
Minutes of a meeting of Newtown Parish Council held on Thursday 5th March 2015 at 7.00pm in Newtown Village Hall.

Present:Chairman: Tim Kelleher

Councillors: Liz Ellis, Simon Betts, Craig Regan, Tony Webb

In attendance:Clerk:Kathy Summers

2 members of the public


Apologies were received from Tom Thacker.

2.Declarations of interests

There were no declarations of interests.

OPEN FORUM – No matters were raised

3.Approval and signing of the minutes of the meeting on 22nd January 2015

The minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman.

4.Report for “News from the Villages”

Tony Webb undertook to write a report,

5.Report from district and/or county councillor

Tom Thacker sent a written report, in summary:-

Hampshire County Council voted, on 19th February to freeze its part of the Council Tax, which is the largest portion of the total council tax bill. As Basingstoke and Deane has done the same most residents in the borough should see little change in their council tax bill.

6.Highways and traffic issues

Drainage defects

a) B4640

The clerk reported that she was still chasing Highways to replace the manhole cover. The stop tap cover is the responsibility of the water company and it has been reported to them.

b) C45

Tim Kelleher reported that he and the clerk had met with the landowner and Steve Goodall on 24th February. A way forward had been agreed utilising an existing road drainage pipe to take water from the ditch to the stream. The clerk agreed to speak with the manager at the Swan.

7. Planning and development control

a) Newtown Court Farm15/00392 – Continued use of existing garage as residential accommodation ancillary to the main house, including associated welfare facilities

This followed an application made in January to extend the existing garage. The parish council had no objection provided the accommodation was occupied solely for purposes ancillary to the occupation and enjoyment of Newtown CourtFarm.

b) 11, Jonathan Hill 15/00427/HSE Erection of single storey rear extension.

The parish council had no objection

c) Sandleford Development

The clerk reported that she had responded to the amended supplementary planning document.

Some councillors had attended a meeting arranged by the developers. The following matters were noted:-

House building will be gradual with 1,000 properties planned by 2026. It will take 15 years to build all 2,000 properties. It is planned that 40% will be social housing.

No decision has been made regarding access on to the A339 and there was no information on traffic flows.

d) Any other planning applications and decisions notified to parish council

There were none

8.Newtown Common

a) Update by Chairman of the Common Management Committee

The felling consultation papers were approved at the CMC meeting in February.

The final winter working party on 22nd February was a little quiet, possibly due to half term. Notices are about to go up asking walkers to keep dogs on a lead to protect ground nesting birds.

The next meeting of the committee will be on 9th June for a walk around the common. The aim of the walk will be to look at areas for bracken spaying, planning work for next winter and looking out for any problem trees.

b) Felling consultation

All documents have been distributed and votes are coming in.

c) Tree safety - policy/training/other issues

The clerk reported that she had received details of another Tree Survey and Inspection course taking place in April. It was agreed that this was more suitable and the clerk should book three places.

The clerk had received a report of a leaning cherry tree and would speak to James George about this.

9. Finance reports

a) To receive the report on the Budget for 2014/15

The details of actual income and expenditure to date, projected out-turn, note of current account balances and bank reconciliation had been circulated prior to the meeting. The chairman checked the bank balances to the bank statements and initialled the report. The projected out-turn indicated had not changed significantly from that previously advised although the Tree Survey courses would bring forward expenditure.

b) Review of Financial Regulations

The Council's Financial Regulations had been completely re-drafted based on the new model regulations issued by NALC in October 2014. The new draft had previously been circulated and was discussed, approved and adopted by the council.

10.To approve the following payments:

5.3.15 Newtown Village Hall, hall hire, £198.00 (cheque no. 000528)

5.3.15 Liz Ellis, photocopying expenses, £64.80 (cheque no. 000529)

5.3.15 Vision ICT, website, £180.00 (cheque no. 000532)

31.3.15 K Summers, salary – 3 months, £398.73 (cheque no. 000530)

31.3.15 HM Revenue & Customs, PAYE, £78.40 (cheque no. 000531)

  1. Review of Standing Orders

The Council's Standing Orders had been completely re-drafted based on the new model standing orders issued by NALC in October 2013 and updated in 2014. The new draft had previously been circulated and was discussed, approved and adopted by the council.

  1. Parish Lengthsman

The clerk reported that the council had used up all of the lengthsman’s time allowance for the year. There was no information at the present time regarding the continuation of the scheme.

13.Assets - Jonathan Hill notice board

Following the last meeting, the possibility of grant funding for the new board was investigated. An application has been made for a grant from the Community Heritage & Environment Fund. The council will know if it has been successful or not in early April.


The clerk reported that the council had been offered a free website facility. Whilst this would result in saving some of the current hosting cost it was not felt the facility offered would be adequate for the council particularly given the requirements of the new Transparency Code

  1. Arrangements for Parish Assembly

a) Newsletter and distribution

Tony Webb undertook to prepare the Newsletter with a space for the results of the felling consultation. The clerk to organise distribution lists.

b) Speakers

It was agreed that the clerk should invite borough councillor, John Izett, county councillor Tom Thacker and our local PCSO Abbey Carpenter.

c) Refreshments

Wine and soft drinks - Tim Kelleher.

Nibbles – Liz Ellis

  1. Correspondence

Invitation to the Mayors Charity dinner - noted

Comments requested regarding Countryside Access plan – Liz Ellis undertook to look at this.

Rural broadband survey – Tony Webb agreed to look at this.

Email regarding felling consultation – this was discussed and the clerk was asked to write a reply

16.Dates of next meetings:-

Parish Assembly – Friday 24th April 2015

Annual Meeting - Tuesday 19th May 2015

Parish council meetings:-

Tuesday 30th June 2015

Thursday 20th August 2015

Thursday 5th November 2015

The meeting closed at 8.35pm
