5) Your Agreement

Data Protection: Your data will be processed and used by British Wheelchair Basketball for its sole use, and to enable the administration and running of the wheelchair basketball game and its leagues in the UK.

Photography and Filming: Photography and filming will be taken at British Wheelchair Basketball organised events. By signing this form you are consenting to your image (and that of a junior player if applicable) being used by British Wheelchair Basketball and its partners for the positive promotion of the sport.

Anti-Doping: This membership form commits members over the age of 16 to the anti-doping code and policy of British Wheelchair Basketball


Yes Please! I’d love to be kept up-to-date with BWB news, email newsletters and league round-ups. (Please tick)

By signing this form you are agreeing to abide by British Wheelchair Basketball’s codes of conduct; regulations, policies and rules during the 2017/18 season.

Member / Witness
Signature / Signature
Date / Date
Parent Signature (U18 members only)& Print Name

Gift Aid

As a registered charity British Wheelchair Basketball is able to treat the subscription as a donation, and reclaim the notional tax under Gift Aid. If you are a UK Tax payer and would like to Gift Aid your subscription please complete the below form:

Name (full name of donor)
Address(inc Postcode)

Membership Form

Join 2017/18

Charity number: 1144808

Please return to either your club contact or to BWB, Sport Park, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3QF or

Supported by:

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signature (of donor)* / Date
*Gift aid only
1)Tell us about you
Title / First Name
Surname/Family Name / Date of Birth
/ /
Home Address
Nationality / Place of Birth (inc Country)
Home Tel / Mobile
Gender (please tick) / Male / Female
2)You and your membership
Member Status (please tick) / New / Renewal
Main Club
Classification (Please circle) / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5
Photo supplied (please circle) / Yes (compulsory for new members) / No
3)Where do you play?

Membership Fees 2017/18

£30 Senior Membership and first league, £20 per league thereafter

£15 Junior Membership and first league, £10 per league thereafter

£10 Playing Coach status (£10 for DBS check)

£30 Non-Playing Coach (plus £10 for DBS check if required)

League / Team(Please list team name)
National League
Women’s League
Junior League
Playing Coach
Non-Playing Coach
4)Supporting British Wheelchair Basketball
Category / Cost (Snr/Jnr) / Please Tick / Level
Team Follower / £30/£15
Referee / £20/£20
Classifier / Free
Table Official / £5/£5
Statistician / Free
Recreational Member / Free
Individual Member
(non-playing) / £30/£15

If you are a referee/table official/statistician please tick here if you are happy for your contact information to be shared with clubs.☐