The Diary of Anne Frank Act 2 Study GuideName:______
Scene 1
1. What do Miep and Mr. Kraler bring for New Year’s?
2. What happened to Mouschi?
3. Why do they argue about what Miep has brought?
4. What does Mr. Van Daan ask Miep to sell, and what does he ask her to buy?
5. How does Anne describe herself?
6. What bad news does Mr. Kraler bring?
7. What does the worker in the storeroom want? Why, perhaps?
8. What does Margot say she wishes would happen?
9. What does Anne say about the difference between the grown-ups and the young people?
10-11. What upsetting news do they get about…
Mr. Kraler?
Their ration book supplier?
Act 2, Scene 2
12. What do Anne and Peter get dressed up for?
13. How does Peter feel about Anne now?
14. What happens between them as the bell chimes 9:00 p.m. and Anne is leaving Peter’s room?
Act 2, Scene 3
15.-16. What is Mr. Van Daan caught doing? Who catches him?
17. What does Mr. Dussel do when Mr. Van Daan is caught?
18. What does Mrs. Frank say must happen because of this incident?
19. Why is this line of action especially unusual for her?
20. Why is this incident so upsetting to Mrs. Frank?
21-23..Identify: “We don’t need the Nazis to destroy us. We’re destroying ourselves”
Who is the speaker?
What is the situation?
What does this mean?
24. What news does Miep bring?
25. How does this news change the atmosphere in the annex?
26. How old is Anne now?
Act 2, Scene 4
27. Why is everyone in the secret annex so terrified at the beginning of Scene 4?
28. What does Anne say about nature?
29. What did Anne say that “in spite of everything” she still believed about people?
30. What terrifies them even more while Peter and Anne are talking?
31-33. Explain: “For the past two years we have lived in fear. Now we can live in hope.”
Who is speaking?
Who is being spoken to?
What does this quote mean?
34. What happens at the end of Scene 4?
Act 2, Scene 5
35. Who is the only survivor of the hidden?
36. Where is Mr. Frank in this scene?
37. Why does Mr. Frank say that Anne puts him to shame?
ACT II – Study Questions
- Answer questions on your own paper using complete sentences.
- Many (but not all) of the questions require details and support for your answer . . .
i. Reword the question in the answer.
ii. Give your answer.
iii. Provide details/support from the text.
REMEMBER, you are working on these throughout the play/text.
- Compare and contrast Anne’s relationship with her mother to that with her father. (Double Bubble Map)
- Compare and contrast the relationship between Anne and Peter at the beginning of the play and later on in the play. (Double Bubble Map)
- In the early scenes of the play, how does Anne manage to get on others’ nerves? How does that change by the end of the play?
- Compare and contrast Anne and Margot. Do their differences ever cause problems? (Double Bubble Map)
- How do the conflicts that characters have seem almost insignificant when Mr. Dussell tells them what has been going on outside? (Problem/Solution Question)
- How would you describe the problem between Anne and her mother? How does Anne describe the problem between her and her mother? What do you think would improve it? (Double Bubble Map)(Problem/Solution Question)
- How have Anne’s plans for the future changed? What did she plan to become in the beginning of the play? What is she planning to become now? Why does she “think more seriously about life.” (Compare/Contrast, Double Bubble Map, Tree Map, Venn Diagram, Essay)
Act II: Scene I
- Based on the cake incident, has Mr. Van Daan changed at this point?
- What does the fur coat incident reveal about Mr. Van Daan’s character?
- Mr. Kraler brings news of a new problem. Explain. (LOL 493)
- What do the responses of Mr. Frank, Mr. Dussell, and Mr. Van Daan reveal about the type of person each man is?
- Give evidence that Peter’s feelings toward Anne have changed.
- What does Peter admire about Anne? Write your own answer to the question, THEN share your answers with your group. Discuss.
Act II: Scene II
- How do Anne’s visits with Peter cause conflict for Mrs. Frank?
- Write your own answer to the question, THEN share your answers with your group. Discuss.
- Explain: “Well, here I go . . . to run the gauntlet.” (LOL, 499)
i. Who said this?
ii. What do you think this means?
- Take notes throughout the play in order to get this done . . . How have Anne’s plans for the future changed? (What did she plan to become in the beginning of the play? What is she planning to become now?) Why does she “think more seriously about life.”
- Explain Peter’s inferiority complex.
- Why do the playwrights have Anne mention that the rats have been eating the food? (LOL, 502)
Act II: Scene III
- What is the only event that causes Mrs. Frank to really become angry? What is the result?
- Identify: “We don’t need the Nazis to destroy us. We’re destroying ourselves” (LOL, 504 )
- Who is the speaker?
- What is the situation?
- What does this mean?
- Explain the cruelty and destructiveness of the inhabitants.
- Why does Mr. Frank not want Miep to see the group arguing? (LOL, 506)
- Identify: This is computer lab work and/or homework . . .
- D-Day
- General Eisenhower
- Sir Winston Churchill
- After news of the invasion, why does Mr. Van Daan’s stealing no longer seem to matter? (LOL, 506)
- What new threat has now appeared (at the end of the scene 3)?
- Define: irony
- Explain the irony of the following quote “I want to go on living even after my death.” (LOL, p )
Act II: Scene IV
- Anne tells Peter that she has a way of “escaping” the annex. Explain.
- How does Anne attempt to explain the war to Peter? How does he react?
- Explain: “For the past two years we have lived in fear. Now we can live in hope.” (LOL, 511 )
- Who is speaking?
- Who is being spoken to?
- What does this quote mean?
Act II: Scene V
- Remember the flashback question? Explain what just happened?
- What does Mr. Frank mean in the last scene when he says, “She puts me to shame”? (LOL, 512)
- Does the play offer any evidence of Anne’s statement that “people are really good at heart”? (LOL, 512)
Literary Technique Culminating Questions
- What is the climax of the play?
- What is the main conflict of the play?
- What is the theme of the play?