07 Test question bank

1. Which of the following is a function of skeletal muscle?

a. produce movement

b. maintain posture

c. maintain body temperature

d. a and b only

e. all of the above

5. The bundle of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that attaches the muscle to bone is called a(n)

a. fascicle

b. tendon

c. ligament

d. epimysium

e. myofibril

6. Skeletal muscle fibers differ from "typical cells" in that these muscle fibers

a. lack a cell membrane

b. have many nuclei

c. are very small

d. lack mitochondria

e. all of the above

7. The cell membrane of skeletal muscle is called the

a. sarcolemma

b. sarcomere

c. sarcosome

d. sarcoplasmic reticulum

e. sarcoplasm

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8. The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the

a. sarcolemma

b. sarcomere

c. sarcosome

d. sarcoplasmic reticulum

e. sarcoplasm

9. The membranous network of channels within a muscle fiber is the

a. sarcolemma

b. sarcoplasmic reticulum

c. myolemma

d. sarcoplasm

e. none of the above

10. The functional unit of skeletal muscle is the

a. sarcolemma

b. sarcomere

c. sarcoplasmic reticulum

d. myofibril

e. myofilament

11. Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for

a. muscle fatigue

b. the conduction of neural information to the muscle fiber

c. muscle contraction

d. muscle relaxation

e. the striped appearance of skeletal muscle

12. Thin filaments at either end of the sarcomere are attached to the

a. Z line

b. M line

c. H band

d. A band

e. I band

13. The area of the sarcomere containing the thick filaments is the

a. Z line

b. M line

c. H band

d. A band

e.  I band


14. The area of the sarcomere that contains only thin filaments is the

a. Z line

b. M line

c. H band

d. A band

e.  I band

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15. The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores

a. oxygen

b. glycogen

c. ATP

d. calcium ions

e.  glucose

16. Cross-bridges are located on

a. actin molecules

b. myosin molecules

c. troponin molecules

d. tropomyosin molecules

e. calcium ions

18. The space between the neuron and the muscle is the

a. synaptic knob

b. motor end plate

c. motor unit

d. synaptic cleft

e. I band

19. Active sites on actin become available for binding when

a. actin binds to troponin

b. troponin binds to tropomyosin

c. calcium binds to troponin

d. calcium binds to tropomyosin

e. myosin binds to troponin

24. Creatine phosphate

a. is produced by the process of anaerobic respiration

b. can replace ATP in binding to myosin molecules during contraction

c. acts as an energy reserve in muscle tissue

d. is only formed during strenuous exercise

e. cannot transfer its phosphate group to ADP

25. When energy reserves in a muscle are exhausted or lactic acid levels increase

a. an oxygen debt is repaid

b. fatigue occurs

c. relaxation occurs

d. tetany occurs

e. atrophy occurs

26. Fast fibers

a. have high resistance to fatigue

b. have a high concentration of myoglobin

c. have many mitochondria

d. contract quickly

e. all of the above

27. The type of muscle fiber that is best adapted for endurance is the

a. fast fiber

b. slow fiber

c. intermediate fiber

d. anaerobic fiber

e. high density fiber

29. Which of the following is not characteristic of smooth muscle?

a. Smooth muscle fibers are uninucleate.

b. Neurons that innervate smooth muscles are under voluntary control.

c. Smooth muscles are not striated.

d. Smooth muscles do not contain sarcomeres.

e. Smooth muscles may be tetanized.

30. Which of the following is not characteristic of cardiac muscle?

a. Cardiac muscles are not striated.

b. Cardiac muscles cannot be tetanized.

c. Cardiac muscle fibers are uninucleate.

d. Cardiac muscles contain sarcomeres.

e.  Neurons that innervate cardiac muscles are under involuntary control.

35. How would blocking the activity of acetylcholinesterase affect skeletal muscle?

a. It would make the muscles less excitable.

b. It would produce muscle weakness.

c. It would cause spastic paralysis (muscles are contracted and unable to relax).

d. It would cause flaccid paralysis (muscles are relaxed and unable to contract).

e. It would have no affect on skeletal muscles.

38. A person whose genetic makeup makes them a better marathon runner than a sprinter probably has more ______in their leg muscles.

a. fast fibers

b. intermediate fibers

c. slow fibers

d. dark fibers

e. noncontractile fibers

40. Rigor mortis occurs at death due to a lack of

a. cAMP

b. DNA

c. RNA

d. ATP


1. The peripheral nervous system consists of :

A. spinal cord and spinal nerves B. cranial nerves and spinal cord

C. spinal nerves and cranial nerves D. spinal nerves and the brain

2. ______neurons carry nerve impulses from the CNS to the muscles or glands.

A. sensory B. motor

C. association D. insulate

3. A synapse is:

A.  a neuron cell division resulting in two cells

B.  a junction between two neurons

C.  the part of the neuron releasing neurotransmitters

D.  a synonym for cell body

4. Which of the following regarding the autonomic nervous system is true?

A.  It is made up of those neurons that go to skeletal muscle.

B.  There are only sensory neurons in this system.

C.  It is physiologically and anatomically separate from the CNS.

D.  It consists of afferent neurons to glands, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.

5. Which is correct concerning neuroglea?

A.  These are only cells of the ANS.

B.  These are highly specialized for impulse conduction.

C.  They protect and support neurons.

D.  They are outnumbered by neurons in the brain.

6. The dendrites of a neuron:

A.  conducts impulses toward the cell body

B.  is the single main cytoplasmic process of a neuron

C.  conducts impulses away from the cell body

D.  none of the above

7. The myelin sheath of a neuron is associated with:

A.  nutrition of a neuron

B.  the speed of impulse conduction

C.  regeneration or nerve tissue

D.  support of a neuron

8. A resting nerve potential refers to:

A.  a depolarized membrane

B.  being permeable to all ions

C.  having a charge of 7 millivolts

D.  a polarized membrane

9. When a membrane is depolarized, the membrane:

A. is more permeable to Na+1

B. changes voltage to –70 millivolts

C. is negative on the inside

D. allows negative ions to escape

10. The time it takes for the ion movement to be restored between impulses is called:

A.  rest

B.  refractory period

C.  repolarization

D.  restoration

11. A threshold stimulus is one that:

A.  causes a maximum strength impulse

B.  initiates a slow impulse

C.  transmits an action according to the all or none principle

D.  both a and c

12. Which of the following is closely related to saltatory conduction?

A.  unmyelinated fibers

B.  myelinated fibers

C.  slow step by step depolarization

D.  greater energy requirement

13. Which of the following neuron fibers will conduct the impulses at the fastest rate?

A.  cold fibers B. small fibers

C. large unmyelinated fibers D. large myelinated fibers

14. Hyperpolarization is:

A.  a condition in which a neuron cannot generate an action potential

B.  a condition in which the resting level is more negative than –70mV

C.  a condition that results in an inhibitory effect instead of an excitatory effect.

D.  All of the above

15. The primary function of the nervous system is:

A. sensory B. integration

C. response D. all of the above

16. A nerve impulse would propagate fastest along a ______, ______, ______axon.

A.  Small, warm, myelinated B. Large, myelinated, warm

C. Small, unmyelinated, cold D. Large, myelinated, cold

17. Efferent neural fibers carry nerve impulses ______the central nervous system.

A. Towards B. Away from

C. Parallel to D. Perpendicular to

18. Intracellular fluids (inside the cell) contain more ______and ______than the extracellular fluids (outside the cell).

A. Sodium cations (Na+), Potassium cations (K+)

B. Protein anions (A-), Sodium cations (Na+)

C. Chlorine anions (Cl-), Sodium cations (Na+)

D. Potassium cations (K+), Protein anions (A-)

19. Alkalosis is defined as a(n) ______in blood pH, while acidosis is defined as a(n) ______in blood pH.

A. Increase, Decrease B. Increase,Maintenance

C. Maintenance, Decrease D. Decrease, Increase

20.A group of cell bodies within the peripheral nervous system is known as a ______.

A. Neuron B. Nuclei

C. Soma D. Ganglia

21. The ion needed to initiate the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft is

A.sodium B. potassium

C. calcium D. chloride

22. The division of the spinal cord responsible for voluntary movements is the ______.

A. Sympathetic Nervous System B. Autonomic Nervous System

C. Somatic Nervous System D. Parasympathetic Nervous System

23.The division of the nervous system responsible for the “fight or flight” response is the ______,

which increases energy expenditure and increases heart rate.

A. Sympathetic Nervous System B. Autonomic Nervous System

C. Somatic Nervous System D. Parasympathetic Nervous System

1. The ascending tracts of the CNS:

A. contain only motor neurons B. contain both sensory and motor neurons

C. are spinal tracts carrying sensory neurons D. are located in the spinal cord and brain

2. The subarachnoid space:

A.  contains fat, blood vessels, and connective tissues

B.  is the location of circulating cerebrospinal fluid

C.  lies between the dura mater and arachnoid layer

D.  is between the pia mater and the brain

3. Which of the following are general features of the spinal cord?

A.  it is an average of 42-45 cm. In length

B.  it only extends to the 2nd lumbar vertebrae

C.  it has 31 spinal segments

D.  all of the above

4. The correct sequence for the reflex arc is:

A.  sensory neuron, receptor, integration center, motor neuron, effector

B.  effector, motor neuron, integration center, sensory neuron, receptor

C.  receptor, motor neuron, integration center, sensory neuron, effector

D.  receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, effector

5. Thoracic nerves 2 – 11 (T2- T-11):

A. are called intercostals nerves B. form the thoracic plexus

C. contain only motor fibers D. all of the above

6. Which of the following concerning the human brain is correct?

A.  has a diencephalon made of a cerebrum and a cerebellum

B.  consists of a brain stem, diencephalon, cerebellum, and cerebrum

C.  weighs about 3 lbs.

D.  both B&C

7. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebrospinal fluid?

A.  serves as a direct source of neurotransmitters

B.  acts as a buoyant fluid “floating” the brain

C.  delivers nutritive materials to the CNS cells

D.  carries away toxic substances and wastes from brain cells

8. To which substance is the BBB most impermeable?

A. insulin B. urea

C. glucose D. antibiotics

9. The medulla oblongata:

A.  contains all of the ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord

B.  is made up of entirely descending tracts of the spinal cord

C.  is the superior part of the brain stem

D.  contains only ascending tracts of the spinal cord

10. The pons:

A.  contains transverse fibers that connect the spinal cord to the cerebellum

B.  means bridge

C.  helps regulate breathing

D.  all of the above

11. The thalamus:

A.  is considered part of the midbrain

B.  is the main relay station for sensory impulses

C.  functions to relay cerebral impulses to lower brain centers

D.  none of the above

12. Which part of the brain is responsible for monitoring and controlling hormone concentrations

and body temperature

A. thalamus B. medulla

C. hypothalamus D. midbrain

13. The ______is the delicate connective tissue membrane closely attached to the brain

and spinal cord.

A. dura mater B. arachnoid layer

C. pia mater D. epidural space

14. Cranial nerve I is responsible for:

A. sensory for sight B. motor for olfaction

C. motor for mastication D. sensory for olfaction

15. The longitudinal fissure:

A.  separates the left and the right hemispheres

B.  separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum

C.  lies between the parietal and frontal lobes

D.  separates the parietal and the occipital lobes

16. Blood vessels servicing the spinal cord are found in the

a. pia mater

b. dura mater

c. epidural space

d. subdural space

e. subarachnoid space

17. The following are the "layers" of meninges

1. subarachnoid space

2. pia mater

3. arachnoid mater

4. epidural space

5. dura mater

The correct order superficial to deep is:

a. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4

b. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1

c. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2

d. 5, 4, 3, 1, 2

e. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1

18. The projections of gray matter toward the outer surface of the spinal cord are called

a. wings

b. horns

c. pyramids

d. fibers

e. tracts

19. Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and digestive activities are located in the

a. medulla oblongata

b. pons

c. midbrain

d. diencephalon

e. cerebellum

20. What structure is highly vascular and closely adheres to the surface of the brain?

a. pia mater

b. arachnoid

c. dura mater

d. cortex

e. choroid plexus

21. The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the

a. medulla

b. pons

c. midbrain

d. cerebellum

e. cerebrum

22. The major communication between cerebral hemispheres occurs through the

a. corpus spongiosum

b. prefrontal gyrus

c. corpus callosum

d. postcentral gyrus

e. hypothalamus

23. Stimulation of the RAS results in

a. sleep

b. increased consciousness

c. coma

d. decreased cerebral function

e. none of the above

24. Overseeing the postural muscles of the body and making rapid adjustments to maintain balance and equilibrium are functions of the

a. cerebrum

b. midbrain

c. cerebellum

d. pons

e. medulla

25. Bundles of axons in the spinal cord are called