Minutes of meeting Wednesday 1st February 2012

Present: Bernadette; Fiona; Davina; Roly; Roy; Graham; Peter and Sheelagh

Apologies: Julia Minute Secretary: Sheelagh

PCSO Update - (Mobile Unit & Crime Stats) Simon King did not come to the meeting. Peter had spoken to him and he had been unable to bring the mobile unit to Chesterton on 24th Jan because he was attending a road traffic incident. He is intending to come to the Open Meeting on 7th March.

Matters Arising from January Minutes:

Obelisk History: Roly has been given this information. “Some years ago the Tourist Infomation Office was told that the Obelisk was erected many years ago by the Bathurst family when landowners could claim they owned land as far as their eye could see. Apparently being able to see the top of the monument/obelisk from their mansion was/is advantageous to the family”. Other information is published on line so this matter is now closed.

Hills Boulders for Thistle Park: Neither Lee Searles nor Andrea Pelegram have got back to Roly. Fiona said she would contact Andrea about a possible date to go and view the boulders.

Play Train: the “steering wheel” has come off but Martin Conyers has recovered it. The ROSPA report has been received and been sent to the Ward Councillors and Andrew Tubb. Letters of Thanks have been sent to Bob Berry and South Cerney PC. Photos have been taken and will be put in the Churn Newsletter. It is hoped that Peter will be able to arrange with the Standard to come and take photos on Saturday, 24th March in the morning. The Mayor, Ward Councillors and South Cerney PC will be invited to attend.

20’s Plenty Campaign Update Roly is in talks with the Standard for a half page article.

Community Garden Tree: The tree has been planted by Roy & Graham. The other tree which Fiona has is to be planted on the Cranhams Lane field and Peter has confirmed with Martin Conyers that this is OK.

Jubilee Committee Update: Roly says that all is going according to plan. We will be involved in a Torch Light procession during the evening of 4th June starting about 9.30pm. People will be encouraged to bring their own lanterns (possibly made out of a jam jar with a candle in attached to a pole). He has also advised us that we will need a smaller banner (see below) to advertise which group we represent. Roly is to also to ask several other groups if they would like to join us. He will also advertise in the Churn Newsletter. If we need any further information to contact either: Roly or Jenny Hinks. Roly will speak further at the Open Meeting.

Waitrose Community Matters; Peter has contacted Waitrose and they have given permission to use the money towards the Jubilee celebrations but to use their name on advertisements. It was suggested that the funds be use to purchase a smaller banner and Peter to contact the person (Jon Rutt of CDT Signs) who had provided the last banner. [Post Meeting Note – Jon has offered to supply a banner for £30 plus vat or FOC if we allow him to put his logo on the banner as well]

High Visibility Vests: Fiona has been advised to apply for a grant from “Safer and Stronger in the Cotwolds”. Roly will fill in the form and we will ask John Stayte Services to do them when we have the funds available.

Litter, Dog & Grit Bins: The proposals made last time where again discussed and it was decided that the Dog bin on the corner of Somerford Road and Wilkinson Road be situated on the opposite corner. A Litter bin to be situated on one of the corners at the junction of Brook Road and Springfield Road. [Post Meeting Note - Peter has supplied details to the Town Council of prefferd locations and this has been acknowledged.] Sue Pontin has been into Chesterton School to promote a project making Posters of dogs messing which it is proposed should be put up around the local area.

Community Garden – 24 Polyanthus Plants have been given by Martin Conyers; Roy is to take then and keep them in his shed until they can be planted.

Website – Davina & Roly have again tried to contact Damian without success. Peter said he will also try. [Post Meeting Note – Damian has replied to say he has passed all of the details onto Tina Ololade].

March Open Meeting: Agenda items: Jubilee- Torch Light Procession; Produce Show; Marylyn Cox from GRCC - Emergency Panning; 20 Plenty Campaign; Litter Pick; Lisa Darroch will also be there.
Publicity; Posters will be put on the notice board and emailed to Committee Members to print off and display. Roly will get it put in the Standard as a “What’s On” snippit.


Litter hotspots. Fiona had phoned Clair Blizzard about the litter thrown over the bridge at the junction of Somerford Road and Cotswold Avenue; also along the path from there to Meadow Road and another area where she finds it difficult to get at. (not sure where this is).

Potholes- Peter had been on Gloucestershire Highways web site reporting faults about the pothole in the road opposite the Thistle Patch. He had also emailed Chris Franklin (Highways Manager) who has acknowledged and said he will inspect it.

The Teen Shelter: some litter had been thrown around during Saturday night 28th Jan and Sunday 29th Jan morning. Thanks to Davina and her friend Sharon who collected it all up and left it for collection. It was proposed that the Council be asked if the bin can be put closer to the shelter.

Trees in the old farm track: We all complained about the way the trees have been decimated in the lane and Roly is to contact the tree surgeon at the CDC.

Fundraising: Roly has spoken to Sarah Tennant Bell at the RAC asking for help in fund raising and she has told him that she will put it to the student union and get back to him as and when.

Churn Newsletter. – Peter (& Maggie L) to pass on details of the volunteer distributors to Bernadette & Julia ASAP. Peter has notified Anna Rarity that Bernadette & Julia will be the co-ordinators.

Next Meeting Wednesday 7th March 2012 at 7:30pm – St Lawrence Church Hall