Hosted by Bonneville County Sheriff's Office
October 17-20, 2016
COST: $375.00
(Accepting: purchase order, checks, cash, and credit cards)
Brent Tharpe -Tharpe Consulting
This thirty-two (32) hour block of training is for professionals that are first responders to crimes that could take the professional on a stressful, emotional and personal journey.
Who Should Attend?
Professionals that will benefit from this training are patrol supervisors, training officers, patrol officers, new juvenile investigators, SRO, child protective services, medical professionals, District Attorneys and advocacy personnel.
Course Description:
Tharpe Consulting has developed a training that is INTENSE, STRESSFUL and most of all, NEEDED. No professional wants to respond to a call involving a child getting hurt, but a child's death can be traumatic and intimidating to the most harden or skilled professional. A child's death takes certain skills and techniques that are not typically used in an adult's death. The CDI training is four days full of useful information and hands on training that will help the professionals sharpen their skills. The training will begin with the dynamics of child physical abuse and neglect. Because these are stressful cases, we will spend time dealing with stress that comes with these cases. Due to the complexity of a child death case, we will train in the area of burn injuries, shaken baby syndrome and non-violent child death. We will finish this
informative training by instructing on crime scene processing and case management and a lot more.
The training will be held in Idaho Falls, ID at the Bonneville County Sheriff s Office Training Annex located - 577 D Street.
To Register For This Course:
Go to and click on the Event Calendar or contact Brent Tharpe at 731-287- 1962.
Make Checks Payable To:
Tharpe Consulting, checks can be mailed or presented on the first day of class. All attendees will receive a training manual and a certificate of completion.
Hotel Information:
Residence Inn by Marriott Idaho Falls - 635 West Broadway - Idaho Falls, ID 83402 - 208-542- 0000 - $89.00 + tax -to get rate, ask for a room from Tharpe Consulting block of rooms
Tharpe Consulting 325 Burch Rd
Dyersburg, TN 38024 www.tharpeconsu