Financial Services Branch

List of Records by Category

Economic Analysis Division

(A) Macro-analysis Section

Census surveys

-  Wholesale and Retail Trades, Restaurants and Hotels

-  Industrial Production



-  Hong Kong Gross Domestic Products

-  Economic Trends/Prospect/Forecast/Development

-  Economic and Monetary Situations

-  Public Expenditure and Growth

-  Economic Relations

-  Financial and Capital Markets

-  Inflation, Economic Activity and Revenue

-  Balance of Payment & Sterling Supply

-  Study on Grant of New Bank Licences

-  The New Clearing Arrangement

-  Fund Movement

-  Economic and financial implication on immigration

-  Foreign Investment in Hong Kong

-  Reclassification of Hong Kong’s Status

-  US Trade and International Economic Policy Reform Bill

-  Economic Implications of the New Airport

-  Economy of Macau

-  Hong Kong/US Dollar Link

-  Budgetary Expenditure Planning

-  Medium Range Forecasting

-  Income Distribution

-  Port Pricing

-  International Financial and Commercial Centre

-  Income Distribution

-  Competition Policy

-  Contribution of Tourism


-  Consumer Price

-  Consumer Goods from China

-  Exchange Rate

-  Export/Import Trade

-  Public Assistance Index of Prices

-  Land Production/Price

-  Review of Rental and Price Indexes

-  Building Cost

-  Industry

-  Industrial Production

-  Cost Trends on HA Contractors

-  Employment, Wages and Material Prices

-  Design of Specialised Industrial Buildings

-  Statistical Information on Manufacturing Industry

-  Tax incentives

International Organizations

Labour, Employment and Wages

-  Employment Structure of Hong Kong Industry

-  Child Labour Statistics

-  Labour shortage and importation of Labour

-  Labour Relations

-  Workmen’s Compensation

-  Labour Force Participation

-  Discrimination Problem in Employment

-  Safety and Health of Caisson Work


-  Proposed Statistics Ordinance

-  Labour Legislation

-  Minimum Wage Legislation

Meeting, Seminar and Conference


-  Statistics

-  Projections and Survey

-  Distribution

-  Tabulation Plan

-  Census and by-census

-  Immigration


-  Trade

-  Monthly Financial

-  Textile Production

-  Property Market

-  Visa Applicant

-  Shipping Cargo and Port

-  Statistics on Land Sales

-  Services Sectors

-  Review Cargo

-  China Economics

-  Statistics on Hong Kong/China Trade

-  China’s Latest Economics

-  GNP

-  Manpower

-  Economic Indicators

-  Electricity/Fuel Consumption


-  Household Expenditure

-  Labour Force/Unemployment

-  Wages

-  Business

-  Import and Export of Services, Import/Export Price

-  Squatter Factory

-  Economic Census on Transport and Related Services

-  Construction Output

-  Salaries and Fringe Benefits of Managerial and Professional Employees

-  Retail Sales

-  Hotel Industry

-  Quality Initiatives

-  Regional Representation by Overseas Companies in Hong Kong


-  Retail Sales

-  Declarations

-  Analysis and Forecast

-  China

-  Trade with Sovbloc Countries

-  Re-exports

-  Trade Documentation and Procedures

-  Trade Statistics Processing System

-  Trade Policy Review Mechanism Negotiating Group on GATT System

-  Pacific Economic Trade Cooperation

-  Protection of Trading Interests

-  Unfair Trade Policies

-  Generalised system of preference

-  Trade in services

Official Visits

Working Groups


-  Employment of Summer Students

-  Civil Service Pay

-  Government’s LegCo Address on Economic Analysis

-  Pacific Growth and Global Capital Market

-  Projection of Supply of Office Space

-  Scheme of Control on HEC

-  Exemption from Petrol Tax Payment

-  Census and Statistics Department

-  Rent Increase/Control

-  Voluntary Contributory Scheme

-  Promotion of Hong Kong’s Image

-  Hong Kong competitiveness in World Market

-  Boards and committees

·  Statistics

·  Economic Review

·  Expenditure and Revenue

·  Manpower

·  Science and Technology

·  Fees and Waivers

-  Data protection

-  Public assistance

-  Export Credit Insurance Corporation

(B) Micro Analysis Section

Development programme

-  Public Housing

-  Development strategy

-  Utilisation and redevelopment of ferry piers

-  Tin Shui Wai development

-  Lantau Bridge

-  Lyemun Bridge

-  Lantau Port development

-  Transport links and infrastructure development

-  MTR to Junk Bay (Tseung Kwan O)

-  Western Harbour-Lantau development

-  NT rural planning and improvement strategy

-  Kai Tak consultancy

-  Chek Lap Kok master plan review

Housing and property

-  Housing programme plan

-  Home ownership

-  Property market and statistics

-  Property speculation

-  Civil service housing policy

-  Land and redevelopment opportunities for luxury housing

-  Study of housing mix

-  Commercial properties statistics

-  Sandwich class housing

-  Redevelopment potential in Metro Areas of Hong Kong


-  Policy on sale of land for special industries

-  Industrial Land Sub-committee of LDPC

-  Premium for sites

-  Industrial Investment Promotion Co-ordinating Committee

-  Industrial squatters

-  Squatter factory survey

-  Loan for construction industry

-  Policy on trucking industry

-  Industrial policy and promotion

-  Financing of small businesses

-  New investment in industry

-  Construction industry resources and capacity

-  Industry Development Board

-  Development of 3rd Industrial Estate

-  Policy on

·  Industrial land

·  Special industries

·  Goods vehicle

-  Studies

·  Support to industry on environmental matters

·  Techno-economic and market research


-  Policy on sale of land for special industries

-  Land sales programme

-  Premium for sites

-  Private treaty grants of land

-  Statistics on land sales

-  Land Development Corporation: development schemes

-  Application for grant of sites/lease modifications

·  KMB Depot

·  Agri-industrial processing

·  Utility companies

·  Small factory units

-  Waterfront industrial land supply

-  Kowloon Walled City clearance

-  Potentially hazardous installation sites

-  Industrial land provision, and development strategy

-  Study of the potential use of underground spaces

-  Survey on use of agricultural land

-  Assessment of future land requirements and land supply

-  Study of military sites in the NT for residential development


New Town Development

-  Provision and co-ordination of new town services

-  Housing and community facilities

-  Junk Bay (Tseung Kwan O)

Town Planning


-  Accommodation policy group

-  Working Party on housing demand and production

-  Rents for Government housing

-  Government quarters


-  China trade

-  Departmental reports

-  Overseas conference

-  Public works

-  Hazards Assessment

Working/Steering Groups on housing and transport matters


-  Electronic road pricing

-  Transport link with China

-  MTR to Junk Bay

-  Economic evaluations of options for cross harbour facilities

-  Taxi licensing, Pak Pais and hire cars

-  Light rail transit system

-  The Eastern Harbour Crossing

-  Tate’s Cairn Tunnel privatization

-  Contingency plans for KCR and Lion Rock Tunnel service breakdown

-  Transport Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee

-  Fare increase for public transport

-  Freight transport

-  Carparks and parking demand

-  Fixed Lantau Crossing

-  Economic assessment of major transport projects

-  Seat belt requirement

-  Kowloon Canton Railway

Pollution control

-  Waste management, minimization and re-cycling

-  Charging schemes

-  Environmental impacts assessment

-  Environmental accounting


-  Vocational Training Council

-  Training Boards (for trades and industries)

-  Discount rate for project evaluation

-  Rates on HYF Company Ltd. Ferry Piers

-  Residual Valuations: change in interest rates

-  Tender price index for highway works

-  Commercial uses in industrial zones

-  Capital gains tax

-  Mortgage-backed securities

-  Oily waste reception and disposal facility

-  Computer usage and microcomputer

-  Prices of petroleum products

-  Hong Kong’s Energy Data profile

-  Water rates: trade supplies

-  Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities

-  Commercial utility companies

-  Credit rating for Hong Kong

-  Schemes of control for utility companies

-  Piped gas supply

-  Container terminals

-  Full stock and storage policy

(C) East Asia Section


-  China economics

-  Hong Kong and China trade

China and the World in the 90’s

Developments in East Asia economy

Economic relations with South-east Asian countries

US economic sanction on China

Economic Review Committee

Hong Kong-Guangdong Economic Co-operation Committee

China’s investment in Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s exports to China

Hong Kong’s investment in China

Infrastructural development in Southern China

(Pearl River Delta)

Economic developments in China