The Minutes of the Meeting of Grendon Parish Council

held at 7:00 pm onMonday4th July 2011in

the Penmire Rooms, Grendon

Present:D Cox

L Sutton

M Hammersley

J Maudsley

Also Present:Six Members of the Public

R Young, Clerk to the Council



Apologies for absence were received from CouncillorP Swift.


Councillor L Sutton declared an interest in relation to planning matters.


It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th June 2011 be accepted as a true and correct record.


  • To approve the minutes of the meeting held on6th June 2011.


The Chairman, D Cox, invited members of the public to comment.

a)Proposed Wind Turbine

Neal Smith, Heather Smith, Ian Claymore and Roger Colley commented as follows:

-No official notification received from the Borough Council.

-N Smith asked his solicitor to submit objections.

-I Claymore said on the continent cannot be sited within 2,000 metres from properties whereas it is only 500 metres in the United Kingdom.

-Unit proposed to produce 100K – 250K of units of electricity.

-Reviewed adverse impact on the environment and wildlife.

-Consultation to end on 8th July 2011, extension required.

-Ian Claymore commented the report circulated by Fisher German contained information that was not compatible.

-Properties missed off plans included with application.

-Electricity output of wind turbine greatly exceeds needs of Equestrian Centre.

-Representative of Fisher German needed to outline proposal to the public.

-The Clerk to request an extension to the consultation period from Chris Nash at North Warwickshire Borough Council. Also to arrange a public meeting with Fisher German in attendance.

b)YouthClubBuilding – Boot Hill

-Ian Bates reported to the Parish Council that the library and youth club building to be closed by Warwickshire County Council.

-Facilities lost in Grendon as against Baddesley Ensor.

-Parish Plan questionnaire to be circulated in September 2011 which asks “Do you want a Village Hall”.

-The Clerk to enquire regarding the future of the youth club building.

-Councillor L Sutton commented would parishioners be happy to contribute in addition to grants to finance the overheads of a youth club.

-The Chairman, D Cox, to email Dan Byles, Ray Sweet and John Moore regarding the lack of facilities in Grendon.

-D Cox also agreed to contact R Sweet and J Moore concerning the possibility of Grendon Parish Council taking over the youth club building.

-The Clerk to contact Martin Gibbins requesting assistance for Grendon Parish Council to take over the Grendon youth club building.

c)Parish Council Vacancy

The Chairman, D Cox, commented that Eamon Thawley had resigned as Parish Councillor and the vacancy will be advertised.



Councillors reported that the grass on the central reservation on the A5 opposite Waste Lane entrance had been cut back.

b)A5 Bus Timetable

The Clerk confirmed he would contact Warwickshire County Council again regarding the installation of a bus stop sign adjacent to the bus shelter on the A5.

c)Lorna Ferguson

The Clerk reported he had sent two emails to Lorna Ferguson inviting attendance at tonight’s meeting but had not received a reply.

d)Geoff Timms – Severn Trent Water

E Thawley agreed to forward any information he has regarding the drainage problems along Spon Lane to the Clerk.

e)Parish Rooms – Spon Lane, Grendon

Councillors reviewed the letter dated 25th June 2011 received from the Reverend Roger Chamberlain:

He confirmed that funds from the sale of the Parish Rooms will be used to improve the facilities at the church. The Clerk to enquire with R Chamberlain concerning the two statements in paragraph 4.

Councillors also agreed no further donations would be made to the church in Grendon.

The Clerk confirmed he had requested copies of the support documents used to record ownership of the Parish Rooms at the Land Registry.


a)Planning Applications Received


Installation of 192 No. solar photovoltaic panels

Grendon Fields Farm, Warton Lane, Grendon


Detached garage with playroom

The Willow Tree, Willow Lane, Grendon


Proposed roof alterations and re-cladding of existing agricultural building

Grendon House Farm, Warton Lane, Grendon

Councillor L Sutton declared an interest

b)Planning Decisions

i)PAP/2011/0042 (PAP/2009/0333)

Application to vary Condition No. 2 of planning permission PAP/2009/0333 – demolition of existing industrial buildings and associated hard-standing and construction of new dwelling and landscaping – in accordance with revised plans and elevation drawing number 0967/10

Land to the rear of 20A Spon Lane, Grendon, Warwickshire

Vary Conditions Granted


Proposed roof alterations and re-cladding of existing agricultural building

Grendon House Farm, Warton Lane, Grendon

Planning Permission Granted


Installation of solar photovoltaic cells on commercial and agricultural buildings

Grendon House Farm, Warton Lane, Grendon

Planning Permission Granted

Councillor L Sutton declared an interest



Application to discharge Conditions No. 3, 6, 7, and 9 of planning permission PAP/2009/0333 dated 15th July 2010 relating to foul and surface water drainage, site investigation, protection of boundary trees and hedgerows, reinforcement of existing boundary hedges

Land to the rear of 20A Spon Lane, Grendon

Planning Permission Granted


Warwickshire County Council

Notification from Transport Operations that flexibus 221 from Hurley, Baxterley, Baddesley Ensor and Grendon to Atherstone and Hinckley is withdrawn.


A5 trunk road M42 junction 10 to Dordon proposed amendment to national speed limit road safety proposal. Inclusion of 169 metres section of A5 into national speed limit.

The Clerk to request the lanes approaching Dordon traffic island be marked clearly with additional notice.

Warwickshire County Council

The construction of an additional bund and associated landscaping on the northern boundary of the approved sustainable resource recovery pack, Merevale Lane, Atherstone to be reported to the Regulatory Committee on 19th July 2011.

Warwickshire Tourism Association

Letter dated 27th June 2011 from Ray Bolt. Gave details of a 34 page booklet to be circulated in north Warwickshire and offering inclusion on a Parish Council page for a contribution of £20.00.

North Warwickshire Borough Council

Agenda and minutes for the meeting to be held on 29th June 2011.


a)Cheque Payments

No cheques were issued.


Parish Handyman

Councillor L Sutton gave a detailed update including costings provided by Greensleeves and Phillip Deeming. The work to include grass cutting and other ground maintenance work and maintenance of bus shelters.

Insurance and risk assessments need to be clarified.

Councillors to consider for the next meeting duties a self-employed handyman could undertake.

The Chairman, D Cox, confirmed that E Thawley had resigned as a Parish Councillor for Grendon.

The Chairman, D Cox, thanked E Thawley for his service to the community during his period as a Parish Councillor.

Future Parish Council meetings:

1st August 2011

5th September 2011

3rd October 2011

The meeting closed at 9:13 pm.


D Cox


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