SO Stepping Stones chapter 6 3 VMBO

(words A/B, grammar 1/2/3, stone 23/24)

You can do it!!

Good Luck!!

A. Translate the underlined words into Dutch 8 pt.

Vertaal de onderstreepte woorden in het Nederlands

1.  As your President, I should press for your obedience.

2.  Because protesting against me is no solution and unnecessary as well.

3.  Three bags of garbage a week is a fair amount.

4.  I can only correct tests with a legible handwriting.

5.  I hate your remarks about the way I teach.

6.  As soon as the new name is oficial we will use stationery with the new logo.

7.  Wrappers are used most during Christmas time.

B. Translate / complete in English 13 pt.

Vertaal / vul aan in het Engels. BIJ WERKWOORDEN DE GOEDE VORM INVULLEN!!!!!

1)  ...... (flessen) and ...... (karton) can be recycled to ...... (hergebruiken).

2)  We have to ...... (beperken/verminderen) our ...... (afval).

3)  ...... (hoe vaak) do they ...... (legen) their ...... (container/bak)?

4)  How ...... (aardig) of you to take Granny’s empty ...... (dozen) outside. Was she ...... (blij)?

5)  Do you ...... (beseffen) how much you ...... (weggooien) each week?

C. Grammar: the passive Write sentences 6 pt.

Kijk naar het voorbeeld en ga op dezelfde manier verder

Voorbeeld: Bikes – steal – every day.

Bikes are stolen every day.

1)  Children – bully – every day.

2)  Thousands – drive – from their homes – last year.

3)  This product – test – on animals – about ten years ago.

4)  In some countries – tourists – hang – for possessing drugs.

5)  The Rainbow Warrior I – blow up – by the French Secret Service

6)  This bag – make of – non-chloride bleached cotton.


Please Turn Over (z.o.z.)

D. Present perfect – choose the correct alternative 7 pt.

Kies het goede antwoord..

B: Hi, Irene. What (1) are you / have you been doing all morning?

I: Oh, hello Bee. Looking for my talk about the homeless in Hollywood.

B: Isn’t it in your bedroom?

I: That’s where I (2) ‘ve left / left it last week. But it isn’t there anymore and I must have it! I’m giving a talk with Jason.

B: Jason? Jason who?

I: I don’t know his surname, but it’s the new boy that (3)

‘s been / ‘s in our class since October.

B: I didn’t know you knew him that well.

I: I don’t, but I (4) have been looking forward / look forward to giving that talk together. But first I’ll have to find my talk! No talk, no Jason!

B: Maybe Dad knows where it is. He’s in the garage.

He (5) ‘s been washing / ‘s washing his car for ages now!

I: Dad, have you seen my talk about the homeless?

D: Sure. It’s here in the garage, on that shelf.

I: So now I (6) ‘ve known / know where it is. Thanks dad, I’m off to Jason’s.

D: You (7) ‘re talking / ‘ve been talking about that Jason all week. Is taht the only important thing at the moment?

I: It is, Dad, ad not just becuase of the talk.

D: Yeah, yeah.

E. Some and any – fill in: something, somebody, someone, somewhere,

anything, anybody, anyone, or anywhere 7 pt.

J: Have you seen yesterday’s paper? I can’t find it (1)......

P: No, I haven’t. It should be (2) ...... in the kitchen. Go and ask (3) ...... there. Wy do you need it anyway?

J: There was an article about bullying at school in it. The kitchen you said?

P: Yes, ask Sue. I think she’s in the kitchen.

J: Has (4) ...... seen yesterday’s paper?

S: Yes, I’m reading it right now.

J: Give it to me, please.

S: No way. Read (5) ...... else.

J: But I need that paper.

S: Are you saying you can’t find (6) ...... else to read?

J: No, but there’s an article about bullying I’d like to use for a talk at school.

S: I’m just reading that one right now. You’ll have to wait.

J: Right, but wait and see what happens next time you want (7)...... from me.

SO Stepping Stones chapter 6 (words A/B, grammar 1/2/3, stones 23/24) 3 VMBO


A 8 pt.

1. aandringen op, eisen

2. oplossing onnodig

3. hoeveelheid

4. leesbaar

5. opmerkingen

6. briefpapier

7. pakpapier

B. 13 pt.

1. bottles cardboard reuse

2. reduce waste

3. how many times empty container

4. nice boxes pleased

5. realize throw out

C. 6 pt.

1)  Children are bullied every day.

2)  Thousands were driven from their homes last year.

3)  This product was tested on animals about ten years ago.

4)  In some countries tourists are hanged for possessing drugs.

5)  The RBW I was blown up by the FSS.

6)  This bag was/is made of non-chloride bleached cotton

D. 7 pt.

1.  have you been 5. ‘s been washing

2.  left 6. know

3.  ‘s been 7. ‘ve been talking

4.  look forward

E. 7 pt.

1.  anywhere 5. something

2.  somewhere 6. anything

3.  someone 7. something

4.  anyone / someone

41 pt. te behalen.

60% goed voor een 6, dus 16 ½ fout is een 6 = tabel 4.1