Table 1-SuplThe GSL 60-word lexicon and its intra-similarity percentage

wID / word / PS (%) / wID / word / PS (%) / wID / word / PS (%)
1 / airplane / 52.08 / 21 / pillow / 45.90 / 41 / a lot / 51.11
2 / car / 43.93 / 22 / knife / 55.38 / 42 / glass / 61.67
3 / hug / 50.59 / 23 / big / 55.47 / 43 / scissors / 56.42
4 / bus / 41.23 / 24 / small / 40.20 / 44 / watch / 54.56
5 / teacher / 40.02 / 25 / mobile / 49.46 / 45 / workbook / 47.94
6 / read / 43.14 / 26 / pencil / 48.04 / 46 / desk / 50.45
7 / room / 45.73 / 27 / motorbike / 51.69 / 47 / table / 50.72
8 / road / 58.64 / 28 / bottle / 55.06 / 48 / train / 50.70
9 / rubber / 55.44 / 29 / closet / 52.54 / 49 / run / 54.91
10 / office / 49.80 / 30 / toothpaste / 51.44 / 50 / eat / 54.59
11 / write / 46.49 / 31 / toothbrush / 51.71 / 51 / bag / 51.38
12 / couch / 44.05 / 32 / window / 50.95 / 52 / TV / 48.20
13 / chair / 50.93 / 33 / police patrol / 53.06 / 53 / fireplace / 55.53
14 / mirror / 51.93 / 34 / walk / 50.40 / 54 / vase / 52.64
15 / pan / 41.84 / 35 / towel / 58.46 / 55 / book / 54.82
16 / chalk / 52.76 / 36 / play / 55.28 / 56 / library / 54.32
17 / bed / 51.80 / 37 / plate / 54.70 / 57 / tap / 54.82
18 / lamp / 51.12 / 38 / fork / 59.03 / 58 / paper / 54.69
19 / few / 48.76 / 39 / ship / 51.10 / 59 / draw / 49.83
20 / cook / 37.04 / 40 / bicycle / 55.31 / 60 / telephone / 55.41
wID=Word ID; PS=Percentage of Similarity.

Table 2-SuplThe estimatedand values providing with the maximum recognition performance for each channel and for each signer and signer-pair

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / (1,2) / (1,3) / (2,3)
1 / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4 / 1,2,3,4,7 / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4 / 1,2,3,4,7
2 / 1,2,3,7 / 1,2,3,7 / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,7 / 1,2,3,5 / 1,2,3,5
3 / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4 / 1,2,3,5 / 1,2,4 / 1,2,3 / 1,2,3,4
4 / 1,2,3,6 / 1,3,4,7 / 1,2,3,4 / 1,2,3,6 / 1,2,7 / 1,2,4,5
5 / 1,2,3,4,7 / 1,2,3,6 / 1,2,5,6 / 1,2,3,4,7 / 1,2,3,4,7 / 1,2,4,6
6 / 1,2,3,5,6 / 1,2,3,4,7 / 1,2,5,6 / 1,2,3,5,6 / 1,2,4,5,7 / 1,2,3,5,6
7 / 1,2,4 / 1,3,5 / 1,4,7 / 1,2,5 / 1,2,5 / 1,5,7
8 / 1,2,6 / 1,2,5 / 1,2,6 / 1,6,7 / 2,4 / 1,6,7
(%) / (%)
96.4 / 99.3 / 98.3 / 83.0 / 78.6 / 83.6
i and l denote the signer; denotes the channel number;: Optimum values of m parameter per single-signer i,: Maximum classification accuracy for single-signer i (STEP 2a); : Optimum values of m parameter per signer-pair (i,l);: Maximum classification accuracy for signer-pair (i,l) (STEP 2b).

Table 3-SuplMean classification accuracy of SampEn analysis for the signs withhigh PS

/ 1 / 2 / 3
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
/ 8 / 96.67
±17.36 / 86.67
±26.73 / 99.67
±4.71 / 98.33
±8.7 / 95. 67
±11.27 / 99.67
±3.33 / 98
±11.4 / 88
±26.53 / 99.33
9 / 79
±31.05 / 100
±0 / 96.67
±14.57 / 92
±14.31 / 100
±0 / 98.67
±6.56 / 79.33
±33.67 / 100
±0 / 97.33
22 / 81.33
±30 / 99
±8.12 / 65.67
±14.72 / 91.67
±14.51 / 99.67
±3.33 / 79.67
±19.47 / 80.67
±3.32 / 100
±0 / 71.67
23 / 95
±21.07 / 100
±0 / 66.33
±14.8 / 96
±13.63 / 100
±0 / 83.33
±22.47 / 88
±26.53 / 100
±0 / 66.33
35 / 98.33
±10.43 / 99.67
±4.71 / 78
±39.6 / 99
±5.71 / 99.67
±3.33 / 91
±20.02 / 100
±0 / 89.67
±26.81 / 79
38 / 29
±32.96 / 100
±0 / 89.67
±25.09 / 63.67
±26.42 / 99.67
±3.33 / 95
±11.96 / 25
±50.43 / 100
±0 / 91.67
42 / 53.67
±31.04 / 81.67
±29.84 / 67.67
±37.79 / 81.67
±23.39 / 88.67
±15.87 / 79.67
±20.04 / 52
±48.29 / 81
±30.17 / 65
/ (1,2) / (1,3) / (2,3)
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
/ 8 / 97
±9.59 / 90
±17.41 / 99
±5.71 / 97.33
±11.29 / 91
±16.31 / 98.67
±6.56 / 99
±5.71 / 91
±16.31 / 98.33
9 / 88.67
±18.48 / 100
±0 / 97.33
±9.09 / 86
±17.84 / 100
±0 / 98.33
±7.30 / 89
±15.75 / 100
±0 / 98
22 / 88.67
±15.87 / 99.67
±3.33 / 82.33
±20.35 / 92.33
±14.10 / 100
±0 / 78
±20.22 / 89
±15.75 / 100
±0 / 83
23 / 96.33
±10.48 / 100
±0 / 86
±17.2 / 96.67
±11.11 / 99.67
±3.33 / 84.67
±21.93 / 98
±7.96 / 100
±0 / 81.33
35 / 99
±5.71 / 98
±7.96 / 87
±18.29 / 99.67
±3.33 / 97.33
±10.25 / 88.67
±17.87 / 99.67
±3.33 / 76.67
±31.96 / 92.33
38 / 72.33
±24.64 / 100
±0 / 93.67
±13.14 / 72.33
±24.64 / 100
±0 / 91
±14.87 / 74.67
±26.85 / 100
±0 / 94
42 / 79
±25.80 / 93
±13.65 / 81.67
±17.96 / 80.67
±20.75 / 92.67
±13.88 / 83.33
±19.25 / 81
±23.33 / 91
±14.87 / 81.33
i,j and l denote the signer; wID=Word ID;: Mean classification accuracy for words with high PS for signer j using ;: Mean classification accuracy for words with high PS for signer j using .