St. Paul Sail & Power Squadron Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

11 March 2013

Location: Davanni’s Restaurant, St Paul

Executive Committee Members Present:

Commander - Jeff Davis, AP

Educational Officer – Dave West, AP

Administrative Officer – Terry Higgins, AP

Treasurer – Greg Holmen, AP

Secretary – Michael Tipler, AP

Member-At-Large – Don Arneson, P

Member-At-Large – Chris Schnelle, AP

Immediate Past Commander – Dale Perry, AP

Guests Present:

Assistant Educational Officer – John Crowley, S

Flag Lieutenant – Sue Tipler, AP

Lead Education Instructor – Art Mollica, N

Membership Chair – Nancy Anderson, AP

Newsletter Editor – Karen Schmit, S

Vessel Safety Check Chair – Bob Schmit, AP

Call to Order @ 1904

Pledge was led by P/C Dale Perry, AP

Invocation was led by Squadron Chaplain Lt/C Michael Tipler, AP

Secretary determined Quorum is present.

Additions / Adjustments to the Agenda:

·  Membership Report – Nancy Anderson

·  Swearing in of Bridge Members not present at the Change of Watch

D/Lt/C Dale Perry, AP swore in L/C Terry Higgins, AP, L/C Dave West, AP and

Lt Chris Schnelle, AP

Introduction of Guests – Cdr Davis introduced the guests present.

Approval of the February Minutes: 1st/L Crowley asked for correction of spelling of P/C Marty Wirtz’s, P

name under members present.

Motion to approve the February minutes with the correction, Motion seconded

Motion Passed unanimously.

XO Report – Absent

Lincoln High School in Lake City is hosting a Health & Wellness Fair on April 5th for 7th to 12th graders from 0900 to 1215. Nancy and Karen will represent the squadron at this event others are welcome to help out.

2013 MN State Fair – The squadron demonstration day is Sunday September 1. Jeff has requested the use of the Fire Extinguisher demonstration unit from National, Jeff also has contact with a volunteer fireman Jeff Linquest who can help with the demonstration.

Bob reported that last summer the Bayport radio check was confirmed working from the Manor’s boat. It was discussed to distribute information via The River Skipper, Facebook and the squadron website about the checks from Bayport and Sunnyside.

AO Report - Terry Higgins

Terry will e-mail the Bridge on a date for a 2013 squadron event planning meeting at her house. John has been looking into prices for the Lobster Bake this will be discussed at the planning meeting.

Nancy reported that Nancy and Dale Anderson and Karen and Ed Manor have been planning some summer cruises.

Memorial Weekend May 25-27 Cruise on the Mississippi to Psycho Susies

June 29-30 raft up near Hudson for the Hudson Fireworks

July 4-5 raft up near the Stillwater bridge for Fireworks.

July 12 to 26 cruise to La Cross, WI

A date for Operations Training for the new Bridge members and other who are interested in the training is to be determined

From the discussion on visitors to the web site Terry and Nancy will follow up on contacting those interested in classes.

Membership Report – Nancy Anderson, Chair

Nancy provided a report with membership numbers and dues statements, Michael asked about the retention of the six month trail memberships.

SEO/AESO Report – Dave West and John Crowley

Dave passed out new course prices effective April 1, There was discussion on the Pay Pal rate of 1%. Dave asked Greg to look up the true Pay Pal charge. The tax rate of 6.5% was also questioned Greg thinks it should be 2%.

Dave is working on getting boat ownership numbers by zip code. This will help getting information on the ABC course to were the boats are.

March 19th the Navigation course will start. Jeff thanked Art for his commitment to teaching our courses and making sure all his students pass.

Dave will get information to Terry on the Practical on the Water training so Facebook can be updated

They are looking for boats for the class.

Dave would like to have the website updated. Art said Dave needs to talk to the Website chair Rob Reimann,S. Dave said if anyone else has update ideas for the website to let him know and he would be point.

The education department is looking for places to hold the Public Boating Course. If anyone has suggestions they should contact Dave.

Treasurers Report – Greg Holmen

Greg provided updated Balance Sheets as of February 28, 2013.

Greg reported that he went back to March 1, 2012 using the check book to fix Quick Books.

Greg would like to close the Watch Year 2012 books so asked for any outstanding bills to be turned in.

There was discussion on a 2012 payment of $275 to Madsen & O’Meara CPA

Secretary Report – Michael Tipler

Michael asked that the Bridge e-mail him copies of their reports after the meetings so they can be attached to the meeting minutes.

Past Cdr. Report – Dale Perry

The District 10 Spring Conference is March 22-24 at the Holiday Inn in

Lakeville, MN

Two events of interest at the conference:

1.  SPSPS will be presented the Battle Ribbon for 50 Years

2.  National Safety Poster Contest age 12-14 winner Lisa Reimann will be presented a certificate.

Motion to pay for Lisa’s dinner at the conference when the certificate is presented.

Motion seconded. Motion Passed unanimously.

Dale and Nancy Anderson will host a hospitality suite before Friday and Saturday dinners.

The 2013 D-10 Spring Conference will be hosted by St Paul as our own D/Lt/C Perry will be the 2014 D-10 Commander. Dale is in the process of asking two members to co-chair the event and putting together members for the planning committee.

Member at Large Reports – Don Arneson & Chris Schnelle

Don reported that his wife is home from the hospital and her next appointment is on Wednesday March 13. It was suggested that Don either write a article or give a presentation at a membership event on the insight he learned from having his wife seriously insured outside the United States.

Chris had nothing to report.

Old Business – None

New Business

Jeff will give Sue the names of the St Paul delegates at the D-10 Spring Conference for the Merit Mark spread sheet.

Anything Good for the Order

Karen reminded everyone to submit their River Skipper articles by Thursday March 14,

Terry suggested that if anyone needed ideas for articles they could do a bio on new members or Bridge members.

Motion to make Wyonna Lachowitzer and Evelyn Fischer Honorary Members for the 2013 Watch Year.

Motion seconded Motion Passed unanimously.

Adjournment @ 2040


L/C Michael Tipler


Sue Tipler

Aide to Secretary