a) Service Leader working with Minister

On Sundays when the Minister is in the pulpit, you will be assisting her in creating the service around the worship theme. Music for the service will be planned by the Music Committee.

Thank you for serving as a Worship Service Leader! Sunday mornings are the only time, as a whole congregation, we take the opportunity to join together as a faith community and share time, inspiration, ideas and fellowship with one another. Whether sharing joys and sorrows, singing, listening, laughing or time in silence, our Worship hour is an important event in our lives each week as a church community and as individuals. In your role as Service Leader, you are helping to create and hold a space for support, sharing, inspiration, connection and commitment. Your presence, your presentation and your preparation help create and maintain a sense of worship, transcendence and connection throughout Sunday morning. When you are leading worship, you are holding the congregation in a place of trust, care and love. Everyone has come to that time and place, seeking something – to be challenged, to be supported, to be loved, to be happy, to be with others, to gain insight to live day-to-day. Service Leaders are integral to making our time together on Sundays a sacred, safe and supportive experience.

Your practice, experience, preparation and confidence in leading worship help ensure a successful service. You are not alone in this job. Reverend Ingram and your Worship Committee are here to support you. Feel free to call on us.

Make sure you are familiar and comfortable with your script prior to the service, that you have the materials and tools you need to fulfil your responsibilities and that you’ve assured your service team is all on the same page about what is happening during this time together. Then, show up, be fully present, be compassionate with yourself and others and let the message of the day carry you through the service. Good luck! And, thank you again for taking on this important responsibility and honourable role.


  1. Online at http: you will find:

Service Leader Information Kits---

a. with Minister

b. without minister

Order of Service Template

Service Leader Script

Art of Worship Guide

Link to Worship Web

  1. Other sources include:


Our Chosen Faith


Church Library

Rejoice Together


TWO TO FOUR WEEKS before service, arrange to meet with the minister.

Prepare your work:

review service description with Minister

print out a draft of the OOS template to start work on

gather some appropriate/favourite readings, related to the service topic, for consideration


At least TWO WEEKS prior to service, meet with minister and prepare the OOS together.

divide the readings and other responsibilities

decide on a story theme and confirm storyteller

music will be decided by the Music Committee

the Minister will submit the OSS by the deadline once completed

schedule follow-up meetings/communication as needed


Download the SERVICE LEADER SCRIPT and insert your words, readings and hymns following guidelines/suggestions that follow. This information will help you with the details around each aspect of the service.

OVERTURE – This recorded music will start to play at 10:15. It needs to set a tone to relax and prompt people to be seated. The sound technicians have a selection of music to play; however, if you want something specific, you need to advise the sound tech in advance and bring the CD by 9:15 on the day of your service.

Ushers will open Sanctuary doors when prompted by the sound technicians.

Ushers will ring the BELL in the foyer at 10:25 to indicate the start of the service.

GATHERING MUSIC – This is an OPTIONAL portion of the service. If the choir is performing, this may be a part of the service; otherwise, the Minister will begin the service with ‘Singing Together.’

SINGING TOGETHER – To be led by the Minister or Music Director.

WELCOME/SINGING BOWL/CALL TO WORSHIP – Note: singing bowl is optional. Call upon a worship assistant to start the bowl if you have not had time to practice. Arrange this ahead of the service.

CALL TO WORSHIP - Select reading/welcoming words to connect us with our faith and set the worship tone. This can be read by the Minister of Service Leader.

LIGHTING OF THE CHALICE – Choose Chalice Lighters in advance and prepare them properly. Chalice Lighters light chalices and stay at chalices until all the Unison Chalice Lighting Words have been read.

If some significant event in the ‘real world’ needs to be acknowledged, this would be the place to honour it in a worshipful way. The Worship Committee may give you words from the CUC or UUA to share with the congregation for this portion of the service.

HYMN – “Please stand if you are able…………(see script). This is read by the person who does the Call to Worship.

STORY FOR ALL AGES – This is usually handled by Tamara start to finish; however, if there is a guest storyteller, the Service Leader will have to provide the instructions or share words with the Storyteller. Organize this in advance, particularly the proper use of the mic. Story must be no longer than 5 minutes.

VOICE OF OUR CONGREGATION – OPTIONAL. This may be a time when the Minister has arranged for a member of the congregation to give a short testimonial.

READING – This reading should connect with the service theme. This may be read by the Service Leader or the Minister. Consider a responsive reading so the congregation is involved in the service.

WORSHIP IN MUSIC – Cue the musician

MEDITATION – JOYS AND SORROWS – This entire section is usually led by the Minister.

Reading of Joys and Sorrows

Meditation in Words

Meditation in Silence

Meditation in Music – congregation files up to light candles

One Last Candle

Unison Words of Support

HYMN – see script for wording.

SERMON – Minister

OFFERING – see script for wording. If necessary, cue the musicians to play the offertory music. The ushers collect the offering while the music plays. Ushers will bring the baskets to the front and either the Service Leader or Minister should come forward to receive the baskets. Decide this before the service.

NEWS OF COMMUNITY - see script for wording.

CHALICE EXTINGUISHED/GOING FORTH - Minister or Service Leader selects a reading to conclude the service. Decide on who will extinguish the flame.

POSTLUDE – see script for wording. Service Leader and Minister will leave and go to the door during the postlude.


Copy Minister with the final script of your service.

Bring your script and any resources necessary.

Arrive at the church by 9:15 am to do a sound check and to give yourself time to handle any last minute changes and centre yourself prior to the worship service.

Make sure you have appropriate hymnals at your seat.


Thank the service team (Storyteller, Musicians etc.) for their contributions to the service.

Leave written joys and sorrows you have read at the pulpit for follow-up by The Caring Community Committee.

Remove any paper or other articles you used during the service and return hymnals.