Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

City Schools Division of Tacurong

Cluster III



Bullying is the deliberate intention toharm someone who does not have the

power to stop it. It takes many forms. It can be:- Face-to-face such as fighting, pushing,

taunting, insulting, embarrassing, intimidating and invading personal space, and behind-the-back such as writing threatening or offensive messages, sending distressing emails and writing anonymous notes that are hurtful.It is totally against the Missionand Vision of the school. The School is committed to provide an educational environment in which pupils feel valued and secure. Toachieve this end, the school will seek tocreate a school-wide culture that:

Allows pupils to flourish free from discrimination, harassment or any form of bullying.

 Does not tolerate, ignore or trivialize bullying behaviors.

 Is aware of what constitutes bullying behavior.

Provides support to the victims of bullying.

Deals firmly with bullies so that they either stop their bullying.

The methods used by the school todiscourage bullying will vary fromtime-to-time, with new initiatives beingintroduced when thought appropriate.The measures that have been used todiscourage bullying at Schoolinclude, but are not limited to:

Employing a suitable range of sanctions to deal with and discourage bullies.

Putting up signage about the School to promote a bully-free environment.

Printing anti-bullying policies in how does the school discourage bullying.

 Promoting a bully-free environment in all areas in school.

Incorporating anti-bullying in school policy for pupils

 Instituting a Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) to monitor the well-being of pupils at risk.

 Encouraging teachers to adopt classroom management techniques that discourage

opportunities for bullying behaviors.

Employing teachers who model tolerance, empathy and acceptance of individual



I. Introduction

Bullying, harassment or any form of discrimination, is immoral and can be unlawful because it interferes with the right of a person to feel safe and valued as a member of a community.It is an intimidation of weaker person. It is the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a more vulnerable situation. It is a form of aggressive behavior, which may manifest as abusive treatment, the use of force or coercion to affect others.

II. Activities Undertaken

1. School Camporal

2. School Intramurals/Foundation Day

3. Organized SGC (School Governing Council)

4. Character Education/EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao as a subject in every Grade


5. Reminders were always given that “do not do unto others that you do not want to do


III. Problems Met

In every activities, problems are always arises. In our school the problems will be settled immediately. There are pupils got misunderstandings because of bullying. An aggressive behavior of the pupils will be minimized because the teachers are always there to settle their problems.

IV. Solution/ Action

The School Camporal and School Intramurals/Foundation Day are the activities done by our school. It is one way that our pupils have unity and to get along by their classmates, schoolmates and peers. All pupils should participate the activities. Nobody is neglected. The teachers will facilitate the activities and remind always the spirit of sportsmanship.

Our school organized SGC (School Governing Council). One of their visions is to avoid bullying in school. Pupils should follow the rules and regulations. They treat all the pupils fairly.

The teacher has a big rule to prevent bullying in school. Character Education/EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao is always taught daily. The teacher reminds always of what is good and bad.

In the case of the bullied rape victim the following are the actions:

1. The pupils were reprimanded by the teachers.

2. Parents of the victim and the respondents were called for a meeting.

3. The parents talked and settled the problem in the presence of the teachers and


V. Recommendation

Parents should always follow-up in school so that they can closely monitor their pupils.

Our government officials should provide the needs of our pupils specially those who are low of income because their pupils feel self pity.

Teacher advisers of the concerned pupils should monitor the activities and whereabouts of the pupils during school days.

Parents should spend time in monitoring the values formation of their siblings especially develop them to be God-fearing.

There should have funds allocated in every activities so that we can give prices to those who excel.

School personnel and parents should continue the advocacy on anti-bullying.

Prepared by:


SchoolGuidance Counselor



School Head/Chairperson