Chance Lyon 4850 156’Th Ave NE #27

Redmond, WA98052



Junior year at DigiPen Institute of Technology, for a BS in Computer Science

AA from PeninsulaCollege, Port AngelesWA.

Educational Experience

Languages – C++ (8 classes), C (3 classes), Java (2 classes), ASM (2 classes), Pascal (1 class), Lua (1 class), XML (1 class)

Graphics–(4 classes) Includes 2D/3D scan line conversion, occlusion, ray casting, texturing, bump mapping, phong lighting, shadows, BSP Tree, SEADS, DirectX, openGL

AI – Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms, Image Recognition, Flocking, Path finding(1class)

Networking – Port sniffing, general knowledge (1 class)

Physics – 2D/3D spherical collisions (1 class), theory (2 classes)

Math – Calculus, Linear Algebra, Curves & Surfaces, Quaternions

APIs – DirectX (1 class), openGL (2 classes), fmod (1 class), STL (1 class)

Other – Visual Studio, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 3D Studio Max

Other Experience

Construction Laborer (4 years) – All aspects of home construction

Computer Technician (3 years) – Building and maintaining a small network

Educational Skills

Design – The small size of our teams have given me the chance to have a large hand in the design and balancing of our games. This included writing large portions of the GDD’s. I am interested in more design work.

Teamwork – I have worked on three large game projects for college, and have thrived in a team environment. I derive motivation, attention to detail, and a sense of accomplishment from working in a team environment.

College Projects

Barrel Rapids (1 year) – Five person team working with three artists. Fast-paced 3D downhill river rapid racing game with weapons. My work features a neural net driven AI, flocking, data driven development, Lua script integration, river geometry is generated.

CrazyMax (1 year) – Three person team, it is a 2D top-down vehicular combat game with a grappling hook. My work includes point-mass ropes, design, weapons, and game logic.

Gexocide (1 year) – Three person team, ASCII based strategic RPG pitting ninjas against penguins