/ BIO 090 DEX 2017-18
Task Book LO1 /

Access to HE Unit: BIO 090 Digestion and Excretion (WJF679/689 G/U)

Learning Outcome: LO1 (Human digestive system)

To achieve level 3, address the questions correctly.

Level 3(Assessment Criterion 1.1)

You work in the GI unit of a teaching hospital and have been assigned to mentor studentSurinder. This includes teaching him in the anatomy and physiology of digestion.

Q1Surinder knows about the sections of the digestive tract, but not how its anatomy relates to function. You therefore need to prepare sessions on this topic.

a)Draw a labelled diagram of the mouth. Supplement this with text to explain how structures relate to the function of ingestion.

[Q1 continued]

b)Provide labelled diagrams that show the anatomy of the stomach wall and of the wall of the small intestine. Provide text to relate the structures observed to the functions of digestion and absorption.

[Q1 continued]

c)Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the venous connections of stomach and intestines. Proved a short paragraph of text relating structures shown in the diagram to the function of assimilation.

[Q1 continued]

d)Draw a labelled diagram of the large intestine and explain how it contributes to the function of egestion.

Level 3(Assessment Criterion 1.2)

Q2Surinder now needs to learn about digestive secretions. You have prepared a gapped table on this. To prepare for your next session, you complete the table of digestive secretions and their functions.

Source / Secretion / Function in the small intestine
(if enzyme: substrate  product)
Liver / Emulsify fats.
Liver (bile) & pancreas / Neutralises stomach acid
Pancreas / Converted to trypsin in duodenum
Pancreas / Nucleic acids  nucleotides
Pancreas / Peptidases / Peptides 
Pancreas / Pancreatic amylase /  maltose
Pancreas / Chymotrypsin /  small polypeptides
Pancreas / Lipase / Triacylglycerols
Small intestine / Trypsinogen  Trypsin
Small intestine / Maltase /  glucose
Small intestine / Sucrase / Sucrose 
Small intestine / Lactase /  glucose + galactose
Small intestine / Peptidases /  amino acids
Small intestine / Nucleotidases / Nucleotides 
Small intestine / Protection and lubrication
Liver, pan-creas & small intestine / Essential for hydrolytic digestion of food; transport medium for digestive secretions

Level 3(Assessment Criterion 1.3)

Q3The next topic you need to cover is glucose and amino acid absorption. Draw a labelled diagram that illustrates the mechanisms by which epithelial cells in the small intestine facilitate the absorption of glucose and amino acids from the gut lumen. Supplement your diagram with annotations that make reference to active transport and also describe how this mechanism contributes to the absorption of water.

Level 3(Assessment Criterion 1.4)

Q4Your student Surinder is now ready to round out his understanding of the digestive system by learning about its regulation. To get ready for this session, you prepare notes on the three phases of gastric secretion and the key regulation processes in each.

a)There are three phases in the neural and hormonal regulation of gastric activity. State which these are:

Phase one:

Phase two:

Phase three:

[Q4 continued]

b)During each phase, there are regulatory processes that help maintain homeostasis. Explain what these processes are for each phase below:

Regulatory processes in phase one:

Regulatory processes in phase two:

Regulatory processes in phase three:

Q5Your student now needs to learn about the enterogastrones, three hormones released by the duodenum when chyme enters from the stomach. You therefore need to prepare a session on how they contribute to homeostasis.

a)Name one of the enterogastrones:

Explain its function:

b)Name a second enterogastrone:

Explain its function:

c)Name the third enterogastrone:

Explain its function:

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