Revised and approved by SAC 4/28/15

Approved by SBDM 5/14/15

2015-16 Title 1 Home-School Learning Compact

Munfordville School—Success Starts Here!

At Munfordville School, we believe in the importance of families and the school working together. We believe that students do their best through the teamwork of students, families and educators. This compact pledges our school community to increase student achievement in reading, writing, and math so that all students will be proficientin reading and math by the end of third grade and lists the ways we all can contribute to the success of every student.

Revised and approved by SAC 4/28/15

Approved by SBDM 5/14/15

Home Pledge: I will

Be proactive by

  • informing the teacher if my child has any problems with learning;
  • encouragingmy child to follow directions and give his/her best effort every day;

Begin with the end in mind by

  • usingreading, writing, and math materials the school sends home each week to help my child;
  • helping my child to complete any homework and be sure that it is returned to school the next day;

Put first things first and

  • readto/with my child 20 minutes a day;
  • ensure my child attends school every day and on time;

Think win win. Support my child’s teacher’s efforts to help my child succeed.

Synergize by workingwith my child and the school, together as part of a team, to promote my child’s progress;

Sharpen the saw and limit my child’s “screen” (TV, video, computer) time;


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature

Students Pledge: I will

Be proactive by

  • tellingmy teacher and family if I need help;
  • completing homework and returning it on time;
  • arriving toschool on time every day;

Begin with the end in mind by

  • setting learning goals for myself;

Put first things first by bringingeverything I need to school such as my backpack, glasses, books, homework, etc.

Think win winby doingmy best each day on my daily work, homework, and assessments;

Seek first to understand and then be understood by followingschool rules;

Synergize by

  • being a good friend to fellow students;
  • cooperating with school leaders;

Sharpen the saw bylimitingmy “screen” (TV, video, computer) time, eating healthy food, and getting enough rest;

Be a leader at home and at school.

Student’s Signature

School Pledge: We will

Be proactive by

  • sendinghome learning materials in math, reading, and writing;
  • assess your child’s skill level on an ongoing basis and design lessons that sufficiently challenge your child;

Begin with the end in mind and provide a learning environment that is safe and free of distractions;

Put first things first by explaining my expectations and grading system to students and their families;

Think win winand communicate your child’s progress with you regularly;

Seek first to understand by recognizing when your child is struggling and intervene with appropriate strategies;

Synergize by

  • creating a partnership with every family in class;
  • treating ALL students fairly.

Sharpen the saw by seekingto improve my teaching strategies continually to successfully engage ALL children;

Teacher’s Signature