The Dales Pony Society

Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales

Secretary: Mrs J C AshbyTreasurer:Ms J L Pearson

Green Farm,1 Unsliven Road,

Stocksbridge, Sheffield,Stocksbridge,

S36 4GHSheffield,

Tel/Fax 01142 885869S36 1FT



Membership Application Form

I hereby apply for membership of the Dales Pony Society. I enclose the correct subscription and agree to abide by the rules of the Society.

Title …...... Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………



Post Code………………………………………………… Telephone No ……………………………………..

Email Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature…………………………………………………. Date …….…………………………………………..

Date of Birth (if under 18)…………….………………….

All personal data will be processed by the Dales Pony Society in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This data will be used for administrative purposes so that the Society can manage its operations effectively. Data may be released to DEFRA and other enforcement bodies to meet the requirements of equine passport legislation and regulations. You will be given the opportunity to decide on the type of data that can be accessed by other members as the data is entered into the database accessible through the Society’s website. Your signature indicates your consent to the Society processing your personal data in accordance with the eight principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

I have read the information about Data Protection, and agree to my personal data being usedin the way described above:



Signature…………………………………………………. Date …….…………………………………………..

The annual subscription is £30 and £15 for junior members under 18 years. Please make cheques payable to the Dales Pony Society. Subscriptions for any given year are due on January 1st. Standing order forms are available from the Treasurer or please contact the Society for electronic transfer of funds if necessary.

For Europe the rates are £35 and £20 for junior members, the rest of the world £40 and £25 for juniors.All payments from outside the UK must be received in Sterling. Please note that the higher charges for overseas members are due to additional postage costs.

The Dales Pony Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee, No. 3553410, registered at Companies House, Cardiff, and a Registered Charity, No. 1079619
