Benner Elementary PTA
General Meeting ~ March 12, 2012 ~ 6:30-7:30pm
Benner Elementary
Attending Officers: Sandy Richner, Gwen Fetters, Keriann Allen, Cathy Swarm
Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:35pm.
Membership - Keriann Allen reported no updates (53-54 members). Working on ideas for next year’s board. Last year we were not allowed to hand out paperwork due to “going green”. Not being able to do handouts has hurt the membership – this was a District decision.
Treasurer – Gwen Fetters reported the ($85.) is for the reading competition t-shirts the parents bought, check will come when invoice from t-shirts comes. No questions/ budget – 2012-13 budget will be proposed at next meeting.
Motion carried to accept Treasurers Report as written (KA/MM)
Secretary – Cathy Swarm
Motion carried to accept Minutes from 1/9/12 as written (KO/AH)
Spring Fundraiser – Deb Leonori reported we sold ,1451 subs and 300 bags of soups, profit of $1.50 per sub, $3.25 per soup.
Received approx $100 in donations. We are at what we projected. She has plenty of volunteers, and needs plastic store bags donated.
Campbells Soup Labels – Deb reported that Mrs. Calabro’s class won again for the second marking period in a row this year.
Box Tops – Deb reported she has plenty of volunteers for recess - has been working out really well. RuthAnn Mellott stated how smooth it went - less amount of children to watch.
PSSA Treats – Keri O’Shea was helping guide Deborah Clark. Received $50 gift card from Weis, picking up stuff this week from Target. Sandy will email Deborah to make sure.
Reading Competition - Adam Huggins reported the date of 3/31/12, District picking up tab for food. 10:00-10:30 starting @ Bald Eagle High School, has enough volunteers. He thanked the PTA for the t-shirts. Reading All Stars and Book Bears are the team names. Adam will take pictures.
Yearbook- Tiffany Aikey reported she emailed the teachers this morning, going digital this year. She can access the site and is working with a local Rep. on it. Teachers have proofs to look over via email and send more pictures if available. She wants all pictures in her possession by the beginning of April. She needs to send to Connie Puckett to OK for security reasons. Pictures are not to be cropped. Deadline is later since it’s digital – allows them to include more events. Fifth grade parents like the “baby photos” page for them. Things are going well. If anyone has thoughts/suggestions, please email Tiffany.
Teacher Appreciation Week – RuthAnn Mellott reported she’s at a halt, waiting on Connie to advise her. Ruth Ann needed teacher counts. Mike Musset said she needed to include Mrs. Hammerslea and Mrs. Roos also. Event will be held May 7-12 with breakfast on Wednesday. District has something for them on Tuesday. Waffle Shop is donating goodies and Kelly Uchneat (Garden Genetics) has offered flowers again this year.
Relay Recess – Keri O’Shea reported that this is a program that the Cancer Society is putting out to help kids make wise choices to prevent cancer. Nutrition, physical activity, sun and skin care. This will be adding an educational component, water and fresh fruits at booth. Cannot hand out sunscreen samples due to allergy issues. Will have some fun sun things with giveaways from the Cancer Society. Maybe quizzes, do water/sponge/water balloon games for prizes. Any suggestions/thoughts, please advise Keri. Forms will go home with kids for donations. Top fundraiser will win tickets to the Spikes relay game, some other incentives also. Class who sells the most may get to go on B94.5 radio show? She will order the teacher kits. This will be Thursday, May 10th, following Monday as the rain day. Bark for Life is on 5/5/12 to walk dogs at Spikes game.
Grant Opportunities – Roger Bagwell reported on a grant he is working on called Big Universe program. He talked to Rick Knepp about getting donated computers and incompatibility. Another is the AG truck/trailer at school for approximately one week and someone from PSU Ext. – cost $2,500/week . Another opportunity is the PSU Science Camps, PSU can give discount based on family income. Posted on community board. In November,Roger will put together a presentation on PSU Science to make people more aware.
New Business – Roger reported on the Discovery Space Center that opened last summer in downtown State College. The Bagwells will donate free admission for Benner Elementary students on April 29th from Noon – 5PM. Just let attendant know that you’re with Benner, and you’ll get in free. They want to expand awareness, and they need people to come. Regular admission is $6 per person.
Fall Fundraiser – Sandy Richner would like to get some ideas together for the next Fall fundraiser. Weis does hoagies, Keri suggested a “Benner eat out night” once a month at a local establishment? Sheetz Coupon books? Gwen will check on. Piper’s Peck? Mariannas? Need to get this nailed down in June.
Positions Open for 12-13 School Year – May meeting is elections.
Those who have just volunteered so far:
Keri O’Shea – 5th Grade Celebration
Tiffany Aikey – Yearbook with Keri O’Shea
Deb Leonori – Holiday Treats, Box Tops, Campbells Soup Labels.
Gwen Fetters – Fall Fundraiser
Deb Leonori – Spring Fundraiser with Gwen Fetters
Sandy Richner – Field Day Picnic
Roger Bagwell – Outdoor Enhancement (maybe Kelly Uchneat to co-chair?)
Switching to PTO?
Would cost $850 and take 6-8 weeks. We would have to run simultaneously as PTA/PTO for awhile so we don’t lose our reserves to the State. PTO has no membership dues/no exclusions. PTA excludes people without memberships from voting at meetings. We have problems getting memberships, currently at $5 per person. Need more info - Gwen Fetters will look into it.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm./CS