Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
On 10 October 2014, India’s Kailash Satyarthi and Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.
In 1980, Kailash Satyarthi set up the ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ to fight against child labour and encourage children to go to school. Today, through his efforts, around 80,000 children have been released from child labour and have turned towards education.
In 1994, Satyarthi introduced ‘Rugmark’- a labeling system to mark the rugs and carpets manufactured without using child labour. Satyarthi emphasized that child labour does not only deprive a child of his or her childhood, it also deprives an adult of employment. He also organized ‘The Global March Against Child Labour’, in which 7.2 million people from 103 countries participated.
Seventeen-year-old Malala Yousafzai, the co-recipient of the award has fought hard to bring education to girls in the conflict-ridden Swat Valley of Pakistan. She has fearlessly campaigned for equal rights for girls and is a role model for children all over the world. She has demonstrated that children, particularly girls, must speak against extremism. She is the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize in the history of the award.
The Nobel Committee pointed out that the prize is being jointly shared by an Indian and a Pakistani, a Hindu and a Muslim. It underscores their common struggle to uplift various sections of society and restore to them their right to education and equality.
  1. Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai are both working to
a)Promote non-violence.
b)Help children get a better childhood and education.
c)Bring peace to neighbouring countries.
d)Remove unemployment.
  1. ‘Rugmark’ is a system which
a)Encourages children to go to school.
b)Labels all the rugs and carpets produced in the world.
c)Labels the rugs and carpets manufactured without using child labour.
d)Calculates the number of child labourers in the country.
  1. Malala Yousafzai is
a)the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
b)the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize.
c)the first Pakistani to be nominated for the Nobel Prize.
d)a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
  1. The 2014 Nobel Peace Prize also symbolizes that
a)People of different religions and countries can work together to improve our world.
b)Children can win the Nobel Prize.
c)The Nobel Prize can be shared by people.
d)Both men and women have equal rights over the Nobel Prize.
  1. Find words in the text which mean the same as the following.
b)make (something) on a large scale using machinery
My robot’s misbehaving.
It won’t do as I say.
It will not dust the furniture
or put my toys away.
My robot never helps me
with homework or my chores.
It doesn’t do my laundry
and neglects to clean my floors.
It claims it can’t cook dinner.
It never makes my bed.
No matter what I ask of it,
it simply shakes its head.
My robot must be broken.
I’ll need to get another.
Until that day, I have to say,
I’m glad I have my mother.
--Kenn Nesbitt
  1. What is the child complaining about?
  2. Name four chores that the robot has refused to do.
  3. How does the robot respond when asked to do something?
  4. What conclusion does the child draw about the robot?
  5. Explain “Until that day, I have to say, I’m glad I have my mother” in your own words.
  6. Pick out words that rhyme with these: 2marks
Your cousin has scored low marks in her mid term examination. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to your cousin to improve in her next exam.
Read the following sentences and write whether the sentence is declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory.
  • How was your day in school?
  • I am so excited, we are going to Paris!
  • Wash the dishes before dinner.
  • Where did you go yesterday?
  • Wow! What a beautiful clear sky!
  • My mother is a lawyer by profession.
  • Do not talk loudly.
  • Ravi went to the market by bus.
  • Pass the salt.
  • The dog chased the boy.
  • Where did I leave my car keys?
  • She is a good dancer.
  • Wait for me.
  • What a cute puppy!
  • Was the movie enjoyable?

2. Use appropriate contractions for the following.
  • Clouds are not blue.
  • ​I do not like spinach. ​
  • It is not fair.
  • She did not like my cake. ​
  • You will enjoy the book.
  • You are too late.
  • Jenny cannot drive for picnic .
  • I cannot help you.
  • He does not have many friends in the city.
  • She has gone to the railway station.
  • I do not know what they are so excited about.
  • They have read the book
  • He will not go for picnic.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
  1. ‘One can think of no one else who can carry this out.’
a)Who says this to whom?
b)What work is being assigned to the listener?
c)What does this tell us about the listener?
  1. ‘They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of the bay’
a)What has been referred to as ‘they’?
b)Where does the speaker see them?
c)What do you understand by the phrase ‘never-ending line’?
3 “Can you guess what I’m thinking?”
a) Who says this and to whom?
b). Why does he ask this question?
c) What does this tell us about the speaker?
4 ‘There is something I want to do before dinner.’
a)Who said this and to whom?
b) After the ‘something’ was done, how did the speaker feel?
c)What kind of person do you think the speaker is?
Answer the following questions in brief.
Maggie thought that if she cuts her hair, people would stop talking about it. Did it happen?
Describe the exchange between the king and the shepherd.
When did the speaker come across a host of daffodils?
What made Maggie cut her hair?
Where did the speaker notice the daffodils??
Who did the dewan’s daughter bring as a solution to his problem?
Who sympathized with her? How did this make her feel?
What words the speaker use to show that there were many daffodils?
What were Maggie’s aunts like? Were they popular with the children?
What did the king give to the shepherd?
What are the different things that the speaker compares the daffodils with?
Why was the dewan dejected? Who did he share his problem with?

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