Mary Soper

17 June 2016

Ref: 6136

Dear Ms Soper

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request

Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request which we received on 19 May 2016.

The FOI Act gives you the right to know whether we hold the information you want and to have it communicated to you, subject to any exemptions which may apply. It is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. This means that any information disclosed under the FOI Act by definition becomes available to the wider public.

The response to your request is set out below.

o What Applications are you running for:

o Finance?

o HR?

o Payroll?

o Project?

o CRM?

o Manufacturing?

o Sourcing?

o Invoice Scanning Tool?

o Are you using Config Snapshot?

o What BI Tool are you using?

o What versions of the above Applications are you running?

o When was your last Application upgrade?

o Are you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?

o Do you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?

o What kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)

o What is the value of the application support contract?

o When does it expire?

o Are you running any Oracle Databases?

o If so, what versions are you currently running?

o What applications are being run on these Databases?

o Are you planning another Database upgrade in the next 12-18 months?

o Do you have an Oracle support partner for Databases? If so who?

o What is the value of the database support contract?

o When does it expire?

o Where are the databases held? Hosted, onsite/offsite?

o If not, how many in-house DBAs do you have?

o Where do you advertise any Oracle procurement opportunities?

o Who is responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle estate?

o Who is responsible for looking after the licenses for the Oracle estate?

o How much do you pay annually for Oracle Support & Maintenance?

o When does this contract renew?

o Do you work with off-shore partners?


o What versions of the above Applications are you running?

iTrent 10.18.04 Build 28

oWhen was your last Application upgrade?


oAre you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?


oDo you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?


oWhat kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)

Not Oracle support

oWhat is the value of the application support contract?

I consider that disclosure of the specific value risks compromising the commercial interests of the current provider and may jeopardise any future tendering exercise. Section 43 ‘commercial interests’ of the FoIA 2000 therefore applies; please refer to the attached section 17 notice which contains the reasons for my decision.

o When does it expire?



oWhat versions of the above Applications are you running?


oWhen was your last Application upgrade?


oAre you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?


oDo you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?


oWhat kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)

Not Oracle support

oWhat is the value of the application support contract?

Please refer to the attached Section 17 notice.

oWhen does it expire?


Management Information System (MIS)

oWhat versions of the above Applications are you running?

Business Objects XI version 3.1 SP5

oWhen was your last Application upgrade?


oAre you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?


oDo you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?


oWhat kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)

Not Oracle support

o What is the value of the application support contract?

Please refer to the attached Section 17 notice.

oWhen does it expire?



oWhat versions of the above Applications are you running?

Oracle Financials 12.0.6

oWhen was your last Application upgrade?


oAre you planning another upgrade in the next 12-18 months?


oDo you have an Oracle support partner for applications? If so who?

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)

oWhat kind of support is included in the contract (functional/technical/etc.?)

Functional and technical

o What is the value of the application support contract?

Please refer to the attached Section 17 notice.

oWhen does it expire?


To answer the remainder of your request please see below:

oAre you running any Oracle Databases?


oIf so, what versions are you currently running?

Oracle 11g (

oWhat applications are being run on these Databases?

The Compass Case Management System (CMS) and Oracle Financials

oAre you planning another Database upgrade in the next 12-18 months?


oDo you have an Oracle support partner for Databases? If so who?


oWhat is the value of the database support contract?

Please refer to the attached Section 17 notice.

oWhen does it expire?


oWhere are the databases held? Hosted, onsite/offsite?

Hosted offsite

oIf not, how many in-house DBAs do you have?

Not Applicable

o Where do you advertise any Oracle procurement opportunities?

Contracts Finder and via Official Journal of the European Community (OJEU)

oWho is responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle estate?

Head of Procurement and Estates

o Who is responsible for looking after the licenses for the Oracle estate?

Head of Procurement and Estates

o How much do you pay annually for Oracle Support & Maintenance?

Please refer to the attached Section 17 notice.

oWhen does this contract renew?

Please refer to previous answers above.

oDo you work with off-shore partners?


The CPS does not have specific applications for the other categories mentioned in your request.

If you are not satisfied with this response you have the right to request an internal review by responding in writing to one of the addresses below within two months of the date of this response. The internal review will be handled by a member of CPS staff who has not been involved with your original request.

Information Management Unit

Rose Court

2 Southwark Bridge



You do have the right to ask the Information Commissioner Office’s (ICO) to investigate any aspect of your complaint. However, please note that the ICO is likely to expect internal complaints procedures to have been exhausted before beginning their investigation.

Yours sincerely

Ms F Sayed

Information Management Unit

020 3357 0899