
1 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 I live/lived in a big house with my family and my school is very near.

2 Last year I went/go to Mexico with my family. It was great!

3 In her free time she played/plays the guitar. She also collects stamps.

4 Do you go/are you going to the cinema tonight? Me too!

5 I think it’s rained/going to rain tomorrow.

6 Did you go to school yesterday? Yes I did/do.


2 Complete the sentences with these words.

better longer more interesting the best the cheapest the friendliest the worst

1 Everyone likes Jenny. She’s the friendliest girl in our class.

2 Students in China have a ______lunch break than students in the UK.

3 I don’t like New Style clothes shop. It’s ______shop in town!

4 You’re great at English! You’re much ______at it than me.

5 Rosie was really happy – she got ______mark in the class for the maths exam.

6 I think that geography is ______than history – don’t you?


3 Complete the spaces (1–6) in this conversation with one word only.

John: Hi Sandra! Hey, guess what? I have two tickets for the football match tonight! Do you 1) want to come?

Sandra: Oh no! I can’t! We’re having a maths exam next week and I don’t want to leave all my studying to the night before the exam.

John: Aw, but this is 2) ______to be a really good match! Everyone 3) ______be there!

Sandra: I don’t 4) ______what to do. Last time I 5) ______a really bad mark in maths, and my mum 6) ______really angry with me . . .


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 I was watching TV when the phone rang.

2 My friend Anna ______(love) swimming. She goes to the pool very day.

3 I was paying for my shopping when I ______(see) my best friend.

4 What are you doing? I ______(wait) for you!

5 What were you doing last night? I ______(try) to phone you for hours!

6 What did you do last weekend? I ______(go) to the cinema.



5 Choose the odd one out in each group.

1 singing phone dancing cooking

2 camera e-book camcorder pencil

3 bedroom library science lab classroom

4 cheap expensive shop assistant friendly

5 bus tram trainers yacht

6 art history desk maths


6 Match the verbs (1–6) with the nouns (A–F).

1 collect D A to the cinema

2 do ____ B the Internet

3 surf ____ C a uniform

4 go ____ D stamps

5 wear ____ E music

6 download ____ F an exam


7 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 I love drawing – my favourite subject at school is music/art.

2 I really enjoy chatting online/Internet with my friends.

3 Do you want to go/do shopping tomorrow night? The shops close late on a Thursday.

4 Joe’s room is very dark/dirty – he never cleans it.

5 The plane was delayed, so we waited for hours at the harbour/airport.

6 At lunchtime my friends and I always go to the board/canteen.

7 I’m going/doing an exam tomorrow – so I’m not coming out tonight.

8 I love listening/playing to my iPod in my free time.

9 That shop is so expensive – you can never find a bargain/cheap there.

10 I think he spends all his money shopping – he always wears very expensive/cheap clothes.

11 I love my e-book/speakers – I have three hundred books on it!



10 Put the conversation in the correct order (1–6).

____ The blue one.

____ Yes, how much is this T-shirt please?

1 Hi, can I help you?

____ It’s forty pounds.

____ Which one? The red or the blue?

____ Can I try it on, please?


11 Match the questions (1–6) with the correct answers (a–f).

1 Do you like cooking? F

2 How often do you cook? ____

3 Where do you cook? ____

4 When did you last cook a meal? ____

5 So are you cooking tonight? ____

6 Are you good at cooking? ____

A Last Friday. I made pizza for my friends.

B In my mum’s kitchen and sometimes at school.

C Yes. I’m making spaghetti!

D Quite often. About once a week.

E I’m not bad.

F Yes. I love it!



Clothes parties are better than shopping

Are you bored with your own clothes? Are you trying to save money? Maybe you just want to have a fun evening with some friends and do something a bit different! Why not have a clothes party in your own home?

A clothes party is an evening where you and your friends meet at home and bring along all your old clothes. It’s more interesting than shopping and you don’t pay anything!

Megan Jones from London has a clothes party once a month with her friends from school. Megan loves clothes parties. ‘At my last clothes party I got this lovely necklace, three pairs of jeans and a
T-shirt! I also gave my friends some old clothes that I didn’t want anymore!’

Amy Troy from Kent agrees with Megan. ‘My friends and I like clothes parties because we live in a small town. Clothes parties are better than shopping because you don’t spend any money. My friends and I always bring cola and sweets to our clothes parties and we have lots of fun! Sometimes we have a sleepover and watch DVDs.’

Are clothes parties better than shopping? Please write your comments here!

13 Read the text again. Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

1 some jewellery you wear on your neck necklace

2 when you sleep one night at a friend’s house ______

3 a sweet drink ______

4 very good ______

5 a place where people live ______

6 when you keep all your money and you don’t spend it ______


14 Read the text again. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 Megan goes to a clothes party once a week.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 Amy thinks clothes parties are better than shopping.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3 Both Megan and Amy think clothes parties are a good thing.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4 Amy has lots of friends.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5 Amy’s friends bring sweets and cola to the clothes parties.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

6 You can also take books and CDs to clothes parties.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say



16 Read the description and answer the questions about Darren.

My best friend

My best friend is called Darren and he’s fifteen years old. He’s from a small town in the north of England. He’s very good at maths and sports. He loves swimming and can play football really well too. In his free time he takes photos of his friends and family.

We are in the same class at school and we usually play football after school. Last year we went on holiday to Spain together – we had a great time!

1 Where does he come from? a small town in the north of England

2 How old is he? ______

3 What is he good at? ______

4 What does he do in his free time? ______

5 What sports does he do? ______

6 Where did he go on holiday last year? ______


17 Write a paragraph about your best friend. Write 25–35 words. Use these questions to
help you.

·  Where does she come from?

·  How old is she?

·  What is she good at?

·  What does she do in her free time?

·  What sports does she do?

·  Where did she go on holiday last year?

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