Period 6 Questions

Key Concept 6.1 – Science and the Environment

  1. How did new modes of transportation virtually eliminate the problem of geographic distance?
  2. How did new modes of communication virtually eliminate the problem of geographic distance?
  3. How did the theory of relativity transform human understanding of the world?
  4. How did quantum mechanics transform human understanding of the world?
  5. How did the Big Bang theory transform human understanding of the world?
  6. How did psychology transform human understanding of the world?
  7. What is the Green Revolution? What impact did it have on the world’s population? Why?
  8. How did the polio vaccine increase the ability of humans to survive?
  9. How did antibiotics increase the ability of humans to survive?
  10. How did the artificial heart increase the ability of humans to survive?
  11. How did oil technology raise productivity and increase the production of material goods?
  12. How did nuclear technology raise productivity and increase the production of material goods?
  13. In this time period, how have humans exploited the earth’s finite resources? How does this compare to previous time periods?
  14. In this time period, how have humans competed over the earth’s finite resources? How does this compare to previous time periods?
  15. What effects did the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere have?
  16. How is the world’s supply of water and clean air affected by pollution?
  17. How did humans impact the environment through desertification?
  18. How did humans impact the environment through deforestation?
  19. How did the rates of extinction change during this time period? Why?
  20. Why is malaria a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
  21. Why is tuberculosis a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
  22. Why is cholera a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
  23. Why was the 1918 influenza pandemic a threat to human survival?
  24. When did ebola emerge? Why was it a threat to human survival?
  25. Why did HIV/AIDS emerge? Why was it a threat to human survival?
  26. How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of diabetes?
  27. How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of heart disease?
  28. How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of Alzheimer’s disease?
  29. How did more effective forms of birth control give women greater control over fertility?
  30. How did more effective forms of birth control transform sexual practices?
  31. How did tanks lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
  32. How did airplanes lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
  33. How did the atomic bomb lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
  34. How did trench warfare lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
  35. How did firebombing lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
  36. How is Nanjing an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?
  37. How is Dresden an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?
  38. How is Hiroshima an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?

Key Concept 6.2 – Global Conflicts and their Consequences

  1. Why did the Ottoman Empire collapse?
  2. Why did the Russian Empire collapse?
  3. Why did the Qing Dynasty collapse?
  4. How did economic hardship lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
  5. How did political and social discontent lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
  6. How did technological stagnation lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
  7. How did military defeat lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
  8. How did India gain its independence from the British Empire?
  9. How did the Gold Coast gain its independence from the British Empire?
  10. How did Algeria gain its independence from the French Empire?
  11. How did Vietnam gain its independence from the French Empire?
  12. How did Angola gain its independence from the Portuguese Empire?
  13. How was Mohandas Gandhi a nationalist leader?
  14. How did Mohandas Gandhi challenge imperial rule?
  15. How was Ho Chi Minh a nationalist leader?
  16. How did Ho Chi Minh challenge imperial rule?
  17. How was Kwame Nkrumah a nationalist leader?
  18. How did Kwame Nkrumah challenge imperial rule?
  19. How does Muhammad Ali Jinnah represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
  20. How did Jinnah challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
  21. How does the Québécois separatist movement represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
  22. How did the Québécois separatist movement challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
  23. How does the Biafra secessionist movement represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
  24. How did the Biafra secessionist movement challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
  25. How did communism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
  26. How did pan-Arabism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
  27. How did pan-Africanism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
  28. What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Africa? How successful were they?
  29. What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Asia? How successful were they?
  30. What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Latin America? How successful were they?
  31. How did the partition of India and Pakistan lead to population resettlements?
  32. How did the Zionist Jewish settlement of Palestine lead to population resettlements?
  33. How did the division of the Middle East into mandatory states lead to population resettlements?
  34. How did the migration of South Asians to Britain help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
  35. How did the migration of Algerians to France help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
  36. How did the migration of Filipinos to the United States help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
  37. How is Armenia an example of ethnic violence?
  38. How is the Holocaust an example of ethnic violence?
  39. How is Cambodia an example of ethnic violence?
  40. How is Rwanda an example of ethnic violence?
  41. What caused the displacement of people resulting in Palestinian refugee populations?
  42. What caused the displacement of people resulting in Darfurian refugee populations?
  43. Why was World War I a total war?
  44. Why was World War II a total war?
  45. How did governments use fascism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
  46. How did governments use nationalism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
  47. How did governments use communism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
  48. How is the use of Gurkha soldiers from India an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
  49. How is the use of ANZAC soldiers from Australia an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
  50. How is the use of military conscription an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
  51. How did governments use political speeches to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
  52. How did governments use art to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
  53. How did governments use media to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
  54. How was imperialist expansion by Europe and Japan a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  55. How was competition for resources a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  56. How was ethnic conflict a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  57. How were Great Power rivalries between Great Britain and Germany a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  58. How were nationalist ideologies a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  59. How was the economic crisis – engendered by the Great Depression – a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
  60. How did the global balance of economic power shift after World War II?
  61. How did the global balance of political power shift after World War II?
  62. How did the shift of economic and political power after World War II lead into the Cold War?
  63. Why was the United States a superpower after World War II?
  64. Why was the Soviet Union a superpower after World War II?
  65. Why were there ideological struggles between capitalism and communism across the globe during the Cold War?
  66. How did the Cold War produce the NATO military alliance?
  67. How did the Cold War produce the Warsaw Pact military alliance?
  68. How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Latin America?
  69. How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Africa?
  70. How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Asia?
  71. How did the dissolution of the Soviet Union end the Cold War?
  72. How did Picasso challenge war through his Guernica?
  73. How did the antinuclear movement during the Cold War challenge war?
  74. How did ThichQuangDuc challenge war through self-immolation?
  75. How did Gandhi promote the practice of non-violence as a way to bring about political change?
  76. How did Martin Luther King promote the practice of non-violence as a way to bring about political change?
  77. How did Communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
  78. How did the Non-Aligned Movement promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
  79. How did the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
  80. How did the participants in the global uprisings of 1968 promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
  81. How did the Tiananmen Square protesters promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
  82. How did the promotion of military dictatorships in Chile, Spain, and Uganda intensify further conflicts?
  83. How did the United States’ promotion of a New World Order after the Cold War intensify further conflicts?
  84. How did the buildup of the “military-industrial complex” and arms trading intensify further conflicts?
  85. How did the IRA use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
  86. How did the ETA use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
  87. How did al-Qaeda use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
  88. How is Dadaism an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
  89. How is James Bond an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
  90. How is Socialist Realism an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
  91. How are video games an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?

Key Concept 6.3 – New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture

  1. How did the Soviet Union control its national economy through Five Year Plans?
  2. How did China control its national economy through the Great Leap Forward?
  3. Why did governments play a minimal role in their national economies in the United States and Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century?
  4. How is the New Deal an example of a more active government in economic life at the onset of the Great Depression?
  5. How is the Fascist corporatist economy an example of a more active government in economic life at the onset of the Great Depression?
  6. How did Nasser take on a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development in newly independent Egypt after World War II?
  7. How is the encouragement of export-oriented economies in East Asia an example of governments taking a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development in newly independent states after World War II?
  8. How did the United States under Ronald Reagan encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
  9. How did Britain under Margaret Thatcher encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
  10. How did China under Deng Xiaoping encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
  11. How did Chile under Augusto Pinochet encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
  12. How did the League of Nations attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
  13. How does the United Nations attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
  14. How does the International Criminal Court attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
  15. How does the International Monetary Fund seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
  16. How does the World Bank seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
  17. How does the World Trade Organization seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
  18. How does UNICEF attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
  19. How does the Red Cross attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
  20. How does Amnesty International attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
  21. How does Doctors Without Borders attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
  22. How does the World Health Organization attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
  23. How does the European Union promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
  24. How does NAFTA promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
  25. How does ASEAN promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
  26. How does Mercosur promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
  27. How is Royal Dutch Shell a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
  28. How is Coca-Cola a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
  29. How is Sony a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
  30. How does Greenpeace protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
  31. How does the Green Belt in Kenya protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
  32. How does Earth Day protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
  33. How is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
  34. How are women’s rights an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
  35. How is the end of the White Australia Policy an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
  36. How is negritude a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
  37. How is xenophobia a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
  38. How are race riots a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
  39. How are citizenship restrictions a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
  40. How are New Age Religions an example of new forms of spirituality?
  41. How is Hare Krishna an example of new forms of spirituality?
  42. How is Falun Gong an example of new forms of spirituality?
  43. How do fundamentalist movements choose to emphasize particular aspects of practice within existing faiths and apply them to political issues?
  44. How does Liberation Theology choose to emphasize particular aspects of practice within existing faiths and apply them to political issues?
  45. How does World Cup Soccer reflect national and social aspirations?
  46. How do the Olympics reflect national and social aspirations?
  47. How does cricket reflect national and social aspirations?
  48. How did changes in communication and transportation enable the spread of reggae?
  49. How did changes in communication and transportation enable the spread of Bollywood?