This is an application for hire and must be completed and approved prior to hiring services or facilities at ISLAND SPORTS COMPLEX.
A letter of confirmation will be provided on approval of your booking.
Contact name:......
Address: ......
Postcode: ......
Telephone: (H) ...... (W) ...... (M) ......
Facility Hire
Outdoor 50m Pool / Full Day / Half Day / _____ Lane/s___ Hrs
Program Pool / _____ Lane/s___ Hrs
Meeting Room 1 (Crèche) / Meeting Room 2 (Program Room)
Date of hire:.../...../....AND/ORfrom ...../..../ ...../..../.....
Time of hire:Preparation –From...... to......
Activity – From ...... to ......
Purpose of hire: ......
Expected number of people attending:
Participants: ......
Officials: ......
Spectators: ......
Personnel Hire:
Pool Lifeguard / Yes / Number: ______/ NoSwim Instructor / Yes / Number: ______/ No
Gymnasium Instructor / Yes / Number: ______/ No
Aerobics Instructor / Yes / Number: ______/ No
Are you seeking approval to provide food or drinks during your booking? / Yes / NoIf Yes, please provide further detail (reason, time, etc.)
Will you be requiring service from the kiosk? / Yes / NoSecurity Deposit: Refer Clause 2.
Amount: $ ......
Signature of Endorsing Staff Member: ......
Date received: ......
Note:(1)No alcohol is permitted on the premises.
(2)No glass bottles or containers are permitted.
(3)Access to kitchen facilities may only be permitted at the times stated above and under the supervision of an employee of ISLAND SPORTS COMPLEX.The hirer must comply with Food Safety & Handling procedures and direction from ISLAND SPORTS COMPLEX employees.
(4)Approval must be sought for sale of goods by the hirer in writing to the Manager. Commercial advertising or sales of products in competition to Management’s established contracts will not be permitted.
(5)Management reserves the right to operate and sell from the kiosk during this booking.
Hire Authorisation:
I ______(Print Name) of ______(Club/Organisation)
hereby apply for hire of the premises set out in the Schedule to this application for the day and times specified.I have received and read the Conditions of Hire and agree to comply in full.I further agree to be responsible for ensuring all individuals or groups using the premises in association with this application shall comply with the Conditions.
Date:...../...... /......
ISLAND SPORTS COMPLEX grants the hire of facilities subject to the following conditions:
- Application
The right to use the facility is subject to Management receiving an application in the required form signed by the proposed hirer undertaking to comply with these conditions.If the proposed hirer is a club the application must include the personal undertaking by the president/secretary of the club.
- Security Bond
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a security bond in the sum of $200 shall be paid by the hirer at the time of booking as a guarantee of fulfilment to these conditions, and as security against damage to the building or any fittings and furniture contained therein, and for any cleaning arranged by Island Sports Complex resulting from the hirer’s use of the premises. The hirer shall be liable on demand by the Complex Manager to pay any further amount in excess of such bond to meet the full cost of such damage or cleaning.If there is no breach of the conditions of usage or damage to the building or any fittings and furniture therein or abnormal cleaning, the deposit will be returned within two weeks of the use of the premises.
- Hire Fees
- Hire Fees shall be in accordance with the Fees & Charges Schedule and shall be payable four (4) weeks prior to the date of the function.
- Hirers wishing to extend booking times outside the Complex operation hours will incur additional fees for the period of time before or after the normal operating hours for the provision of an appropriate staff member to open / close and supervise the facility.
- All prices are inclusive of GST.
- Minimum Booking Time
The minimum booking time shall be in accordance with the Fees & Charges Schedule.No pro rata rates are applicable.
- Use of Facility after Engaged Time
If the area is not vacated by the nominated time, the hirer shall forfeit the sum of fees from the bond equivalent to one hour of hire for any time elapsed over the booking finish time within the first hour, two hours hire within the second hour and so on.
- Preparation for Functions
If a hindrance to other users of the facility is expected to occur a maximum of two hours preparation time will be allowed and charged at the applicable hourly rate.If more than two hours is required, the hirer must hire the facility for the duration.
- Cancellation of Booking
Any cancellation of a booking for the hire of facilities shall be made at least 14 days prior to the date of the function.Any cancellation within 14 days of the date of the function will result in a cancellation fee of 10 per cent of the booking fee being levied.
- Insurance
- Obligation to Insure
The Hirer shall be the holder of a current Public Liability Policy of insurance in the name of the Hirer providing coverage for an amount at least $5,000,000.The Public Liability Policy shall be effected with an insurer approved by the Principal.The Public Liability Policy shall cover such risks and be subject only to such conditions and exclusions as are approved by the Principal and shall extend to cover the Principal in respect to claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of the negligence of the Hirer.
- The Policy is extended to indemnify Island Sports Complex in respect of any claim indemnifiable under the policy caused by an occurrence arising directly and solely out of the negligent acts, errors or omission of the Insured.This extension does not extend to any negligent acts, errors or omissions of Council, its staff or agents themselves.
- Regulations
The hirer shall comply in every respect with all regulations, particularly the Health Act, Royal Life Saving Society Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation, and the Victorian Building Regulations with regard to Public Buildings, for the safety of all persons within the facility hired.Any person causing an offence against such regulation shall be removed from the building.
- Permission to Occupy
- The hirer shall only be entitled to the use of the particular part/s of the Complex hired on the date set out in the application Schedule.Island Sports Complex reserves the right to permit any other portion of the Complex to be hired for any other purpose at the same time.
- The right conferred on the hirer shall be a permission to occupy and shall not be construed as a tenancy.Nothing contained in these conditions shall confer on a regular hirer the right to exclusive possession and the Complex may at its discretion allow other individuals and groups to have casual use of the premises.
- Assignment
Hirers that are granted permission to use the facilities within this Application shall not assign the right of use to any other person, organisation or body.
- Supervision
All areas of the facility must be supervised appropriately in conjunction with Island Sports Complex Policies and Procedures.
- Qualifications
In the event that a booking is to be conducted exclusively to the hirer/s (for example, restricted access to the public), and which does not require supervision from Island Sports Complex staff, the hirer will comply with appropriate Industry supervision guidelines and/or regulations. All relevant qualifications must accompany this application.
- Determination
If the hirer commits, permits or allows any breach or default in the performance and observance of any of these conditions the Complex may terminate the permission to use the premises and the hirer shall immediately vacate the premises and the security deposit shall be forfeited.
- Theft
Neither the Complex nor its servants shall be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the hirer or any person, firm or corporation entrusting to or supplying any article or thing to the hirer by reason of any such article or thing being lost, damaged or stolen.The hirer hereby indemnifies the Complex against any claim by any such person, firm or corporation in respect of such article or thing.
- Refusal to Grant Hire
It shall be at the discretion of the Manager to refuse to grant the hire of a facility in any case and, not withstanding that permission to hire the facility may have been granted or that these conditions may have been accepted and signed and the fees and deposit paid, the Manager shall have the power to cancel such permission and direct the return of the fees and deposits paid.The hirer hereby agrees in such case to accept the same and shall be held to have consented to such cancellation and to have no claim at law or in equity for any loss or damage in consequence thereof.
- Good Order
- The hirer shall be responsible for the full observance of these conditions and for the maintenance and preservation of good order in the building throughout the whole duration of the period of use.
- The hirer and all persons a party to this agreement will be subject to Island Sports Complex standards, rules and regulations.
- Cleanliness
- The hirer is responsible for leaving the premises in a clean and tidy state, and shall immediately remove all rubbish, refuse, equipment, waste matter and lost property.
- Any cost incurred by the Complex in cleaning the premises resulting from the condition in which the hirer left the premises shall be recoverable from the hirer as a deduction from the bond paid.
- Damages
The hirer shall accept full financial responsibility for damage to Complex property during the life of this Application except for normal wear and tear.
- Signage
No notice, sign, advertisement, scenery, fittings or decorations of any kind shall be erected within the Complex or attached or affixed to the walls, doors or any other portion of the building, fittings or furniture without prior consent of the Manager.
- Smoking and Liquor
Smoking and liquor is not permitted in any Complex building.
- Outside Operating hours
- Complex management will be responsible for opening or closing the facility before or after use.
- The hirer will be responsible for all associated costs as outlined in Clause 3 of these Terms and Conditions.
- Free Access
Any officer or employee of Complex whom the Manager may appoint shall at all times be entitled to free access to any and every part of the building.
- Disputes
In the event of any dispute or difference arising as to the interpretation of these conditions, or any matter or thing contained therein, the decision of the Manager thereon shall be final and conclusive.
- Animals
No animals (except guide dogs) shall be admitted to the Complex without the prior written consent of the Manager.
The facility for hire should be checked prior to the booking to ensure that it is in a suitable condition for use.
Date of Pre Inspection:......
After the booking / function, the facility should be checked again to verify compliance with the conditions of use, and to compile a record of the condition of the premises.
Date of Post Inspection:......
Item / Pre Inspection / Post InspectionY / N / Comments / Y / N / Comments
Facility clean
Equipment stored correctly
Emergency exits clear
Safety and first-aid equipment in place
Structural damage
Equipment loss or damage
Hirer:...... (Print name)......
Island Sports Complex employee:......
(Print name)......
Date: ......
To be completed by staff only
Customer Service staff to complete:
Item / Check andcommentsCheck history of enquirer
Check availability of facility
Check application completed correctly
Forward Application Form and Conditions of Hire to Manager
Employee name:......
Signature:...... Date:...... /...../.....
Coordinator to complete:
Item / Check andcommentsCheck validity of insurance
Receive bond payment
Pre inspection conducted
Post inspection conducted
Bond returned / Amount $......
Employee name:......
Signature:...... Date:...... /...../.....