The regular meeting of the Island Heights Planning Board was called to order by Chairperson Joest at approximately 6:40pm. Following the flag salute roll call was taken and present were: Garrett Joest, Richard Woods, Bill Doherty, Anne Garvin, Florence Kernaghan, Karen Kier, Elizabeth Leahey, and Robert Ellis, Esq.,Michael O’Donnell and Wendy Prior, Secretary. Absent:John Bendel, Brian Hall,and Richard Morrison. Chairperson Joest then read the Open Public Meetings announcement.

Motion to approve the minutes from the April, 2007 meeting was made by Ms. Kernaghan second by Ms. Leahey.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. JoestYesMs. GarvinYes

Mr. WoodsYesMs. KierYes

Mr. DohertyYesMs. KernaghanYes

Ms. LeaheyYes

Mr. Woods gave an update on the Master Plan that the addendums should be used for the Master Plan that members already have.

Mr. Ellis reviewed his notes from the McMullan Variance at the February 8, 2007 meeting. Mr. Ellis swore in Michael T. Gavan, Jr. of 42 River Ave. Mr. Swain questioned Mr. Gavan regarding block 7, lot 2 and if any objections which Mr. Gavan said no. A five minute recess was taken to wait for other witnesses to attend. Mr. Ellis swore in Mr. John Pelka of 20 West End Ave. Mr. Swain again questioned Mr. Pelka regarding block 7, lot 2 and if any objections which Mr. Pelka said no. Mr. Ellis swore in Kenneth Anderson the Construction Official of the Borough. Mr. Ellis questioned Mr. Anderson regarding the original application of Mr. McMullan and the procedure followed. Further discussion held with Mr. Ellis, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Swain. Questions from the board were also answered by Mr. Anderson. The privilege of the floor was opened for questions and then statements. There being none privilege of the floor was closed.

Motion to approve the variance application with the conditions of installing another garage door and a deed covenant was made by Mr. Woods second by Mr. Joest.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. JoestYesMs. GarvinYes

Mr. WoodsYesMs. KierYes

Mr. DohertyYesMs. KernaghanYes

Ms. LeaheyYes

Betsy Hyle of 266 Summit Ave. asked when the public hearing would be held on the Master Plan. Mr. Woods explained that it was already done and nothing major was changed just a few addendums to shore up the contents. Ms. Hyle stated that this should be included as a liaison report at Council Meetings so public and council are aware of what is going on.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Kernaghan, second by Ms. Garvin. Unanimous Voice Vote.


Respectfully submitted by Wendy J. Prior