Our Next Events

Judith Larzelere

Monday, May 9, 7 pm

Grange Hall, Sudbury Town Center

(Park behind the Town Hall) see opposite

In This Issue:

Judith Larzelere p. 1

Outreach Quilts p. 1

Judith Larzelere Wkshp p. 2

President’s Message p. 3

Program Director’s Message p. 3

End of Year Auction p. 3

Raffle Quilt p. 4

Caring Heart Pillows p. 4

Guild Calendar 2016 p. 5


With the summer fast approaching, please continue to turn in your mystery quilts for Camp Erin. We need them all by the June meeting. If you need help finishing or if you can’t make it to the meetings and need to make alternate arrangements, let me know.

Thanks for all your hard work!

Betsy Athan


Newsletters and “Betweens”

Deadlines: 3 days before the 1st/15th

Send submissions to Jean Konopacz at (please note new email address)

Judith Larzelere Inspirational Art Works

Monday, May 9, 7pm

Grange Hall, Sudbury Town Center

Judith Larzelere will be coming to our meeting to inspire us with her magnificent art quilts.

A world-renowned art quilt innovator, Judith has shown her work both nationally and internationally, with shows as far afield as Germany and Japan.

Her style evolved out of machine strip piecing and machine strip quilting.

The lecture is titled "Color, Color, Color". We encourage you to bring your friends to this meeting. Judith’s work is truly amazing!

Judith will be running a workshop for experienced sewers the next day on May 10. Take a look at her work at:

See flyer below for details on the workshop and consider signing up.

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Internationally known

quilt artist

Join us for a fun-filled day of creating your own art quilt!


With Wayside Quilt Guild

May 10th, 2016

9am - 4pm at

Baptist Church

162 Landham Rd., Sudbury Contact:

Tica de Moor 774.279.2842

Laura Lane 508.480.8259

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From the President

“Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms,

and the year assumes its gay attire."

~ Virgil

Now is the time to take part in the many yearend and ongoing activities of the guild.

Here are some ways:

Consider being president.

Attend the wonderful workshop on May 10th following the fabulous trunk show at the guild meeting on the 9th and bring a friend.

Take the raffle quilt for a showing and sell some raffle tickets.

Attend a Quilt Show meeting to see where you can volunteer.

Plan to make something for the upcoming Quilt Show boutique.

Donate that unwanted fabric or notion for the June Auction.

Make a quilt for the October 1st Quilt Show.

I look forward to working with you all for the

next few months

Jill Cochrane, President

From the Program Director

We had a very interesting trunk show and talk by Lisa McCarthy at our April meeting. She spoke about the paper piecing techniques of Judy Niemeyer and Jacqueline de Jonghe and showed us a number of beautiful quilts illustrating their designs. We are considering asking Lisa to do a workshop for us over the summer. Judging by the informal sheet sent round at the meeting asking people’s availability and interest, this seems likely. We will keep you posted – her schedule is very busy, so we have to find a date that works for everyone!

Judith Larzelere will be at our next meeting to give us a talk called “Color, Color, Color”. This promises to be a very interesting evening, so invite some friends to join us! On Tuesday, May 10th, Judith will be running a workshop for us. This workshop has almost filled, with just a couple of spots left, so if you are considering joining the fun, please don’t delay in signing up.

Tica de Moor

End of Year Auction

Everyone start cleaning out your closets and excess stash. We need fabric for our June Auction on June 13th. You can drop off fabric at the home of Susan Thomas. Location: Susan (and Wayne) Thomas at

203 Marlboro Rd, Sudbury

Come up the long driveway off Marlboro Road and come in the French doors…fabric can be dropped off anytime, no need to call ahead.

We have a white English Setter, Luna, who will likely greet you—she may bark, but she doesn’t bite!!

Susan Thomas

Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales

We have been selling raffle tickets at Fabric Place Basement in Natick during the past 3 weekends, resulting in approximately $300 of sales each Saturday. However, more sellers are needed. We are finding this to be a very profitable venue. Once we mention part of the profits will benefit Camp Erin, a camp for

children 6-18 who have suffered a bereavement, PEOPLE OPEN THEIR HEARTS AND WALLETS! Each camper

receives a quilt when they arrive and it is theirs to take home.

Our next scheduled date is MAY 14. After that the next time will be Saturday, June 4th.


A Debbie and Susan (please let me know your last names or contact info) have signed up for the morning shift on June 4th. We still need 2 more for the afternoon shift from 14:00. The time goes very quickly. We greet each customer as they come through the door and with a very brief but informative message. We explain that our guild has made this quilt to benefit our outreach programs and support Camp Erin. Once we have their attention we mention that past outreach programs have benefitted amputee veterans and homeless women.

If anyone would like to go on another Saturday just let me know and we will see if we can get a foursome together. Lets make this a very successful raffle quilt and help those less fortunate.

Barbara Clifton


Caring Heart Pillows

Caring Heart Pillows have been made and kept for giving to members during difficult times - usually involving illness or bereavement. Over the years, since we began the caring hearts pillows project, many of our members have received pillows and told us how much they meant to them. This month we gave pillows to two guild members to offer caring thoughts and a tangible hug from guild members. One to Jill C. as she goes through treatment and one to Janet C. to give our condolences on the recent passing of her husband John. Love and hugs to both of them from all of us.

We intend to keep on making pillows to give, and also to expand our production this year to be able to sell some pillows in the boutique at our quilt show in October. At the next meeting I will have some kits available with pillows in various states of doneness - please consider taking one home to finish, or making one from scratch with fabrics from your stash. There will be examples of finished pillows to see and there will be directions and guidelines for making the pillows. It’s an easy project that will bring you a great deal of joy.

Thanks for your contributions over the years, and for those to come!

Marianne and Jane

Thank You

A sincere thank you to Marianne, Jane and all guild members for my beautiful “caring heart pillow”. I appreciate your support.

Wayside Quilters Guild Calendar


Workshop with Judith Larzelere

May 10, all day

End of Year Fabric Auction

Monday, June 13, 7pm Grange Hall, Sudbury Town Center (Park behind the Town Hall)

Charity Quilts Due

Monday, June 13 or before

Guild Meeting

Monday, August 8, 7pm Grange Hall, Sudbury Town Center (Park behind the Town Hall)

Fall 2016 Meeting Schedule

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Jill Cochrane To be announced in the June Newsletter

2016 Wayside Quilt Guild Show

Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School

October 1-2, 2016

Set up will be on Friday, September 30

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