Draft minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held in The Ayland Pavilion on 7th March 2011 at 7.15pm. These minutes are subject to confirmation by the council at its next meeting


Councillor Mr. A Capstick (Chairman)

Councillors Mr. JC Berry, Mr. AS Priestley, Mrs IE Rigg, Miss A Salisbury, Miss M Smith, Mr. GL Wilkinson,

County and District Councillor Mr. SB Collins

8 members of the public

211/10 Apologies for absence

Councillors Mrs JM Ashworth (illness), Mr TC Johnson (working), Mrs DA Taylor (working), Mr AJ Wilkinson (illness). It was Resolved that the apologies be noted and the reasons for absence be approved.

212/10 Chairman’s Announcements

The Chairman said that he felt that the council’s position in relation to the proposed closure of the public toilets in Abbey Square had been misunderstood. He confirmed that the Council wished to see them retained but felt that the entire cost should not fall on local council tax payers and had therefore resolved not to take on full responsibility for their operation but it was prepared to support any local group that might take on this function. The council had included the sum of £1000.00 in its budget for 2011/12 so that it could offer some support to any local group that was established to run the toilets.

213/10 Minutes

a)  It was Resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2011 as a true record.

b)  It was Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Plan Working Group meeting held on 14th February 2011 be received and the recommendations contained in minutes 206/10 and 207/10 be adopted

214/10 Declarations of interest by councillors in respect of items in the agenda

Councillors Mrs. IE Rigg and Miss M Smith declared prejudicial interests in item 13, Staveley Village Association projects as they are members of the Staveley Village Association Management Committee (minute 223/10) .

215/10 Vacancy on the Council

No one had expressed an interest in filling the vacancy on Nether Staveley Ward. It was Resolved that the vacancy be readvertised on the Parish Notice Boards and website. Councillors were also asked to identify anyone who might be interested in becoming a councillor.

216/10 Public participation

a) Items raised at the previous meeting - The following action had been taken on the items raised at the meeting on 7th February 2011:

i) Footway, Kendal Road – see minute 186/10.

ii) Proposed closure of public toilets in Abbey Square – see minute 190/10

iii) Planning application 7/2011/5401 – see minute 185/10 (a).

iv) Planning application 7/2010/5630 – see minute 185/10 (a)

b)  Public participation – The following matters were raised:

i)  New Bus timetables displayed at bus stops – It was claimed that the information contained in the new style bus timetables displayed at bus stops was inadequate. They do not indicate where the bus has come from or where it is going; merely stating what time the bus will leave that particular stop. It was no longer possible to establish which bus went to a particular destination or when there might be a return service. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with Cumbria County Council Transport Officers.

ii) Kendal Road footway – It was stated that the proposed realignment of the footway on Kendal Road to the south west side of the road had been approved by Cumbria County Council’s South Lakeland Local Committee subject to the approval of the Environment Agency to the proposed works, resolution of the Deed of Dedication issue and further consultation with local residents. The local MP Mr. Tim Farron had met local residents and was investigating the matter further. It was also alleged that the Parish Council had pushed the matter through in haste without considering all the facts or providing proper consultation with local people. The Clerk reminded the meeting that the Council was only a consultee in this matter; it is not running the project. It is the responsibility of Cumbria County Council to carry out all relevant consultation and consider any representations made. Mention was also made of a petition that was circulating in the village requesting traffic calming measures on Kendal Road and the imposition of a 20MPH speed limit. The Chairman indicated that the council had requested a meeting with Cumbria Highways to clarify the current position with this project.

iii) Railway Hotel car park – It was reported that some rubbish had been removed but the site was still in a mess. The Clerk was asked to write to the Lake District National Park Authority requesting enforcement action to get the site permanently tidied.

iv) Kerb at foot of Ravengarth – It was reported that the collapsed sewer at the foot of Ravengarth had been repaired but the kerbstones and grass on the river side of the road had been left in a damaged state. The Clerk was asked to request Cumbria Highways to have the area repaired.

v) Toilets – It was mentioned that a scheme to encourage businesses in Kendal to allow people to use their toilets without the need to make a purchase was being trialled and would this be encouraged outside of Kendal. It was explained that this was a trial and if successful, the arrangement would be rolled out across South Lakeland District. Those businesses taking part would display a notice in the window and could receive a small annual payment towards their additional costs.

217/10 Planning

a) New planning applications – The following new planning applications were considered and the comments recorded were agreed:

7/2011/5064 Sidegarth, Staveley. Alterations to the external landscaping including the construction of a single storey summerhouse. No objections, recommend approval

7/2011/5086 Outrun Nook, Crook. Change of use of ancillary accommodation to holiday accommodation and modification of existing parking. No objections. Recommend approval subject to a condition restricting occupation of the property to a short period to prevent it becoming a permanent home.

It was Resolved that the comments on each case be passed to the planning authority.

b) Planning applications determined since the last meeting – To note decisions made on the following planning applications since the last meeting:

7/2010/5440 Broom Hill, The Banks, Staveley. Extension to existing house. GRANTED

7/2010/5542 Gowan Lodge, Windermere Road, Staveley. Loft conversion with dormer and front roof extensions and ground floor extension. REFUSED

7/2010/5653 Middle Elf Howe, Elf Howe Lane, Staveley. New build stone and slate single garage on site of existing greenhouse. Amendment to permission 7/2010/5178 to alter windows to back elevation and to alter design of garage/store to front (west) elevation. GRANTED

It was Resolved that the report be noted

c) Planning applications still outstanding

It was noted that the following planning applications were still awaiting a decision by the planning authority:

7/2009/5191 OS field 3700, Kentmere Road, Staveley. Alterations to field access, construction of bund and drainage works in field.

7/2009/5192 Land south of High House Farm, Ings. Erection of stables and hay/feed store

7/2009/5282 Field OS 5056, Ings. General purpose agricultural building. Notice of appeal by way of written representations against refusal of planning consent.

7/2010/5255, Railway Hotel, The Banks, Staveley. Alterations and change of use of Railway Hotel to form 3 houses and 2 flats.

7/2010/5326 Kentmere Mills, Church View, Staveley. Partial demolition and erection of a new building for business premises. To provide warehouse and storage facilities, with internet and mail order packing and dispatch. Including associated management and sales offices, workshop and retail showroom (Resubmission)

7/2010/5359 Tween Bridges, Church Lane, Ings. Demolition of dwelling house and construction of two storey building for brewery and 8 letting bedrooms for Watermill Inn together with construction of a vehicular bridge and a pedestrian bridge.

7/2010/5630 Brantholme, Danes Road, Staveley. Ground floor extension with garage beneath

7/2011/5001 High Reston Farm, Staveley. Conversion of existing byre to single dwelling

7/2011/5005 Hill Farm, Ings. Removal of condition 3 (requiring flood compensation area) of approval ref 7/2003/5419

7/2011/5012 Ings Filling Station, Ings. Roadside oil company sign to display fuel prices.

7/2011/5031 Little Ashes Cottage, Staveley. Proposed ancillary building (garage, craft room & music room), re-submission of application 7/2010/5416.

218/10 Highways

a) Footway, Kendal Road – The Chairman reported that the Cumbria County County’s South Lakeland Local Area Committee had approved the proposed improvement scheme subject to the resolution of the Environment Agency issues, the resolution of the Deed of Dedication matter and further consultation with local people. Authority was also needed to roll over the funding for the project to the 2011/12 council year. A letter from Anna M Williams, a resident on Kendal Road, was circulated to councillors at the start of the meeting. An explanation as to how the Parish Council decided to support the current scheme was also provided in response to the letter and the Clerk was asked to reply to the writer clarifying the misunderstandings contained in the letter.

b) Miles without stiles project – Councillor Mr. JC Berry reported that plans were in place to have the new bridge in place by 11th May 2011. This would be followed by a dry stone walling competition and wallathon to erect the new wall along the eastern boundary of the footpath. An official opening was planned for June 2011.

It was Resolved that the report be noted.

Sue Thompson, the Lake District National Park Ranger, who had run this project from its inception, was retiring on 31st March 2011. Councillors spoke highly of the work that she had done around the parish during her time as a ranger and the Clerk was asked to invite her to the Parish Council meeting on 30th March 2011 so that she could be formally thanked for her work.

c) Footway lighting Gowan Crescent – nothing further to report

d) Offer of grant towards cost of two new public seats – The Clerk reported on an offer of a grant towards the provision of two public seats in the parish. It was Resolved that the offer be accepted subject to the details being agreed and the clerk be authorised to make the necessary arrangements with Cumbria Highways and the donors.

Councillor Mr. SB Collins suggested that the Parish Plan Working Group might identify sites for additional public seats in the parish so that anyone wanting to donate a seat could be offered a choice of available sites. The Chairman thanked him and said that this would be considered

219/10 Accounts for payment

It was Resolved that the following accounts be paid:

Staveley Village Association – room hire (back Room) PPWG 14/2/11 £ 12.00

- room hire The Pavilion 7/3/11/ (Parish Council) £ 12.00

Lakes Electrical – repairs to footway lights £201.98

220/10 Clerk’s salary and reimbursement of petty cash payments

It was Resolved that payment of the Clerk’s salary for council year 2010/11 in the sum of £1665.54 and reimbursement to the clerk of petty cash payments made between 1st July 2010 and 28th February 2011 in the sum of £213.91 be made.

221/10 Parish Steward Work and grass cutting at Ings 2011/12

It was Resolved that the Council should continue with the Parish Steward work during council year 2011/12 and the grass cutting at Ings for the 2011 season. The Clerk was authorised to seek prices for this work.

Ings Councillors were also asked to consider if small flower tubs were needed at Ings and if so, where.

222/10 Internal Audit

a) Appointment of Internal Auditor - The Council needs to appoint a new Internal Auditor in time to audit the 2010/11 accounts during April 2011. Discussions are taking place with a possible candidate. It was Resolved that the Clerk should resolve this matter in time for an appointment to be made at the meeting on 30th March 2011.

b) Collection of income tax and national insurance contributions from salaries and wages of employees – Council received a report from the Clerk that from April 2011, the council will be responsible for deducting income tax and national insurance contributions from all employee’s salaries and wages. It was Resolved that the report be noted and the Clerk be authorised to make the necessary arrangements.

223/10 Staveley Village Association

Councillors Mrs IE Rigg and Miss M Smith had declared a prejudicial interest in this item of business as they are members of the Staveley Village Association management Committee. The Clerk reported that the grant from the Upper Kent Local Area Partnership to insulate The Ayland Pavilion had been received by Staveley Village Association. The projects to replace the “Wendy House” on The Ayland play area and a new storage facility on The Ayland were still ongoing. It was Resolved that the report be noted.

224/10 Allotments

Nothing further to report

225/10 Parish Notice Boards

a) Nether Staveley Parish – nothing to report

b) Hugill, Brow Lane – nothing to report

226/10 Applications for grants from bodies outside the parish

Council considered the following applications for grants from bodies outside the parish: