Activity Report for 2005

In 2005 Zartonk-89 NGO has implemented two projects, “Defense of children’s rights” and “Look through the future” and the implementations of those projects were progressive for the organization and its beneficiaries. In the framework of “Defense of children’s rights” the organization with the help of help phone line has revealed the existing problems of children, teenagers that needed urgent solution and has increased the number of its beneficiaries with 300 children and teenagers.

The second project is called “Look through the future”. The project helped to begin and develop partnership withNGOs acting in the same field from Russia and Ukraine.

Title of the project: “Defense of children’s rights”

Project number: 301.000.012/04

Global aim

To assist in accomplishment ofcivil society

Specific aim

  • Children’s rights protection
  • To create help phone for clarifying children’s and teenagers’ problems. To develop partnership between NGOs which are engaged in solving the problemsof children and teenagers.
  • To inform the public about the activities of Zartonbk-89 NGO and give them possibilities to have their contribution in solving children’s problems.

The project began on April 1st, we recruited staff for implementing the project (main staff and choice of specialists),and we bought necessary equipments and prepared materials for the project.

For disseminating information and advertising the project we used internet, 4 TV channels (AR, ALM, Kentron and Abovyan) 3 newspapers (Hajkakan Jamanak, Iravunq and Aravot) and “Ardzaganq”radiostation which was our informational sponsor. We printed leaflets and ordered posters which were distributed and attached in crowded places. Webegan to receive phone calls by help line since June 1st.The phone calls were answered by psychologists, who registered the calls in the registries and identified the problems.We already have 533 phone calls from which the following problems are:

  • Educational
  • Health
  • Psychological
  • Rights violation

For solving those problems the organization has done the following activities:

  • Gave children stationery, school bagsand clothes.
  • Within the framework of the project the organization gave financial assistance for parentless children’s educational assistance.
  • We gave psychological assistance to those children who needed that help. Psychologists worked with them for revealing the problems that affected them, their origin and influence on their psychic. Those children who couldn’t come to us (because of various reasons, i.e. financial lack, health problems etc) we organized psychological visits.

While working with children we used various psychological methods for deep research of those problems and for giving possible solutions to them.

As far as there still exist unsolved problems connected with children the organization organized round table in which participated representatives from the Ministries of Education and Science, Health , Social Security, Mass Media, as well as 15 NGOs that act in the same field.

During the round table there were suggestions for working jointly. There was a suggestion to organize a meeting and discuss “The National project of child right defense” and then to organize meeting with the corresponding commissions of National Assembly. The aim of discussing the above mentioned project is to correct and demand a report from the government to see whether the national project is being used or not.

“Children’s rights protection” projectis ongoing, we receive new phone calls, new problems, and volunteer psychologists are included in the project. They answer to the phone calls and give corresponding psychological assistance.

At the end of the round table we organized the presentation of the book “In the line of ascent” and distributed it to the participants.

After the end of the project we had the following results:

  • 391 children received psychological assistance.
  • 250 children received stationery, school bags and so on.
  • 23 children received financial help for educational assistance
  • New possibilities of partnership with local NGOs were created.
  • For the first time children could present their problems themselves.
  • There were individuals who offered their assistance to that project.
  • By means of disseminating information the organization gained more recognition.

Title of the project: Look through the future

Project number: 001-138049-102

Global aim

The aim of the project is to begin and develop the partnership between CCFD partners from post USSR countries.

The specific aim

  • By means of collaboration and experience exchange to strengthen the organizational capacity.
  • To implement jointly regional project
  • To pass from local to regional and global level for problem solution.
  • Using millennium development goals to identify children's problem by means of jointly project.
  • To give corresponding solution in regional level.

The project began on March 1, 2005. We gathered information about CCFD partner organizations by email. Connecting with above mentioned organizations we received their agreement for seminar participation. We prepared materials and questionnaires, by means of which we are doing online discussions with the seminar participants. By means of questionnaires and online discussions we got acquainted with the capacities of the organization and with their implemented projects about children and so on. In the result of those discussions we were informed about the participants’ suggestions about the information exchange, clarifying the problem and working-out the future regional project. In the result of it we are planning to have a workshop on “Partnership”. For organizing the workshop we invited a specialist from the NGO center. We have arrangement with the chief of Tsakhkadzor writer's house. We paid for the accommodation, food and the hall in advance, informed the participants about the meeting place and time. We have arrangements for

  • Taking participants,
  • Obtaining technical means

The only obstacle of the project is the exchange rate of Euro currency

As a result of this seminar the participating NGOs from post USSR countries had:

  1. Experience exchange
  2. We began and developed partnership in regional level.
  3. Our knowledge level was increased in the framework of effective partnership.
  4. We got acquainted with each other’s culture.

The above mentioned two projects were financed by French CCFD Organization.