Projected Course Listing for Spring 2001

Course No.Course NameInstructor

200ECE Seminar

201 1)Linear Circ Anly I



2021)Linear Circ Anly II


255 1)Int Electron Anly Des


264Advanced C Prog

290Soph. EPICS

301 1)Signals & Sys


302 1)Probabilistics Methods


305Semiconductor Devices

311 1)Elec & Magnetic Fields


321Electromech Motion Dev

362 1)Micropro Sys & Intrfac

2)* Asynchronous section

364Sftwr Engr Tools Lab

365Digital Comp Design

368Data Structures

369Disc Math for Comp Eng

382FdbkSys Anly & Design

390Jr. EPICS

400ECE Undergrad Seminar

402EE Sr. Design

414Elements of Electro-and Fiber Optics

432Elements of power System Engineering

433Power Electronics

438Dig Sig Proc w/ Apl

440Transmission Info

455Integrated Circ Engr

456Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design

461Software Engineering

469Operating Systems Engineering

473Intro to Artificial Intelligence

4771)Digital Systems Senior Project


483Dig Control Sys

484Microprocessor Based Contr Sys Lab

490Sr. EPICS

Experimental Courses:

495AComputer Design and Prototyping______Prof. Meyer___

495KObject-Oriented Design Using C++ and Java Prof. Kak

495MDigital Logic Design______Prof. Meyer___

495RIntroduction to Computer Communicatios Networks Prof. Rosenberg_____

495SSftwr Engr Tools Lab(addtl lecture for 2 of 12 EE 364 lab divisions)Prof. Mowle

495x*AAE 490E to conjoin w/ ECEProf. Wasynczuk

Course No.Course NameInstructor

522Problems in the Measurement of Physiolog Ev. Cross-list w/ BME

552Intro to Lasers

553Ceramic Materials in Elec Dev

554TVElectronic Instruments & Control Circuits

557Integr Circuit Fab Lab

558Integrated-Circuit Layout & Design

559MOS VLSI Design

562Intro to Data Management

563Programming Parallel Machines

565Computer Architecture

577Engineering Aspects of Remote Sensing

580Optimization Methods for Systems & Control

600TVRandom Variables

602Lumped Sys Theory

606Solid State Devices

608TVComp Models & Methods

614Integrated & Fiber Optics

617Antennas: Des & Applications

618Numerical Electromagnetics

622Eng in Medicine: Nervous Sys Cross-list w/ BME

625Analysis of Electromechanical Systems II

627Intro to Cryptography & Secure Commu

628Computer Graphic Simultn & Visualizn

635Optim. & Economic Operation of Integ. Power Sys.

636Dynamics & Contr of Integr Pwr Sys

637Digital Image Processing I

639Error Control Coding

643Stochastic Processes in Information Systems

645Estimation Theory

648Digital Signal Proc II

654Solid State Devices II

655Superconducting Elec Dev

659Quantim Phenomena in Semiconductors

661Computer Vision

663Compiler Code Generation Optim. & Parallel.

666Advanced Computer Systems

667Parallel Processing

668Artificial Intelligence

672Synthesis & Design of Analog Filters

673Distributed Computing Systems

675Intro to Analysis of Nonlinear Systems

679Advanced Digital Communications

682Control of Robot Manipulators

684Linear Multivariable Control

688VLSI Testing & Verification Prof. Pomeranz

690Neural Fuzzy Systems

Experimental Courses:

595BFundamentals of MEMS and Micro-Integrated Systems Prof. Bashir___

595KReal-Time DSP Programming with Applications Prof. Krogmeier______

595NAdvanced CMOS Device Technology Prof. Lundstrom______

694AECE Seminar

694BOral Communctn for Int'l Research Students Joanne Lax______

694CWriting Course Joanne Lax______

695DIntro to Biomedical Imag Sys (EE 620;Conjoin w/BME) Prof. Delp_____

695KAdvanced VLSI Design Prof. Roy & Prof. Koh______

Undergraduate Lab Courses

207Electronic Measurement Technique Lab

208Electronic Devices & Design Lab

267Digital Logic Design Lab

290EPICS Lab

306Electronic Circuits & Systems Lab

307Electromagnetic Fields & Waves Lab

308Systems Simulation & Control Lab

323Electromechanical Motion Devices Lab

357VLSI Chip Design Lab

362Microprocessor Systems & Interfacing Lab

364Software Engineering Tools Lab

390EPICS Lab

402EE Design Projects Lab

407Semiconductor Measurements Lab

415Electro-and Fiber Optics Laboratory

438Digital Signal Processing with Applications Lab

440Transmission of Information Lab

457Electronic Design Lab

461Software Engineering Lab

467Digital Systems/Embedded Microcontrollers

469Operating Systems Engineering

477Digital Systems Senior Project Lab

484Microprocessor Based Controls Systems

490EPICS Lab

course.list.s01 as of 10/19/18