Culminating Activity

ENG 1DCulminating Task Name:

Your Task: There are two parts to this culminating task. The main focus for the culminating will be public service announcements(PSA).

  1. Watch or listen to the PSAs linked below. Fill out the organizer to analyze and evaluate one PSA announcement of your choice. Use your knowledge of the language and techniques associated with PSAs to fill in the organizer. See the PSA Analysis Rubric for evaluation details.

Social Issue Print Ads

Playlist of PSA Videos

2. Create your own PSA campaign about a social or cultural issue SET SQUARELY IN THE WORLD OF “THE CHRYSALIDS”, and then explain your media creation in a presentation.You have a number of choices for this assignment.

Creating Your Campaign and Presentation

  • Select an issue for which you will create your campaign. The topics listed here the kind you would consider were you to do it for Hamilton, Ontario. You must select your own topic for the very different culture encountered in The Chrysalids.

  • Texting and Driving
  • Drinking and Driving
  • Smoking
  • Workplace Safety
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • The Environment
  • Human Rights Issues
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Online Safety
  • Fire Safety

  • Decide which form of PSA would best suit your issue. (We’ll stretch our imaginations a bit regarding technology and the Chrysalids world here!)
  • Radio Ad (30 sec)
  • Television Commercial (storyboard or video)
  • Print Campaign for magazine, billboard, bus, etc (3+ print ads)
  • Fill in your planning organizer and consult with your teacher. All of your planning needs to be submitted at the time of your presentation.
  • Create your PSA announcement and prepare your presentation.
  • Presentation Criteria:
  • 5 min
  • Explains how the techniques, conventions, and form you used were the most appropriate choices for your target audience and campaign issue.
  • May be a video or whole class presentation
  • Submit your presentation notes to your teacher along with your PSA planning organizer.
  • Complete the reflection page and submit for evaluation.
  • See Presentation Rubric

ENG 1D Viewing a Public Service Announcement Name:

Your Task: Select one of the PSAs from class and fill out the organizer. You will be evaluated according to the rubric.

By Whom? / For Whom? / Strategy (How?) / Goal (What? and Why?)
Sponsor / Audience / Technique / Concept
Who is the sponsor?
How do you know?
Why is this important to think about? / Who is the target audience?
How do you know? / Identify and explain how three techniques are used to create meaning in this PSA.
#3 / What issue is being addressed?
What is the central message of the PSA?
What happens in the PSA?
Is this PSA effective? Explain your answer.

ENG 1DPSA Critique and Listening Evaluation Name:

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Listening to Understand (O1)
Students listen in order to understand and respond to media texts / Student is able to identify and explain
techniques in PSA with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness.
Student is able to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the PSA as a whole with a high degree of sophistication. / Student is able to identify and explain
techniques in PSA with effectiveness.
Student is able to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the PSA as a whole with competency. / Student is able to identify and explain
techniques in PSA with some effectiveness.
Student is able to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the PSA as a whole with some competency. / Student is able to identify and explain
techniques in PSA with limited effectiveness.
Student is able to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the PSA as a whole with limited competency.
Understanding Media Texts (M1)
Student demonstrates an understanding of a variety of media texts. / Student is able to identify a the specific audience for a media text and explain their identification with a degree of effectiveness. / Student is able to identify a the specific audience for a media text and explain their identification with effectiveness. / Student is able to identify a the specific audience for a media text and explain their identification with some effectiveness. / Student is able to identify a the specific audience for a media text and explain their identification with limited effectiveness.
Understanding Media Forms and Conventions (M2)
Student identifies media forms and explains how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning. / Student is able to identify multiple (at least 3) techniques and explains how each technique creates meaning with a high degree of effectiveness. / Student is able to identify multiple techniques (3) and explains how most of the techniques create meaning with effectiveness. / Student is able to identify a few techniques and explains how the techniques create meaning with some effectiveness. / Student is able to identify a limited number of techniques and explains how the techniques create meaning with limited effectiveness.

ENG 1D Planning a Public Service Announcement Name:

By Whom? / Connections / Strategy (How) / Connections / Goal (What? and Why?)
Audience / Technique / Concept
What is one target audience? / How does the technique target the audience? / How do the following help create that mood in the audience?
Setting, colour, sound / How does the technique target the audience? / What issue is being addressed?
What is the central message of the PSA?
What happens in the PSA?
Explain why you think your PSA will be effective?
How does the technique target the audience? / How do the following help create that mood in the audience?
Setting, colour, sound / How does the technique create the mood?
What is the difference in techniques for the two audiences?

ENG 1D Presentation of Media Product Name:

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Creating a media text (M3)
Students will create a media text using appropriate form, conventions and techniques. / Final media product includes an exceptionally clear and strong message, and includes exceptionally sophisticated rhetorical, persuasive, and production techniques and conventions / Final media product includes a clear and appropriate message, and includes good rhetorical, persuasive, and production techniques and conventions / Final media product includes a somewhat clear and appropriate message, and includes some rhetorical, persuasive, and production techniques and conventions / Final media product lacks a clear and/or appropriate message, as well as clear and/or appropriate rhetorical, persuasive, and production techniques and conventions
Reflecting on Skills and Strategies (M4)
Students will reflect on their strengths and areas of improvement for creating media texts / Reflection answers all reflective questions with a high degree of effectiveness. Reflection refers specifically to the media product, fully explains the rationale, and identifies key areas for improvement. / Reflection answers all reflective questions with effectiveness. Reflection refers specifically to the media product, explains the rationale, and identifies areas for improvement. / Reflection answers all reflective questions with some effectiveness. Reflection refers vaguely to media product, explains some of the rationale, and has limited areas for improvement. / Reflection answers all reflective questions with limited effectiveness. Reflection has very limited reference to the actual product, contains no rational and has a very limited plan for improvement.
Speaking to Communicate (O2)
Student uses speaking skills and strategies appropriate to communicate their PSA to the class. / Student uses speaking skills and strategies appropriate to communicate their PSA to the class with a high degree of effectiveness:
  • Appropriate use of language
  • Clarity of speech
  • Structured Presentation
  • Varies tone, pace, pitch and volume
  • Facial expressions
  • Hand gestures
  • Notes
  • Eye contact
  • Time limit
/ Student uses speaking skills and strategies appropriate to communicate their PSA to the class with effectiveness:
  • Appropriate use of language
  • Clarity of speech
  • Structured Presentation
  • Varies tone, pace, pitch and volume
  • Facial expressions
  • Hand gestures
  • Notes
  • Eye contact
  • Time limit
/ Student uses speaking skills and strategies appropriate to communicate their PSA to the class with some effectiveness:
  • Appropriate use of language
  • Clarity of speech
  • Structured Presentation
  • Varies tone, pace, pitch and volume
  • Facial expressions
  • Hand gestures
  • Notes
  • Eye contact
  • Time limit
/ Student uses speaking skills and strategies appropriate to communicate their PSA to the class with limited effectiveness:
  • Appropriate use of language
  • Clarity of speech
  • Structured Presentation
  • Varies tone, pace, pitch and volume
  • Facial expressions
  • Hand gestures
  • Eye contact
  • Notes
  • Time limit

ENG 1D PSA Reflection Name:

Reflect on your learning so far by answering the following prompts.
1.Using the PSA Outline helped me create a plan for a PSA by....
2. The peer assessment feedback helped me improve my PSA by…
3. One thing I would do different next time is…
Prepare for your presentation by identifying:
1. One skill or understanding I am developing through the PSA project is…
2. One thing that would help me be successful on this project is…
3. One question I have is…