Idle Church of England (Aided) Primary School

Boothroyd Drive, Idle, Bradford BD10 8LU, West Yorkshire.

Head Teacher: Mr. J.T. Bowers.

Telephone:01274 410111.

Fax No:01274 410984

Email: “Jesus came

Website: to give Fullness of Life”

John 10 v 10

School Newsletter No: 411th October 2010.

Dear Parents,

OFSTED PARENT QUESTIONNAIRE: Thank you to all Parents for completing and returning the OFSTED Parent questionnaire in July. The results have now been analysed and your main concerns highlighted.

Mrs Craven is to hold a ‘Parent Forum’ this Friday morning after our Achievement Assembly to discuss the following Action points taken from the survey:

a)whilst 90% of our Parents feel their child is not bullied/harassed at school, some Parents still have concerns and

b)whilst 90% of our Parents feel the homework provided by school is appropriate, a small minorityhave concerns

All Parents are welcome to attend and share their views and refreshments will be readily available.

If you are unable to attend but would like to comment, please complete the slip at the end of this letter.


Your donations of rice, flour, cereals, dried milk and pasta, and tinned products such as vegetables; fruit, fish and meat will be gratefully received for our Harvest Festival Service due to take place at Church. Tickets will be issued next Monday.

The children will present a Programme of songs, dance, poetry and prayers and there will be a short power-point presentation about the Christian African Relief Trust.

At the end of the service, members of the PTFA have kindly volunteered their services and will be serving refreshments in the Church lounge.

Over the past few years, transport costs to Malawi have more than doubled and we are informed that it now costs £10 to send one of our filled boxes of food. To further assist CART with their Harvest Appeal and to lighten the burden of these additional expenses, we propose to have a non-uniform day in school on Friday 22ndOctober. Each child will be asked to pay £1.00 forfeit for coming to school out-of-uniform. The funds collected will contribute towards the twenty or so boxes we hope to send this year. May I take this opportunity to thank you in anticipation of your generosity.

YEAR 3: As part of their History studies, Year 3 are to experience a Viking Day in school next Monday 18th October, and on the morning of Wednesday 20th October they will be enjoying an educational visit to Pizza Express in Leeds as part of their Literacy studies.

DAILY WORSHIP: Year 1 are to presentDaily Worship at 9.05 a.m. on Wednesday 20th October. Parents, friends and relatives are cordially invited to join us.

AFTER-SCHOOL DANCE CLUB: We have been approached by ‘Zoons’ - a Dance company who would like to run an after-school club in the school hall. The club – which would specialise in ‘Street Dance’ - would be aimed at pupils from Years 4, 5 & 6 and would operate each Friday between 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. The maximum number of pupils attending would be 20 and the cost, £3.00 per pupil per session.

At this stage we are only assessing the interest before deciding whether to go ahead with the club. If you feel your child would be interested, please complete the slip at the end of this letter and return it to school by this coming Friday.

START OF THE SCHOOL DAY: Parents are reminded to please leave the playground once the whistle is blown each morning. Until Parents have left the area, Year 3 & Year 4 pupils are unable to directly access their classrooms without congestion on the footpath.

PARENTMAIL: May I please appeal to Parents to periodically check their mobile phones during the school day for Parentmail messages – particularly if your child is due to attend an after-school club. Last week, a number of children had to wait in school until 4.30 p.m. despite text messages being sent out to Parents and our system confirming the messages had been delivered.

In addition, it would be extremely helpful if when confirming receipt of a text message via the automated system, you could state the name of your child please. You will appreciate the difficulty in trying to identify parents via a mobile phone number.

HEAD LICE: Cases of head-lice have been reported throughout school. Can I please appeal to you to check your child’s head this evening and treat any infestation accordingly.

Thank you for assisting us with our procedures in school.

PARKING:Following a request from a resident, may I appeal to those of you who park on Northlea Avenue to be considerate of the residents who live there and not ‘double-park’ or park across the bottom of their driveways.

Thank you to Parents for not parking in Boothroyd Drive and for parking sensibly in Town Lane.

UNWANTED BOARD GAMES: We would be extremely grateful for any unwanted board games or jigsaws for use during wet/indoor breaks. If you have any you no longer require we would be happy to receive them. Please hand them in at the office.


SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS: On Wednesday 3rd November, Tempest photographers will be visiting school to take both individual and joint sibling photographs. If any parent would like pre-school age siblings including in the family photograph they should make their way to the dining room after the bell has rung for the start of the school day.

As in previous years, the photographers are to produce a proof photograph, which will be sent home with your child on the day. There will be an envelope enclosed for you to return your order form and payment. We are assured that completed orders should be delivered to school in time for Christmas.

PARENTS’ CONSULTATION EVENINGS: We would like to invite you to visit school to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher and to see the work he/she has done since the beginning of the school year. The consultation evenings will be held as follows:

Reception class:2.00 – 6.00 p.m. Monday 8th November

6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Tuesday 16th November

Years 1 – 64.00 – 6.00 p.m. Monday 8th November

6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Tuesday 16th November

SEPTEMBER 2011 RECEPTION CLASS: On Friday the 19th of November, we are holding an open morning for parents of children who are eligible to start school in September 2011, that is children born between 1st September 2006 and 31st August 2007. We will be writing to all the parents who have submitted application forms for entry into this year group. If you have a child due to start school next September and have not yet registered them for admission, please contact Mrs Ayre in the office immediately.

Further information regarding the above events will be distributed nearer to each date.

SCHOOL CLOSURE: School closes at 3.30 p.m. on Friday 22ndOctober for the half-term break and will re-open at 8.50 a.m. on Monday 1st November.

Birthdays up to the end of October will be celebrated in Daily Worship at 9.05 a.m. on Friday 22nd October.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

J.T. Bowers.

Head Teacher.



I am unable to attend the meeting on Friday but would like to raise the following:




Signed:……………………………………………….. Parent of:………………………………………………….. Class:……………………



My child would be interested in joining the after-school Dance club.

Signed:……………………………………………….. Parent of:………………………………………………….. Class:……………………