Agenda for the meeting of the Senate of

California State University Channel Islands Student Government

A meeting of the Senate will be held on Wed, October 26th, 2011 at 4:30 P.M. at California State University Channel Islands located in the Student Union Building Conference Room, to consider and act upon the following matters:

  1. Call to Order4:32
  2. Attendance
  1. President Dulce Lopez Vice President Jason Barnes
  2. Executive branch, Kurt Harris, Kyle Harris, Steven Jordan, Liz Anson, Ryan Hunnewell
  3. Senate:David Seery, Jillian Glassett, Mason Randall, Dave Ashley, Bianca Vega, Ben Wilson, Olivia Zolfaghari
  1. Approval of the Agenda:
  2. October 26th, 2011
  3. Motion to approve the agenda by Mr. Ashley second by Ms. Zolfaghari
  4. Motion passed by unanimous vote
  5. Approval of the Minutes:
  6. October 19th , 2011
  7. Motion to approve the minutes by Mr. Seery, second by Ms. Zolfaghari
  8. Motion passed by unanimous vote
  9. Public Forum:

Public Forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.

  1. Special Presentations:
  2. Editorial discussion Lt. Morris
  1. Lt. Michael Morris: Thank you for having me today I appreciate the invitation. I was invited to speak with this group about an article that I published. I will save time in explaining it since you all have read it. I also want everyone to be able to ask the questions they want. I am a lieutenant with the police department. I report to the chief of police. I service on the threat assessment team here at CI. We talk about issue on campus and see if we need to take action on anything that happens. Since Virginia Tech these are on every campus in California. Since these occurrences, investigations have found that there are signs beforehand that were not brought to the right people in order to have some sort of intervention. This is why I am on this team. I have been on in the law enforcementcourse on campus program and the university sponsored me. It is a study that focuses on future events. The reason is to try and predict what will happen so we can be prepared. As part of this class we had research an issue for a year and a half in which we look into things like this. It ended with an article. We created a panel on campus and several people on our campsu were involved in this. I choose this as my topic because it is an emerging issue on something close to my heart which is college campuses. It has to do with the technology that keeps being used more and more now a days. So I researched and wrote this article and part of it is that we have to submit this article for publication. I consulted with a great deal of people on this campus. I know that this is a very controversial topic but this is something that needs to be explored so that we can work out the details and issues. I could have submitted it to some company that did not have anyone read it but I submitted it to the Chronicle because they would look at it critically and have opinions on it. If I had not submitted it to this particular place then none of you would have read it. This is why I did it because it is a topic that needs to be talked about. The fact that it is published is great and I am very proud. I know it would be unpopular and I have taken alot of slack about it however I am ok with this because people are taking about it. With the privacy and emerging issues it is going to be something that will come up and this will happen.It is better that we start thinking about it now.Even though you all are not going to like me because of it I am alright with it. I would also like to say that this is not my original article. That was about 3500 words. The Chronicle decided to put it in the commentary section that cut it down to 1000 words. The argument was better and well thought out in the longer version however I stand by it. In my article the two issues that stood out were privacy issue and due process. I identified them in my article but they did not make it into the commentary. All of the people who have commented on that are concerned with this as well and I am too. Talking about this now lets you start preparing for the question of how much privacy are you willing to give up to be safe. I want to tell you we are not going to do this on this campus and I am not pushing for it. Even if I wanted to there are so many policies that are protecting this from happening but I am trying to get you to talk about this because I think we need it. And if I take a few lumps in the process I am ok with this.
  2. Ms. Glassett: I want to thank you for coming. I feel better after you have talked about this but why did you choose this instead of something that will be read more by the students.
  3. Lt. Morris: well the Chronicle got it in front of you, which is who I care about first but it also got it seen by so many other people. It is highly read and had high credibility. It was the best of the best.
  4. Ms. Glassett: We has an ASI retreat and we had a great talk about how imagine is a big deal and how you would not want to see a big member on campus pulled over taking a sobriety test because of the imagine it would give CI. Did you have that in mind when you wrote this?
  5. Lt. Morris: I did. I think even though it is unpopular it will be good for the school.
  6. Ms. Glassett: Are you willing to share the whole article?
  7. Lt Morris: Yes but I probably will not publish this.
  8. Mr. Ashley: We understand this is an issue but something that is in my mind is the gun regulation. Compared to the regulations in Virginia which are very easy is California as big of a threat.
  9. Lt. Morris: The issue of gun regulations did not come into my research so I do not know. However, if someone even here is really looking to get their hands on a gun they can on the street so the threat is the same
  10. Mr. Ashley: what do you think a threat is? I saw there was a concern about the flaws with threat assessment.
  11. Lt. Morris: I think there is not a flaw with the argument but a flaw with the process and I am talking about 10years down the road. This will give information, and how we use it will be where the problem is. And I think it will not be a group of people who are all police officers it will be a group of people with different interests and perspectives assessing this.
  12. Mr. Randall: Since this has caused so much controversy have you thought of expressing the reasons for publication as you have to us. By publishing the article I do not think you have the ability to present your side.
  13. Lt. Morris: I spoke to the Chronicle and they said the only avenue I could use is the blog and I decided not to do it because I believe in the person to person contact,instead of ananonymous person. However I wanted the discussion and people are doing it.
  14. Mr. Randall: there were a bunch of people who criticized you. Do you know the certain group that has frowned upon you?
  15. Lt. Morris: I do not know however I believe that it was mostly students.
  16. Mr. Kurt Harris: at the ASI retreat we understood it was an academic paper and not a put into action plan is this correct?
  17. Lt. Morris: it is purelyacademic. However my concern is with all of you and making sure that you all are safe. I picked this topic because I feel that it is important and needed to be discussed. We need to make sure you are safe. Do I know if what amazon does will work, I donot know however I can see the benefits to this and we worked out the details it could happen. In ten years I could see this happening but this is up to you how it happens. The web will be used to assess threats however there are going to be policies and procedures that will be in place. However you all need to decided what these are
  18. Kyle Jorgensen: Why do you believe you have to give up freedom to get security?
  19. Lt. Morris: this goes way back. Some amount of liberty needs to be given up for security and more liberty can come for giving up security. I believe that there are so many things that are already in placethat can be fixed and become better but with technology there are so many advances that could be implement in.
  20. Kyle Jorgensen: what about academic papers. I have looked up controversial topics for papers and how would the computer be able to separate these.
  21. Lt. Morris: well this has not be made yet and it would have to be refined. It would come to the threat assessment team and they would look at it and decide it is nothing. The computer is not going to say this is a threat and get acted upon. It will be looked at by this team.
  22. Mr. Kyle Harris: is this a good use of resources. I mean if we keep having a budget crisis do you feel that this is something that needs to be done with limited funds.
  23. Lt. Morris: This is a good question and I do not know. Remember this is not created yet so I have no idea how much it will cost and how much it will work. It comes down to what happens. I am not trying to make this happen and I am not trying to create this. I am throwing the idea out there because I can guarantee someone else is thinking of this. So I want these questions ask.
  24. Mr. Jordan: I thank you for coming and I was wondering why you would not bring this to student government’s attention since you knew it would be controversial
  25. Lt. Morris: That is a good question. I did not know it would blow up the way that it did. I am glad it did because all of higher education is talking about it. And you are right, I should have probably brought it to your attention
  26. Ms. Zolfaghari: Earlier you said certain signs that spark internet usage that would prompt it. Could you elaborate?
  27. Lt.Morris: I used examples that would cause people to pay attention to it. There are two types of attackers. The first are the people who react to certain situations and the second are those who plan and think of what they are going to do. These often end in suicides. However I think there is not one thing that would trigger this system. It would look for a trend. So I think that one act will not trigger it.
  1. Action Items:
  2. Appointments

David Winston senator- He is an outstanding candidate.He has taken a great initiative on campus already.

  1. David Winston: I would love to be a part of SG I have already been slightly apart of it with lobby core but I would love to help students and be another voice for them.


  1. Mr. Wilson: what would be your area of looking into for the senate?
  2. David Winston: I do not know exactly what there is but I would love to look into parking service and still being a part of lobby Cor if that is at all possible.
  3. Ms. Glassett: any projects or ideas you would like to work on?
  4. David Winston: I feel like the parking is a major issue. I have a lot of trouble with that. Also I would like to look into our involvement in issues on campus and students want to take interest in it . Like attending these student government meetings.
  5. Mr. Ashley: how long have you been at CI
  6. David Winston: 4th year
  7. Mr. Randall: Favorite thing about CI
  8. David Winston: I like the different options that are on campus. I like the programs and trips that the school offers and I feel like there is so much we can do to get involved here..
  9. Motion for the appointment of David Winston by Mr. Ashley second by Ms. Zolfaghari


  1. Mr. Kyle Harris I know David very well and he would work very well with us.
  2. Ms. Zolfaghari: I remember him at CHESS and he was great that weekend.
  3. Ms. Glassett: We have other senators who are running but I would love to hear from everyone else. I do not want to fill the position if there are other people. How many candidates are there?
  4. Mr. Barnes: we interviewed many people who we felt were not good fit for this job. These two candidates were the only people who we felt that would be good. And we will look into his constituency
  5. Motion to approve the appointment of David Winston to the senate passed by an unanimous vote

Kyle Jorgensen- senate:

  1. Mr. Barnes Personally another candidate that shows a great deal of passion with the school. In the interview he said whatever happens he still wants to be apart of student government and when someone has that drive regardless of a title that shows true passion.
  2. Kyle Jorgensen: I am an eagle scout and I started my own business so I feel like those things help qualify me for this job. I have been in agreat deal of clubs. And I want to help represent any constituencies that need it.


  1. Mr. Jordan: Do u have any projects or idea that you want to see happen.
  2. Kyle Jorgensen: I want to have a free posting board. Where anyone can post whatever they want. I also want to find a way to help students express problems so we can help them and I am looking for more avenues.
  3. Mr. Randall: what unique talents will you bring here?
  4. Kyle Jorgensen: I am really good and communicating with people and relating with them. They are coming from a different view and I want to be able to understand that when they are different you have to work with them and see how they think.
  5. Motion for the appointment of Kyle Jorgensen by Mr. Ashley second by Mr. Randall.


  1. Dr. Seery: I think that Kyle can be dedicated and motivated and when he decides on something then we sticks with it no matter what it is.
  2. Mr. Jordan: I agree again. And no matter what it is he will stay with the topic if he feels important.
  3. Mr. Randall: I do not know him as well as any of you do. I am worried does he have the professionalism that goes along with this.
  4. Mr. Barnes: at the ASI retreat he came with the suit when it was business casual.
  5. Mr. Jordan: He started his business and you have to be professional with that
  6. Ms. Glassett: He helped me come up with like ten different ideas with one simple topic. I think that his mind will be great for this job.
  7. Motion to approve the appointment of Kyle Jorgensen to the senate passed by an unanimous vote
  1. Internal affairs committee (IAC). We have appointment Mason to the director or chair of the IACcommittee
  2. Mr. Randall: I believe that you need to be neutral to the bylaws committee and I believethat I can do this. I also know a lot of you would like to look into these and I would love to have you on it.
  3. Mr. Jordan: what is your other time commitments so that you can dedicate all the necessary time to this.
  4. Mr. Randall: I think that this will in no way be a one man show. I believe that with the team we can make this happen
  5. Mr. Kyle Harris: I have interest in the bylaws. If you need any help I would love to help you on the bylaws and other things. I have been talking to other schools looking at everything they are doing.
  6. Ms. Vega: I am willing to assist you on the resolutions.
  7. Motion to approve the appointment of Mason Randall as chair of the IAC by Mr. Ashley, second by Ms. Glassett


  1. Mr. Ashley: Mason is qualified and I think he is a great choice.
  2. Mr. Jordan:I think he is making it sound like a team and I think he makes it sound like he is willing only if he has a group behind him. I think that that is a big job and we need to make sure it will be taken care of.
  3. Mr. Barnes: we chose Mason because he has the least amount of commitment and he is clear headed. I see that he will not let us down and that he will be able to handle this. If he cannot an appointment to a chair of a committee can be revoked. I believe however this will not be needed.
  4. Motion to approve Mason Randall’s appointment passed by unanimous vote.


Still working on people coming in to talk with the senate on the oil extraction bill????

Also I hace been talking with dr. sawyer he wants us to work on a SG sponsored speakers serisis, for next year not this year. So hopefully we can work on this and getting this set up along with the sponsors.


Motion by olivia second by dave

  1. Discussion Items


  1. New Business


  1. Reports:
  2. Advisor, Christine Thompson
  1. I am creating a pay pal account. We will be able to get people to pay for thing with this and we will be able to take donations. Also student organizations can use it as well.
  2. We have a bike rack. Can all of you help get the word out. Because there are only ever two bikes on there. This one got up very quickly, so if you see a need on campus you can talk to us and we can try and make it happen.
  3. Kyle Jorgensen the board in the student union is allowed for anyone to post on.
  4. We are getting judged on Monday about the monsters so if you would like to you please do it
  5. President Dulce Lopez
  1. Still working on people coming in to talk with the senate on the oil extraction bill.
  2. Also I have been talking with Dr. Sawyer. He wants us to work on a Student Government sponsored speakers series, for next year not this year. So hopefully we can work on this and getting this set up along with the sponsors.
  3. Vice President Jason Barnes (see below)
  4. Executive team
  5. Lobby Corp Director: Kurt Harris ( no report given)
  6. Chief Justice: Kyle Harris ( see below)
  7. Communication Officer: Steven Jordan ( see below)
  8. Student Organization Outreach Officer: Liz Anson ( see below)
  9. Technology Officer: Ryan Hunnewell

I have been working on developing the logos. I will email you all these pictures. But right now I would like to get your feelings towards these logos. It is going to be a long process and I am going to refined more option but I appreciate your input.