Final Essay: Human Rights around the World
For this essay, you will be in groups based on continents. Within those groups, each of you will choose a country to research. There are human rights issues all over the world, so you will have no trouble finding them whatever your country. Obviously, the Asia group cannot choose India as we have covered that country as a class. For this essay, you are completely in charge of your research. You will need to write either a persuasive or an informative essay using at least three quality academic sources. You will, of course, show off your skills by quoting, paraphrasing, possibly a little summarizing, and properly documenting all sources used. Your successful essay will be four to six pages in length not including your works cited page.
Please circle your group continent below and write your individual country in the space provided.
Asia ______
Europe ______
South America______
Africa ______
North America______
Timeline (from your calendar):
Brainstorm, audience, thesis, proposal ____
Writing Plan ______
Draft 1 ______
Draft 2 ______
Draft 3 ______
Final draft packet ______
Final Essay: Human Rights around the World
For this essay, you will be in groups based on continents. Within those groups, each of you will choose a country to research. There are human rights issues all over the world, so you will have no trouble finding them whatever your country. Obviously, the Asia group cannot choose India as we have covered that country as a class. For this essay, you are completely in charge of your research. You will need to write either a persuasive or an informative essay using at least three quality academic sources. You will, of course, show off your skills by quoting, paraphrasing, possibly a little summarizing, and properly documenting all sources used. Your successful essay will be four to six pages in length not including your works cited page.
Please circle your group continent below and write your individual country in the space provided.
Asia ______
Europe ______
South America______
Africa ______
North America______
Timeline (from your calendar):
Brainstorm, audience, thesis, proposal ____
Writing Plan ______
Draft 1 ______
Draft 2 ______
Draft 3 ______
Final draft packet ______