NOTE: Below I have put each question in red before Will Meilander’s answer to the question. This seemed to be easier to read, since Will does not repeat the question. Will uses the symbol “AP” for “Associative Processor” – i.e., an “associative SIMD computer”.


Johnnie, Here' a start. I'll keep looking for others.

The parameters you need are the ones associated with the Database diagram in your powerpoint slide. There will be parameters for each relation.

To your Questions:

1. What are the usual units of measure that are used for different measurements? For example, are miles, meters, nautical miles, etc used. What about angles (e.g., radar)? Would they use radians, degrees, etc.

1. Distance is naut miles (nm). Angles in degrees (360 degrees around the earth. 60 nm per degree)

You could use X,Y from some central point in the local system. But lat long (L/L) are universal. If you use X,Y there is much conversion back and forth.

Each radar is at some L/L. Target measures are degrees from North and nm in range. Thesewill beconverted to position of AC inL/L before being loaded into the report buffer. Each report is from a numbered radar. Other data in report are beacon code ID, and reported altitude.

2. What different records must be stored in the parallel memory. For example, flight plan + flight track information, weather information, etc. We need to get an approximate idea of what records we need to store in parallel memory.

2.See attached. Track and flight plan are separate tables. They are parts of a 1:1relationship so are stored in congruent records. Weather is may be 2 tables. One for terminals: wind at touchdown, runway identifiers,outer marker position for each,runway length, etc..

Another table for winds aloft by centerextent and movementand direction. Seen on your TV. Note: Attachment is included here as pages 4-6.

3. This is a continuation of question 2. We need to know what are the different variable values stored in each of the parallel memory records that you identify for question 2. If identifying all of the variables is a big job, then just knowing some of the main ones would help. Also, identifying which variables are integer, real, bit, character, etc. would be very useful.

3. Important here is the length of each parameter. For example Destination terminal in FP is maybe 8 bits. In terminal table it might be 120 bits.Here there is a one-to-many relationship; there are many flight plans that contain the same destination. So we avoid the redundant lengthy identity by converting to a short identifier.

This should be done in all situations. This will minimize record length in all tables.

4. Another thing that would be helpful is to identify at least the main incoming data for the ATC system. Also, knowing what format this information is in would be very helpful. For example, when Radar data arrives, what does the packet this packet look like (e.g., what are main variable values in it)?

4. See 2 above.

5. This is a continuation of question 4. Given that various incoming data, how can you easily identify one type of incoming data from another?

5. Data type should be identified in the report. There are only a few types - primary radar, secondary radar and GPS today. (a couple bits) Each type should direct to a starting address in your program.

6. This question is related to question 4, except it is for "outgoing data" for ATC. In particular, what are the main types of outgoing data from ATC system and what would be the main variable values contained in each of these different outgoing records.

6. Again look at the DB picture and see both in and out. Output is display data see attached, messages to controller, voice messages maybe 92 bits (digital data for conversion to voice),data to controller for conflict avoidance, turn two degrees to right for 2 minutes, or descend toFL 316, These should be encoded for conversion at the user interface.

7. Where do the various types of incoming information come from and how are they obtained.

7. Data should be entered into the AP input buffers in AP format. Each buffer is accessed at it's scheduled time. There will be requests for data from many sources.Input will be in AP format, and output in designated format for conversion by user.

8. You mentioned you might be able to reclaim the STARAN code for ATC in some way. Have you given this any further thought?

8. I think there is a copy of the input code somewhere in your files. It came with STARAN that was there. It looks like something from another planet, but could be interpreted, back to the input code. Look about to see if you canfind it.

Enuf for now. hope this helps you get started.

Best wishes, Will

ATC Parameters

Attrbitscomment valid!


ACID48Fight Identity

Beac12Current beacon code

ModS24Current Mode S code

longs26Best estimate of longitudinal position

lats26Best estimate of latitudinal position

hs16Best estimate of current height

longv12Best estimate of longitudinal velocity/period

latv12Best estimate of latitudinal velocity/period

hv12Best estimate of height velocity/period

tq4track quality(ten values)

up1 track ready for smoothing

cid8Controller identity

busy1track active

secchng1Sector change bit

newsec8new sector number

Weighting function

tq4track quality

alpha8position smoothing weight

beta8velocity smoothing weight

Radar Report

R14 Radar range

Az14Radar Azimuth

beac12Beacon Code

ModS24ModeS code

hrad12AC altimeter reported height

rq1report quality good/poor

GPS report

gpslong26GPS long report

gpslat26GPS lat report

gpshgt16GPS hgt report

Radar location table

Rnum5radar number

rlong26radar longitude

rlat26radar latitude

relev26radar elevation

Attr bits comment

Flight plan

ACID48Flight identity

Atype16Aircraft type

Beac12beacon code

tex20expected entry time

lofp26current long FP position

lafp26current FP height

lofpv12FP long distance in ten sec

lafpv12FP lat distance in ten sec

hfpv12FP height distance in 10 sec

sinH126sin of FP heading leg 1

cosH126cos of FP heading leg 1

lofp126leg 1 start long

lafp126leg 1 start lat

hfp116leg 1 start height

fp1speed12leg 1 distance in ten seconds

fp1hspd12leg 1 h distance in ten seconds

sin H226sin of FP heading leg 2

cosH226 cos of FP heading leg2

lofp226leg 2 start long

lafp226leg 2 start lat

hfp216leg 2 start height

fp2speed12leg 2 distance in ten seconds

fp2hspd12leg 2 h distance in ten seconds

Display update

ACID48BCD identity

xd14x position of AC

yd14y position of AC

speed12BCD ground speed

alt12BCD altitude

lead3leader direction

blnk1blink handoff AC

dpur10data block upper right

dplr10data block lower right

dpul10data block upper left

dpll10data block lower left