Facilitator: Ma Anand Leandra

!!! Please fill in and return to Leandra. There is a total of 3 pages - please read all !!!
20th – 24th March 2014 / Venue
Private residence in Pretoria
/ Address
(Address will be disclosed when you have booked)
Facilitation fee / R3500 / Other costs
Venue fee to be paid in cash on first day of the training:
R400 per person
Oil costs:the cost of the total amount of oil used is shared amongst the participants, usually R80 – R100 per person. To be paid on last day of training.
- 10% reduction for a full payment up to
4weeks before seminar begin
- ½ price for the 2nd booking when you
book with a partner or friend /
Facilitation fee total: /
R……………………………… / Payment
Deposit due with registration: R 1500.00
Balance due at least 2 weeks before training begins.
Banking details:
FNB Check Account, I. F. Dupierry
Branch Code 220128 (Margate)
Acc. no 62100132985
Reference:Dorette PTA March 14 / Proof of payment attached?
Please state YES / NO. If no, when can we expect payment?
/ Special payment arrangements on request:
Participant first name / surname
/ Male / Female
Cell phone
/ Email
Date / Signature
Previous experience in Tantra
Brief description of your motivation to attend
Previous professional trainings and experience
Describe your personal develop-ment that brought you to of registering for this training
Describe your spiritual develop- ment up to now

Tantra Sacred Massage™ Practitioner Training
Pretoria, 20th – 24th March 2014
A Durga Tantra School Training

Thank you for your registration!

Unless otherwise arranged, payment is in full at least 2 weeks before the training.
Payment up to 4 weeks before the training - 10% discount.
Bring a partner or friend and pay half for the second person.

Banking details for your payment

FNB Check Account, I. F. Dupierry , Branch Code 220128 (Margate), Acc. No. 62100132985

Please use the reference: “Dorette-PTA March14”

Proof of payment
Email proof of payment to: or or

Fax proof of payment to: 0866177259

Venue Fees
The training is taking place in a private residence in Pretoria. The fee forthis training is R300 - R400 (depending on final group size) and will be collected in cash at the beginning of the training. Please bring it with you in an envelope with your name on.

Personal items to bring with you:

- a small object of personal meaning for our altar

- a sarong or lungi (i.e. a shorter sarong for men)

- a packed lunch & snacks each day
- pen (you will receive notes with space for your own comments)
- a large bath towel for use when showering after sessions
- dish cloth for cleaning the massage table
- house shoes

Items for our work to bring with you:
- baby powder (small)

- new feather duster with short holder (not a long holder to reach the ceiling!)
- a new fly swatter (check with us before you buy, we may be able to supply these)
- a silk scarf
- massage gloves/body scrub gloves (e.g. available at Clicks)
- a fork

We will provide:

- Grapeseed Oil. The cost of total usage at the end of the course will be divided amongst the
participants at cost price (usually less than R100). This is paid on the last day in cash.
- tea & coffee, milk & sugar, ice water (no cost)

I look forward to meeting and training you!

Warm greetings


Mobile: 0845865361