FRIDAY 23rd October 2015

State Library Meeting Room

MARKETING 10.00 - 12.30


Veronica Mathews – PLS, Julie Bailey – Barossa, Kristie Beatson - Unley, Tomas Alves – Charles Sturt, Meegan Barrett – Burnside, Symon Williamson – Tea Tree Gully, Belinda Van Drine – Adelaide City Council, Bridget Coulter - Onkaparinga, Kathrin Davidson – Onkaparinga, Erin Scanlon – Onkaparinga, Helen Atkins - Salisbury, Tam Steinder - Port Adelaide/Enfield, Julie Payne - Port Adelaide/Enfield, Brodie Evitts – Holdfast Bay, Caroline Pall – Norwood / Payneham / St Peters.


Julie Morgon – Onkaparinga

1.Events and Marketing History

Veronica Mathews gave a history of the Events and Marketing Group from 2001 to present day. Some highlights include –

2001- Marketing Plan prepared by Market Equity

2003 - @ your library campaign

2008 - Shane Cathcart led the Marketing Committee who were involved in Get Smart campaign, Thank You Day, Every Generation, Simultaneous Storytime

2011/2012 - Libraries of SA branding, Statewide logo

2013- Merging of Adult Programs Group and Marketing Committee to Events and Marketing Committee

- E&M Committee Strategy developed from workshop facilitated by KPPM Strategy

2014 - Chair and Secretary of Committee both resigned due to change of work commitments

- Terms of Reference drafted and endorsed

2015 - February meeting held, group on hold due to unforeseen circumstances and awaitingdirection from PLSA due to changes in the organization.

PLS will continue to support state wide programs and targeted projects in a reduced capacity and will continue to remind libraries of promotions and events on a state or national levelbut will no longer be the driving force. PLS are happy to provide a meeting room for the Marketing Committee to hold their quarterly meetings.

2.Tomorrow’s Library Report

Tomas gave a presentation on the Tomorrow’s Library Report. Interesting discussion followed with relevance to the future of the Events and Marketing Committee.

3.Revisit Purpose and Objectives of the Group

Attendees discussed the role of the Marketing Committee and Adult Programs group

-Groups have a different roles/focus

-Marketing Committee is more strategic / project based with goals, actions and outcomes

-Adult Programs – Operational, information sharing

-Library staff would attend the group most suitable for their library role

Further discussion : It was decided it would be of more benefit to Public Libraries and library staff if the groups were to meet separately and at different times. Therefore the Events and Marketing Committee will now become the PLS Marketing Committee. Marketing Committee project sub-groups, consisting of committee members and any other interested library staff, will be formed for any projects undertaken. Need to communicate with PLSA regarding proposed projects and funding.

PLS Marketing Committee-the following people were nominated and have accepted the positions of:

PLSA Exec. Representative – Tomas Alves

Convenor/Chair - Julie Bailey (Barossa), Co- Chair – Kristie Beatson (Unley)

Secretary - Secretarial duties by nomination at each meeting until permanent secretary is elected. Minutes will not be taken by Chair or PLSA Rep.

Term of Office –

Committee – 2 years

Project sub-groups – length of project until completion

Any library staff are welcome to attend Marketing Committee Meetings and can volunteer to be involved in marketing projects which will have defined timeframes.

Minutes and correspondence via AskPLSA, Basecamp and Facebook. Sharepoint being developed, documents can be added & will provide easy access for library staff.

Agenda items to be forwarded to the Chair Person.

Role & Function of PLS Marketing Committee

-Develop projects for marketing and promotion of the SA Public Library Network that every library can benefit from

-Project based : projects aligned to Tomorrow’s Library Report, Strategies for Success

-Sharing of relevant state and national projects/campaigns to the network

-Training and Professional Development

In 2016 the PLS Marketing Committee will meet quarterly from 9.30am – 12.30pm in the meeting room at the State Library of South Australia.

2016Marketing Committee Meeting dates–

Friday 12th February : 9.30- 12.30 -State Library SA meeting room

Friday 13th May: 9.30- 12.30 - State Library SA meeting room

Friday 12th August: 9.30- 12.30 - State Library SA meeting room

Friday 18th November: 9.30- 12.30 - State Library SA meeting room

Marketing Projects Sub-groups – to meet as required

PLSA have requested a proposal outlining the role of the Marketing Committee.

Tomas has since attended a PLSA meeting and has been advised the Marketing Committee need to table official minutes and the new Terms of Reference for the next PLSA meeting, from which we will seek formal endorsement.

Terms of Reference

Group discussed relevance of exisiting Terms of Reference and suggested changes.

ACTION: Kristie Beatson to update Terms of Reference for the PLS Marketing Committee

ACTION: Tomas Alves to take official minutes and the new Terms of Reference for the next PLSA meeting

To be discussed at next meeting.

4.& 5. Marketing ProjectsDiscussion :

  • Identify gaps and needs of marketing in SA public libraries
  • Campaigns / Events to be involved in

-e.g. Library Lover’s Day, Reading Hour, Adelaide Show

  • Online marketing resources for all libraries to access easily
  • Back to Basics Campaign

-Promote what SA libraries offer

-Infographic/print media/online– different resources highlighted each month.

-Professional graphic design

  • One Card

-What needs to be promoted?

  • e-Resources Promotion to coincide with the International Year of Digital Inclusion 2016
  • Pop-up Libraries

-Kristie has previously provided details of the submission which was made to PLSA Exec. Funds not available this year. PLSA Exec have invited for an updated submission to be given. Discussion next meeting.

  • Presence at local and state events


  • Professional Development Suggestions

-Social media and online advertising

-Place making

-Promotions on a budget

-Guest speakers to be invited to meetings or online marketing talks / tutorials to be sourced.

Guest Speaker Suggestions

-Fab Lab

-LGA Insurance – victor di Marici

-Wakefield Press – Trevor Klein

-ACSI – Australian Centre for Social Intervention

-Place Making – e.g. E is for Ethel Café

  • Remembering your Library Campaign – Statewide

-Onkas program – Remembering existing members, email and letter to lapsed customers and membership drive for new members.

-ACTION: Updated : To be discussed at February 2016 meeting

  • Calendar of Events 2016 – to be compiled and made accessible on the Intranet.

Marketing Round the Table

Kristie Beatson, Unley

  • Facebook posts, paid for, has proven to increase numbers attending events.
  • Evanced has additional questions: Suburb?, Where did you hear about this event?
  • Invite CEO and all Elected Members to events

Belinda Van Drine – Adelaide City Council

  • Have a tool kit including templates for posters, fliers etc to fill in for each event
  • Social Media – Facebook, Twitter and Blog
  • Newsletter and monthly brochure

JuliePayne – Port Adelaide/Enfield

  • Outsource with a blurb, images and logos, A3 ;poster, A4 emailable poster and icon for e-news

Approx. $600 per job

  • Newsletter online. Media screen at each site
  • P2P Council publication

Helen Atkins – Salisbury

  • – Free Design program
  • Templates, professional designs, good functionality
  • Required Mozilla, permission from Council IT
  • Salisbury have developed a quarterly “What’s on guide” , very popular, created using In Design
  • Business cards – Lynda card for members, can scan barcodes, log onto Wifi

Any Other Business - none


1.30pm - 4.00pm

Results Based Accountability - Sandra Robinson

Sandra was invited following a suggestion from a previous Events & Marketing meeting that we invite someone to speak on the topics of Evaluation, Measuring and Reporting.

Sandra provided a presentation about Results Based Accountability which she began by asking two questions - What are we up to? What do we want our outcome to be?

This led to some interesting responses and discussion about the purpose of libraries.

Sandra went on to speak about :

-Using plain language and agreed definitions

-Producing measurable results and how to collect data

-Disciplined use of data

-Discipline: Stop – think – plan

-Ends to mean thinking : start where you want to end up. What do you want to achieve?

-Performance accountability : measuring the impact of services or programs on idividuals and using this data in future planning.

-Kinds of performance measures : How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off?

-Continuous improvement

-Succinct reporting: timeframes, purpose, target audience.

-Community engagement – consult with your community

Please see : Attached please find the PDF of the PowerPoint presentation given at the meeting by Sandra Robinson from Results Based Accountability.

Zinio Marketing Strategy–Richard Saar

Richard Saar from Wavesound provided a presentation about “Bridging the divide between your digital and physical space”. Seven key points were mentioned :

  1. Display digital products at front of house. Information card behind new releases using QR codes.
  2. Use highly visible signage. Banner stand/sign posts are available to promote Zinio, Indie Flix, e-books, e-audio, languages.
  3. Interactive digital displays: showcases digital products via touch screen people can interact with. Most expensive option.
  4. Digital product experts : Staff need to know what is available and have a minimum level of expertise. Train certain staff to be product experts to assist customers, train other staff and promote in the community.
  5. Display digital products on the shelves: eye line, cross promotion and shelf talkers with QR codes.
  6. Digital Use Zone : listening posts for audio books, public access PCs to listen to synopsis of items. Playaway product secured to desk. Non threatening way for customers to try out products.
  7. Display digital magazines : computer monitor displaying Zinio and magazine titles available

A combination of these approaches will make the most impact.

Marketing support

Content and templates for digital screens can be provided by Wavesound and customized for libraries.

Static slides for display screens : e-audio, e-books, e-magazines.

“How to use” guide sheets to be developed.

Catalogue available : all can have logos etc added

Promotional items

-Banner stands $135

-Shelf talkers

-Digital screen displays

-DVD/CD covers

Anything digital is free of charge. All licensing rights for any image from any magazine in any format within the library environment.

Still developing hanging banners, bookmarks, postcard sized how-to-guides

Zinio specifically : will have posters on trams advertising a free trial in order to get more people to join libraries.

Connecting physical and digital spaces is a challenge for libraries. Webinars for training on products are being developed (staff training, upskilling, professional development etc). Libraries can request link for staff and also patron training. Wavesound are looking for suggestions as to how to best use and market these products.

Adult Programs Group Summary

-Adult Programs Group will be operational, information sharing

-Guest speakers to be invited

-All library staff with an interest in Adult Programs are welcome to attend

-No facebook at this stage, to be decided

Convenor/Chair - Host Library

Secretary - Caroline Pall (Norwood / Payneham / St Peters) has kindly volunteered to provide secretarial duties for the Adult Programs Group. Thank you Caroline.

Meetings - will be held quarterly from 9.30am – 12.30pm in the meeting room at the State Library of SA.

Next meeting -

Friday 18th March 2016 : 9.30- 12.30 -State Library SA meeting room

Further meetings will be held in June, September and December, dates to be decided at March meeting.

Any Other Business - none

Meeting closed 4.00pm