes-no
Title of paper:
I´m interested in accomodation in Youth Hostels of STU in Bratislava during the dates of:
7. 9. – 8. 9.2005yes- no
8. 9. – 9. 9. 2005yes- no
Application Form
For 15th International Scientific Conference
Modern approaches to corporate management
Name, surname, degrees: ………………………………………………………………………...
Firm, institution: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Employer´s address: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone: ……………………………….. E-mail: ………………………………………………
I am interested (delete where inapplicable) in reading the paper:yes-no
Title of paper:
Abstract (max. 10 rows):
I´m interested in accomodation in Youth Hostels of STU in Bratislava during the dates of.
7. 9. – 8. 9. 2005yes-no
8. 9. – 9. 9. 2005yes-no
Conditions of payment
Name of participant: ………………………………………………………………………………….
The registration fee in the amount of 38,- EUR (1 500,- Sk) was remitted through the transfer
order in favour of the account:
IBAN: SK62 0900 0000 0000 1146 6033
BIC-SWIFT: GIBASKBX variable symbol 240.
In: ………………………………
Date: ……………………………
Signature of the participant
Degree, name, surname
Working place - address
Tel.: Fax: E-mail:
Layout of the text
The contributed paper designed for publication in Proceedings must be forwarded to the contact address: in the electronic form (e-mail) till 7.9.2005.
1. The text of the paper must be typed preferably in MICROSOFT WORD editor using
the font, Times New Roman CE. The page size is A4. The marginal size is 2.5 cm from
all sides. Do not use the numbering of pages.
The length of the article should not exceed 8 standardized pages. The text can be
structured in several parts, taking advantage of figures, tables or graphs and mathematical
The title of the article must be aligned in the centre, using the type size of
16 points and bold capital letters. If necessary, the titles of individual chapters can be
numbered, using the bold letters of the size of 14 points.
The paragraph format must fulfil the following requirements:
- size of 12 points
- indent of the first line of 1.25 cm,
- single spacing,
- block alignment of the text,
- separation of paragraphs with a size space of 6 points,
- separation of chapters with a free line.
2. Figures, tables and graphs, inclusive of their description, must be aligned in the centre
with respect to the page width. They must correspond to the numerical order in the text.
Their titles must be placed on the centre below the figure, table or graph and must be
typed in italics.
3. The way how to present literature:
[1] Synek, M. et al.: Manažérska ekonomika. Managerial economics (in Slovak). Grada
Publishing, 1996.