Design of the Cupboard




Date :13.07.2012






Sub : Limited quotation for supply/fixing of Cupboard

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) intends to procure / fix Cupboards in its VIP Guest House in the campus, as per the following detailed design &specifications and the drawing enclosed herewith:-

1. / The cupboard will be box type wooden structure having 8mm ply at the back and 20mm board on other three sides
2. / The whole structure will be divided in two parts, i.e. 18 inches loft and 90 inches almirah. The almirah will have further two selves dividing the almirah in three parts.
3. / There will be three shutters in loft and almirah each.
4. / The design of the cupboard will be as per the enclosed drawing.


S.No. / Description / Qty. / Rate / Amount
1. / The Board/Ply should be anti-termite and waterproof. / 03 Nos.
2. / 20 mm anti-termite/waterproof good quality commercial board of approved brand such as Duro, Sonear, Greenlam or equivalent.
3. / 1 mm good quality white coloured sunmica for inner surface of loft and almirah.
4. / 4 mm good quality wooden teak veneer on front face of loft and almirah.
5. / 8 mm plywood for back side of loft and almirah.
6. / Hinges, handles with lock, hanging rod and other necessary fittings will be made of stainless steel of good make.
7. / The face of the cupboards will be polished in wallnet shade as per the existing furniture of the room.
8. / The payment of cupboard including material will be in per sq. ft of the front elevation of the cupboard.
5 / VAT/Sales Tax
6 / TIN/PAN No
7. / Delivery Period / Maximum 21 Days

This is a two bid systems – Technical & Financial.

The Specifications & rates in two separate sealed cover may be sent to the office of the undersigned in Block No. 4, Room No. 17, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110 068 latest by 31.07.2012 upto 2.30 p.m., which shall be opened on31.07.2012 at 3.00 p.m. on the same day. The first envelop will contain the technical specification, EMD and brochure, if any. The second envelop will contain the rates of the items. An Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) in the form of DD/FDR/Banker’s Cheque/Bank Guarantee is required to be deposited with the quotation. The Bank Guarantee/FDR should be valid for period of 90 (Ninety) days. No interest will be payable on this account.

The University may at its discretion, decrease or increase the quantity to be procured.

The University reserves the right to accept or reject any of the bid(s). No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

The material must be supplied by the successful bidder within maximum 21 days of receipt of supply order strictly as per our specifications.

The rates must be valid for One year from the date of award of work to the successful bidder.

The successful tenderer shall deposit Performance Security @ 10% of the contract value, at the time of supply of the goods.

Warranty – One Year from the date of installation.

The site can be inspected on any working day from Monday to Friday between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00p.m.

Penalty for Delay in supply:

If the goods are not supplied within the stipulated time and date the contractor shall be liable for payment of liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5% (Half percent) of the value of the delayed goods per week or part thereof subject to maximum of 10 percent of the Contract value of delayed Supplies or as may be deemed fit by Competent Authority. Thereafter the IGNOU holds the option to procure the material from other Tenderers and invoking the Performance Security of the Tenderer to recover the difference in Cost. The decision of the authority placing the order in this regard will be final. In case the tenderer does not feel satisfied with the decision, he will be at liberty to approach Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU. Decision of Vice Chancellor in this regard will be binding and no appeal will lie against his decision.

Yours sincerely

(C.V. Anand)

Asstt. Registrar (CPU)

Encl : Drawing