Digital Video Arts
Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2013
Facilitator & recorder: Barbara Feist, Instructor, MVROP
Industry/ROP Staff Members Present in Conference Call:
Wendy DeVore, Freelance, Digital Turbulence Dan Chase
Walter Garcia, Video Supervisor, FUSD Barbara Feist
David Burckhard, PicturePointOnline Rich Yacco
Meeting called to order at: 7:15pm
Purpose of Meeting by Dan: The main function of the Advisory Committee is to provide up-to-date information on current trends and technologies and to make recommendations for the development and improvement of the program. An advisory committee member speaks on behalf of employers from a specific career-technical area.
Introduction of Committee Members occurred at: 7:20pm
Review of Curriculum: 7:25pm
Walter recommends purchase of a mirrorless hybrid over a DSLR for cheaper solution to using lenses. Such as the Panasonic GH3 for which multiple lenses may be purchased.
David wanted to ensure we are discussing latest technologies, whatever that happens to be.
Wendy recommends using Ripple Training for providing video tutorials in training students in FCP and Motion.
Walter suggested we work toward streaming video as a lesson. Maintaining quality with compression for streaming.
David suggested a 48 hour contest in which students produce a video in two days.
David explained the importance of student videographers understanding a brand in producing videos for a client – equal in importance to production skills. Also in admitting when something can't be done and negotiating. We need to ensure students are learning the jargon, such as in the book “Movie Speak”. Walter concurs.
Walter now uses portable LED lights which gives great flexibility – 56K or 32K and they don't put out the same level of heat.
Wendy suggest replacing Apple Color with DaVinici Resolve Light when working under 2K.
David explained DaVinci is in a “better position” than Canon in regards to pricing structure which gives Black Magic an edge.
Walter noted that iPhone news gathering is up and coming and what can be done with it.
8:25pm review of EMP curriculum.
David recommends FCP X for its amazing support by 3rd party developers.
DVA 1 approval of curriculum, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
DVA 2 approval of curriculum, motion made Wendy seconded Dave
DVA 3 approval of curriculum, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
EMP 1 & 2 approval of curriculum,, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
Continuation of Program: 8:35pm
DVA 1 continuation of program, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
DVA 2 continuation of program, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
DVA 3 continuation of program, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
EMP 1 & 2 continuation of program,, motion made Wendy seconded Walter
Review of Equipment: 8:37pm
Discussion of FCP X. Consensus that they are all just tools and the importance isn't brand so much as what the tool will do, all NLEs perform the same functions.
Date & Time of Next Meeting: March 20, 2013
Walter prefers to meet first or third Wed of month, or on a Thursday.
David prefers any day besides Wed thru April but Thursday works
March 21st is the new anticipated date.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:52pm.
Minutes approved via e-mail by:
Wendy DeVore, January 31, 2013
Walter Garcia, no response
David Burckhard, January 31, 2013