Minute of the eHealth Committee

held on Friday 8 November 2013 at 10am

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive, NHS Grampian (Chair)

Dr Steve Baguley, Consultant Physician and Clinical Lead for eHealth

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director, NHS Grampian

Mrs Sharon Duncan, Non-Executive Director, Partnership

Mrs Alison Hawkins, General Manager, eHealth

Dr Izhar Khan, Consultant Physician and Chair of the AMC

Mrs Christine Lester, Non-Executive Director

Dr Olive Robb, Consultant Radiologist

Dr Bill Simpson, Consultant, Chemical Biochemistry

Dr Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer

In Attendance:

Elaine Brown, Service Planning Lead, Modernisation (on behalf of Graeme Smith)

Dr Jamie Hogg, Clinical Lead for Modernisation (on behalf of Andrew Fowlie)

Linda Juroszek, Pharmacist (on behalf of Lynn Morrison)

Pam Buckingham, PA

Item / Subject / Action
/ Apologies
Apologies were received from Bill Howatson, Andrew Fowlie, Graeme Smith
/ Minute of meeting held on 10 May 2013
The minute of the meeting held on 10 May 2013 was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
/ Matters arising from meeting held on 10 May 2013
NHS Grampian eHealth Workplan – Common Progress Measures
It was agreed that this would be covered under Item 5 eHealth update.
/ Modernisation update
4.1 Planned Care – Respiratory Project
Elaine Brown presented innovations which are in the early stages of planning and which involve streamlining the pathway for patients with COPD using health interventions according to their specific needs.
It has been established that patients manage their health more successfully when they are guardians of their own health information and when they have access to the right information at the right time, particularly in terms of support regarding medication and access to self help programmes. Opportunities are being sought for technology which may assist more efficient discharge.
No Delays postcards are planned (and are being trialled by some Practices) to be delivered to the homes of all sufferers of COPD. They include information on how to manage the condition and advice for learning to understand individual tolerances, using a RAG-style (Red, Amber, Green) system of information.
There are also plans for ensuring access to pulmonary rehabilitation services where appropriate. Again the different scales of requirement (low, medium and high risk) will be identified and managed accordingly, either by postcarding, video conference or face to face interventions in the most serious cases.
It was agreed that assurances must be made that patients are continually reviewed whilst their conditions are being managed in this way to avoid gaps in the pathway of care. It is paramount to ensure consistency throughout. Other Health Boards: Lothian, Lanarkshire and Highland are all planning similar projects and information is being shared through a network system.
4.2 Unscheduled Care – Samsung Pilot
This item is deferred until the next meet when it is hoped that David Taylor will be able to attend to update the group.
4.3 Digital Health
A paper was presented on behalf of Andrew Fowlie to update the group on DALLAS.
The national infrastructure is developing with ten Innovation Centres planned in Scotland including three which are already in existence. The Alexander Graham Bell Centre (Lifescience and Education) has now been handed over and will be opened officially in 2014. Work on health innovations has commenced in the Centre. The Living it Up launch is next week and will be attended by key Grampian personnel, who will be interested to see how the tool looks when it is presented. DALLAS work has now extended beyond Moray and forms part of NHS Grampian’s Decision Support work.
Progress on the projects was noted and approved.
  1. eHealth update
Alison Hawkins presented her paper and updated the group:
TrakCare: Mrs Hawkins explained that a consortium of Boards has developed the PMS system for Secondary and Community Hospitals with Intersystems who won the contract. This has now rolled out across most Boards in Scotland with more planned next year before the framework contact period ends. A programme governance structure – the PMS Strategic Oversight Group, has been established and will oversee the strategic direction of the programme as it develops. It was noted that NHS Grampian is a high user of the additional framework modules and most of the previous systems have been replaced with Trakcare or Badgernet (Neonatal and Maternity).
Mrs Hawkins also highlighted that in line with the eHealth Workplan all Boards had submitted their 2nd Quarter Common Progress Measures. These are still very much a “work in progress” as Boards attempt to supply what has been asked of us and keep it in context. A workshop has been arranged for the end of November by SG eHealth to review and discuss the common progress measures based on experience of the first two quarters.
Mrs Hawkins highlighted that Windows XP will be replaced in 2014 as it will be unsupported. This will be an enormous project which will involve the replacement of XP on the desktop estate (approx. 10,000 PCs) along with associated changes to servers and a refresh of some older PCs. As part of this upgrade programme, there are 3 co-dependent project activities which relate currently to Windows XP: Data Centre Storage of User Data, Desktop Migrations and Active Directory. Support this significant programme of work has been tendered for and work will commence in the New Year with priority being given to clinical areas
Mr Carey noted that he has been asked to sit on a national ICT Oversight Board which will look at lessons learned from the recent outage at Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Dr Baguley prepared a very useful bulletin of the main developments currently underway, highlighting which sector they are relevant to. Work on the electronic paper record continues with the ultimate aim of enabling medical records
to be captured for clinics, ward rounds etc.
Data sharing with Local Authority partners was discussed and it was agreed that the Grampian Data Sharing Group should be reinstated in a new format. Mrs Hawkins will be meeting with representatives from Moray Council to discuss this. Mr Carey requested a 2 page SBAR which he would then take to the local Chief Executives Group for further discussion.
Mr Carey thanked Mrs Hawkins and Dr Baguley for their excellent reports which were noted by the Committee. / AH
/ Patient Portal
Mrs Hawkins reported on this joint work between eHealth and Modernisation. In order to avoid the issue of multiple patient portals, all requiring separate usernames and passwords, an overarching portal will be developed. The main challenge will be to establish a robust authentication and validation for entry into the system. In time the front end could be tailored to individual requirements and relevant information. In the initial stages a comparison could be made to online banking but ultimately a sophisticated tool could be built to individual needs.
Discussion took place about the need to build IT infrastructure into homes to enable patients to use new systems. It was noted that with many public Libraries closing, this could cause problems of access for some people. Mrs Lester, Chair of the Moray CHP, will liaise with the other 2 Non-Executive Director Chairs to prepare a unified submission to Local Authority partners in this regard. / CL
/ Proposal for revised remit
Mr Carey reported that Mr Graeme Smith is still working on this and expects to bring a paper to the next meeting. It was however agreed that the eHealth Steering Group should be reinstated to report to the eHealth Committee. The Steering Group could deal with more of the detail being dealt with currently by the eHealth Committee. Membership of both groups could be looked at after this has been established.
  • Dr Dijkhuizen raised the important point of lack of mobile phone reception in the Emergency Care Centre. The solution in the longer term would be for a transmitter to be placed inside the building and costings are being looked at for this. Mrs Hawkins will speak to Paul Allen who had previously been working on this. Dr Baguley suggested that as an interim measure, WiFi handsets could be supplied to staff for using within the building.
  • Mrs Hawkins reported that the Bio repository System will be in place within the necessary timescale.
/ AH
/ Date of next meeting
Meetings for 2014 are scheduled as follows – all at 10 – 12 hours:
21 February – Conference Room
23 May – Seminar Room
22 August – Conference Room
21 November – Conference Room