ECMS General Music Syllabus Mrs. KrystinKicklighter, Music Teacher

Grades 6th, 7th, and 8th

Course Outline

This course will consist of the following as outlined in the Georgia Performance Standards:

  • Careers in Music
  • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
  • Music Theory - Reading and writing music
  • Music History - We will study the following units as they relate to composers, time periods, styles, and historical events:
  • Composer Highlights - Beethoven, Bach
  • Jazz Unit
  • Patriotic Unit
  • Musicals
  • Music Terminology
  • Tongue Twisters


  • Daily Participation Grade (40%) –behavior, participation in class
  • Homework Grade (10%) – Take home assignments
  • Assessment Grade (50%) – worksheets, quizzes, tests, and projects

School/Class Rules

All students attending ECMSmust comply with policies set forth in the Student Handbook:

  • Students must follow the dress code
  • Students are not allowed to possess or consume candy, gum or snacks while on campus. All food should be consumed in the lunchroom.
  • Cooperate with your teachers – follow instructions when given
  • Participate in all class activities and discussions
  • Respect the faculty/staff, peers, and most importantly yourself

Class Expectations

  • You will be in your assigned seat, silent and ready to begin class.
  • Have a pencil with you each day.
  • Your attitude and behavior will figure prominently intoyour daily participation grade.
  • It is your responsibility to complete and turn in all required assignments. Should you be absent for any reason, it is your job to request the missing work.

Failure to comply with class rules will result in the following:

  • First violation - Verbal Warning
  • Second violation – Silent lunch
  • Third violation – Detention or Loss of Panther Palace
  • Fourth violation – Referral to Administrator

**Please keep for your records**

*Please review the class policies. Sign and return this form to Mrs. Kicklighter.*

Student’s Name:

Grade Level: Homeroom Teacher:

Parent or Guardian Name:

Phone Number:


School/Class Rules

All students attending ECMS must comply with policies set forth in the Student Handbook:

  • Students must follow the dress code
  • Students are not allowed to possess or consume candy, gum or snacks while on campus. All food should be consumed in the lunchroom.
  • Cooperate with your teachers – follow instructions when given
  • Participate in all class activities and discussions
  • Respect the faculty/staff, peers, and most importantly yourself

Class Expectations

  • You will be in your assigned seat, silent and ready to begin class.
  • Have a pencil with you each day.
  • Your attitude and behavior will figure prominently into your daily participation grade.
  • It is your responsibility to complete and turn in all required assignments. Should you be absent for any reason, it is your job to request the missing work.

Failure to comply with class rules will result in the following:

  • First violation - Verbal Warning
  • Second violation – Silent lunch
  • Third violation – Detention or Loss of Panther Palace
  • Fourth violation – Referral to Administrator

I have read the general music class syllabus with my parent/guardian. I also understand the class rules/expectations as they apply to me and my behavior in music. While in class I will not be a distraction to the learning environment of other students. I will work diligently to maintain the integrity of my work as well as those around me.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date