Period 6 Questions
Key Concept 6.1 – Science and the Environment
- How did new modes of transportation virtually eliminate the problem of geographic distance?
- How did new modes of communication virtually eliminate the problem of geographic distance?
- How did the theory of relativity transform human understanding of the world?
- How did quantum mechanics transform human understanding of the world?
- How did the Big Bang theory transform human understanding of the world?
- How did psychology transform human understanding of the world?
- What is the Green Revolution? What impact did it have on the world’s population? Why?
- How did the polio vaccine increase the ability of humans to survive?
- How did antibiotics increase the ability of humans to survive?
- How did the artificial heart increase the ability of humans to survive?
- How did oil technology raise productivity and increase the production of material goods?
- How did nuclear technology raise productivity and increase the production of material goods?
- In this time period, how have humans exploited the earth’s finite resources? How does this compare to previous time periods?
- In this time period, how have humans competed over the earth’s finite resources? How does this compare to previous time periods?
- What effects did the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere have?
- How is the world’s supply of water and clean air affected by pollution?
- How did humans impact the environment through desertification?
- How did humans impact the environment through deforestation?
- How did the rates of extinction change during this time period? Why?
- Why is malaria a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
- Why is tuberculosis a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
- Why is cholera a disease associated with poverty? What is its history during this time period?
- Why was the 1918 influenza pandemic a threat to human survival?
- When did ebola emerge? Why was it a threat to human survival?
- Why did HIV/AIDS emerge? Why was it a threat to human survival?
- How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of diabetes?
- How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of heart disease?
- How did changing lifestyles and increased longevity lead to higher incidences of Alzheimer’s disease?
- How did more effective forms of birth control give women greater control over fertility?
- How did more effective forms of birth control transform sexual practices?
- How did tanks lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How did airplanes lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How did the atomic bomb lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How did trench warfare lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How did firebombing lead to increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How is Nanjing an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How is Dresden an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?
- How is Hiroshima an example of increased levels of wartime casualties?
Key Concept 6.2 – Global Conflicts and their Consequences
- Why did the Ottoman Empire collapse?
- Why did the Russian Empire collapse?
- Why did the Qing Dynasty collapse?
- How did economic hardship lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
- How did political and social discontent lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
- How did technological stagnation lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
- How did military defeat lead to the collapse of older, land-based empires?
- How did India gain its independence from the British Empire?
- How did the Gold Coast gain its independence from the British Empire?
- How did Algeria gain its independence from the French Empire?
- How did Vietnam gain its independence from the French Empire?
- How did Angola gain its independence from the Portuguese Empire?
- How was Mohandas Gandhi a nationalist leader?
- How did Mohandas Gandhi challenge imperial rule?
- How was Ho Chi Minh a nationalist leader?
- How did Ho Chi Minh challenge imperial rule?
- How was Kwame Nkrumah a nationalist leader?
- How did Kwame Nkrumah challenge imperial rule?
- How does Muhammad Ali Jinnah represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
- How did Jinnah challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
- How does the Québécois separatist movement represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
- How did the Québécois separatist movement challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
- How does the Biafra secessionist movement represent a regional, religious, or ethnic movement?
- How did the Biafra secessionist movement challenge both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries?
- How did communism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
- How did pan-Arabism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
- How did pan-Africanism seek to unite people across national boundaries?
- What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Africa? How successful were they?
- What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Asia? How successful were they?
- What movements developed to redistribute land within states in Latin America? How successful were they?
- How did the partition of India and Pakistan lead to population resettlements?
- How did the Zionist Jewish settlement of Palestine lead to population resettlements?
- How did the division of the Middle East into mandatory states lead to population resettlements?
- How did the migration of South Asians to Britain help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
- How did the migration of Algerians to France help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
- How did the migration of Filipinos to the United States help maintain cultural and economic ties between the two even after the dissolution of empire?
- How is Armenia an example of ethnic violence?
- How is the Holocaust an example of ethnic violence?
- How is Cambodia an example of ethnic violence?
- How is Rwanda an example of ethnic violence?
- What caused the displacement of people resulting in Palestinian refugee populations?
- What caused the displacement of people resulting in Darfurian refugee populations?
- Why was World War I a total war?
- Why was World War II a total war?
- How did governments use fascism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
- How did governments use nationalism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
- How did governments use communism to mobilize all of their state’s resources for the purpose of waging war in World Wars I and II?
- How is the use of Gurkha soldiers from India an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
- How is the use of ANZAC soldiers from Australia an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
- How is the use of military conscription an example of the mobilization of all of a state’s resources for the purpose of waging war?
- How did governments use political speeches to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
- How did governments use art to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
- How did governments use media to mobilize their populations during World Wars I and II?
- How was imperialist expansion by Europe and Japan a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How was competition for resources a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How was ethnic conflict a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How were Great Power rivalries between Great Britain and Germany a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How were nationalist ideologies a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How was the economic crisis – engendered by the Great Depression – a source of global conflict in the first half of the twentieth century?
- How did the global balance of economic power shift after World War II?
- How did the global balance of political power shift after World War II?
- How did the shift of economic and political power after World War II lead into the Cold War?
- Why was the United States a superpower after World War II?
- Why was the Soviet Union a superpower after World War II?
- Why were there ideological struggles between capitalism and communism across the globe during the Cold War?
- How did the Cold War produce the NATO military alliance?
- How did the Cold War produce the Warsaw Pact military alliance?
- How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Latin America?
- How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Africa?
- How did the Cold War produce proxy wars in Asia?
- How did the dissolution of the Soviet Union end the Cold War?
- How did Picasso challenge war through his Guernica?
- How did the antinuclear movement during the Cold War challenge war?
- How did ThichQuangDuc challenge war through self-immolation?
- How did Gandhi promote the practice of non-violence as a way to bring about political change?
- How did Martin Luther King promote the practice of non-violence as a way to bring about political change?
- How did Communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
- How did the Non-Aligned Movement promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
- How did the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
- How did the participants in the global uprisings of 1968 promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
- How did the Tiananmen Square protesters promote alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders?
- How did the promotion of military dictatorships in Chile, Spain, and Uganda intensify further conflicts?
- How did the United States’ promotion of a New World Order after the Cold War intensify further conflicts?
- How did the buildup of the “military-industrial complex” and arms trading intensify further conflicts?
- How did the IRA use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
- How did the ETA use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
- How did al-Qaeda use violence against civilians to achieve political aims?
- How is Dadaism an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
- How is James Bond an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
- How is Socialist Realism an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
- How are video games an example of the influence of global conflict on popular culture?
Key Concept 6.3 – New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture
- How did the Soviet Union control its national economy through Five Year Plans?
- How did China control its national economy through the Great Leap Forward?
- Why did governments play a minimal role in their national economies in the United States and Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century?
- How is the New Deal an example of a more active government in economic life at the onset of the Great Depression?
- How is the Fascist corporatist economy an example of a more active government in economic life at the onset of the Great Depression?
- How did Nasser take on a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development in newly independent Egypt after World War II?
- How is the encouragement of export-oriented economies in East Asia an example of governments taking a strong role in guiding economic life to promote development in newly independent states after World War II?
- How did the United States under Ronald Reagan encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
- How did Britain under Margaret Thatcher encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
- How did China under Deng Xiaoping encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
- How did Chile under Augusto Pinochet encourage free market economic policies and promote economic liberalization?
- How did the League of Nations attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
- How does the United Nations attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
- How does the International Criminal Court attempt to maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation?
- How does the International Monetary Fund seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
- How does the World Bank seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
- How does the World Trade Organization seek to spread the principles and practices associated with free market economics throughout the world?
- How does UNICEF attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
- How does the Red Cross attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
- How does Amnesty International attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
- How does Doctors Without Borders attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
- How does the World Health Organization attempt to respond to humanitarian crises throughout the world?
- How does the European Union promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
- How does NAFTA promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
- How does ASEAN promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
- How does Mercosur promote the movement of capital and goods across national borders?
- How is Royal Dutch Shell a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
- How is Coca-Cola a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
- How is Sony a multinational corporation that challenges state authority and autonomy?
- How does Greenpeace protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
- How does the Green Belt in Kenya protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
- How does Earth Day protest the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration?
- How is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
- How are women’s rights an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
- How is the end of the White Australia Policy an example of the notion of human rights gaining traction throughout the world?
- How is negritude a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
- How is xenophobia a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
- How are race riots a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
- How are citizenship restrictions a result of increased interactions between diverse peoples?
- How are New Age Religions an example of new forms of spirituality?
- How is Hare Krishna an example of new forms of spirituality?
- How is Falun Gong an example of new forms of spirituality?
- How do fundamentalist movements choose to emphasize particular aspects of practice within existing faiths and apply them to political issues?
- How does Liberation Theology choose to emphasize particular aspects of practice within existing faiths and apply them to political issues?
- How does World Cup Soccer reflect national and social aspirations?
- How do the Olympics reflect national and social aspirations?
- How does cricket reflect national and social aspirations?
- How did changes in communication and transportation enable the spread of reggae?
- How did changes in communication and transportation enable the spread of Bollywood?