Teacher Candidate:
Cooperating Teacher Name: / Co-op Approval (Initials):
Grade Level:
Subject Area(s):
Approx. Time for Lesson(s):
Lesson Plan Title:

Type of Lesson:(Indicate all that apply)

Individual / Small Group / Large Group/Whole Class

Materials & Resources:

Where did you get your lesson ideas? Provide APA citations
What handouts and notes do you need to teach the lesson? (Attach copies at end of lesson)
What technology for learning are you using?

Lesson Summary:

What will students learn and/or understand by the end of the lesson?

Ohio Academic Content Standards (ACS)and/or Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

Standard (Title of Standard):
Benchmark (Letter and Benchmark Statement):
Grade-Level Indicators (Number and Indicator Statement):
Grade-Level Specific CCSS (e.g., RI.5.2 = Reading: Informational Text, Grade 5, Standard 2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.)
Results of Prior Assessment
Lesson Objective(s)
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able ...
to ...(Skill)
by ...(Conditions)
at this level ...
to be considered successful (Individual Criteria) / Lesson Readiness
How are you activating prior knowledge?
How do you figure out what students remember? / Post-Assessment & Scoring Guidelines
How does your assessment measure the objective(s)?
How did you document student performance?
Instructional Procedures: / Differentiated Instruction Support(s):
Anticipate where differentiation is needed and identify how you will do it for the appropriate procedural step:
A. Engage and Explore Prior Knowledge(activate prior knowledge)
B. Develop Student Content Knowledge (e.g., experiment, teacher modeling, demonstration, direct instruction, reading, guided practice, practice with feedback, independent practice)
C. Closure (Wrap up; Post-Assessment)

Key Vocabulary: (Words and student-friendly definitions)


Interdisciplinary Connections:

Homework & Home Connections:

Lesson Reflection: (Reflections must include supporting evidence)

  1. Reflect on specifics in your instructional procedures.

  1. Reflect on your data from your end-of-lesson assessment.

  1. Based on 1 & 2, what will you do for your next lesson?

The Lesson Plan Format document can be downloaded from the Wittenberg website at the following address:

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