February 2014

Dear Jean Vanier Parent/Guardian,

Successful schools foster effective communication with parents, encourage parental involvement in their child’s schoolwork, and enlist parents to volunteer at the school and participate in school governance. In our continuing effort to improve school effectiveness and increase parent engagement, over the next few months Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School will be implementing an online survey for parents – Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning Parent Survey.

TheTTFM Partners in Learning Parent Survey is based on a comprehensive questionnaire covering several aspects of parents’ views of their child(ren)’s experiences at home and school. The survey also provides feedback to schools about the extent to which parents feel the school supports learning and positive behaviour and promotes a safe and inclusive environment.

TheTTFM Partners in Learning Parent Survey is an online survey that is completely voluntary and anonymous. All parents will be given an opportunity to participate in the survey. You are encouraged to complete the survey, but may choose not to.

Each school has been assigned a unique username and password. All parents of Jean Vanier will use the same username and password, ensuring anonymity. Your responses will be mixed with all the other parent responses, so individual parents cannot be identified.

The TTFM Partners in Learning Parent Survey will be available online between February 24th and March 17th(inclusively). In order to complete the survey, you will need access to the Internet. If you do not have internet access, but would like to participate, please contact me.

The TTFM Parent Survey may be accessed on the Board’s website at: Click on “Parent Survey”, and once you access the secure website, you will be asked for your username and password.

The log-in information for all [School] parents is as follows:

Username: JVCSS12805

Password: parentsurvey

Once you have logged in, click on “Begin Survey”. The survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer. However, once you move on to the next page, you cannot go back to change your responses.

The TTFMPartners in Learning Parent Survey was created by The Learning Bar, based on the work by co-founder Dr. J. Douglas Willms, widely known nationally and internationally for his work on the development of educational monitoring systems. For information on The Learning Bar, please visit: .

For more information about the TTFM Parent Survey, please refer to the attached Frequently Asked Questions.Information is also available on the Board’s website at

If you would like additional information on the survey, please contact Dr. Erica van Roosmalen, Chief Officer, Research and Development, by email at or by phone at 905-632-6314, extension 367.

We value the input of our parents, and encourage you to complete the TTFM Partners in Learning Parent Survey.


Pat Daly
